Making A STAR WARS Film Is Difficult Due To A Lack Of Comics And Novels Says Lucasfilm President
Right. My mistake. Obviously she can't make a good Star Wars film because there's no source material to fall back on.
Oh wait a minute...
But what do I know right? Obviously I don't know shit compared to big shot movie producer. Just to be clear, I do acknowledge the criticisms of the Expanded Universe and will trust the judgement of the fans that a lot of it is crap. I've only read the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn and played the Jedi Knight games starring Kyle Katarn.
But to say that the fictional universe she took charge in has no wealth of source material is laughable. I know they declared the EU non-canon but that didn't stop them from putting Grand Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars Rebels. Perhaps she's making excuses until her eventual dismissal as Lucasfilm president. Here's hoping.
"There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels," says Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy when asked about the difficulties that come with making a Star Wars movie.

Right. My mistake. Obviously she can't make a good Star Wars film because there's no source material to fall back on.
Oh wait a minute...

But what do I know right? Obviously I don't know shit compared to big shot movie producer. Just to be clear, I do acknowledge the criticisms of the Expanded Universe and will trust the judgement of the fans that a lot of it is crap. I've only read the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn and played the Jedi Knight games starring Kyle Katarn.
But to say that the fictional universe she took charge in has no wealth of source material is laughable. I know they declared the EU non-canon but that didn't stop them from putting Grand Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars Rebels. Perhaps she's making excuses until her eventual dismissal as Lucasfilm president. Here's hoping.