I've honestly stopped caring and not all that excited at the moment. As in, my hype reached a peak some time ago and has only been dulled by the endless speculation to the point of 'whenever the fuck it comes out' apathy. Frankly, if its just a more powerful Switch that idea isn't as exciting to me having owned the Steam Deck and now the Legion Go. Which is not to say I won't get it but....it's whatever. Now if the hook this time around is making me coffee and a morning hand-job my hype will return.
In the meantime I've got plenty of shit to play. Just grabbed a Ps5 slim and just ordered FF VI remake intergrade( haven't played it yet) and will probably grab Astrobot around the holidays. Every month that goes by my gaming money goes to other things (shrugs). Shit when Xmas comes around all the PS5 games that go on sale for $30( Ratchet, Returnal, Demon Soul) I will probably grab. I got GOW2018 and Zero Dawn in my backlog from like 5 years ago.
So, take your time Nintendo.