she is both a producer with a long list of films when it's convenient
AND when it's not convenient she has no power, and shouldn't be considered by franchise fans who smell something rotten, and people who think she does are "weirdly obsessed" for thinking that a President of a company would have anything to do with the creative decisions.
the answer is, she has a long career, with heavy interest in developing fantasy & genre pictures, and her career should be celebrated. but she is a producer. her IMDB had zero writing credits, everything is production. she doesn't do any writing, the story stuff comes from people she picks & works with.
Known for: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park
IMO the problem is that she is just doing what she always does, it is that the new creatives suck compared to the old ones. moral relativity/postmodernism have ruined storytelling. this is why RJ and JJ are too focused on copying or deconstructing the past, rather than creating a new future, the way the OT did. in the past there were good storytellers, everyone is too meta and postmodern these days to come up with something like
Ghostbusters or
Back to the Future again. when was the last unique franchise? reboots have strangled the culture. there is a phrase i hear a lot that "All the stories have already been told". i disagree and consider this as inviting creative defeatism, as well as personal ego, into the process. yet the structuralist nostalgic
Star Trek reboots had already proven to JJ that the reboot approach was too financially successful to not capitalize on. but that's not what Star Wars ever was. it was original, first and foremost.
the honest truth is they could have easily come up with more new characters. but instead they wallowed and pittied their own position, they felt sorry for themselves, having to follow up George Lucas. when George created the original, he had far more humble ambitions, even though he sometimes suffered from writer's block like anyone, he was an endless fount of new ideas and freshly synthesized archetypes. it is as if the ST directors set themselves on pedestals they know will be knocked down (and in Rian's case, he is knocking it down himself). they thought "this will be tough to do, so let's not even try, but sell it by cleverly lampshading that fact & using meta". the lack of imagination in the ST is it's true sin. what new there is has been badly under-served.