Though they are completely different, If you enjoyd Shadows of the Damned you'll probably like this too.So is the game any good, didn't read any reviews for the console version but heard it was short, ruined by screen tearing and pretty simple. Loved the last Suda game I played, Shadows of the Damned, is this worth picking up?
Huh. My game was working fine and I was missing files as well.Fix: Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Said 12 files missing and reacquired
So is the game any good, didn't read any reviews for the console version but heard it was short, ruined by screen tearing and pretty simple. Loved the last Suda game I played, Shadows of the Damned, is this worth picking up?
Think I'll wait for a killer ini edit to appear. Sort of bummed if 60 fps affects button mashing and QTE's and the sort. But yeah, I laughed at the graphics options. Quality (I think it was) Windowed (hah) and vsync.
I just tested it, worked on my end.Yeah, you can't do the revive mashing thing unless I'm doing it wrong. I can mash with the best of them, but I just can't get revived. Otherwise I'm loving it, gameplay's alot more fun than I expected.
Im interested but I agree hopefully no achievement attached to it.
Achievement list is the same as the one from PS3/360 versions!
Speaking of which, apparently Playfire will have rewards for the game next week.
Eff the Cash Cheevo/Trophy though that was one of the most boring cheevos I had to grind in the PS3 ver.
Here are some more 4K images.
I'll probably play it tomorrow, this night I won't have time for it, but can't wait to see some smooth 60fps KID action. The shots are glorious.
Can I expect DmC performance from this game?
It runs pretty damn solid. You just need to do some editing with the ini files.
How are you running in 4k?
GeDoSaTo or just editing the ini file? Mine seems to reset to 2560x1440 and the game doesn't start when GeDoSaTo is activated.![]()
GeDoSaTo does not work. I have tried with many settings and once it gets to the loading screen it freezes. Did you test your screen to see if it fits your custom resolutions? If you did just follow these instructions.
This is the last batch for today.
Also how do you resize the images in bbcode? Because I have tried so many things and they don't work. I must be missing something...
(Insert image or images) /QUOTE] (Remember to add [ to /QUOTE] as I was doing it incomplete so I wouldnt be actually quoting nothing
Thank you so much. I never would have thought of that.
New wallpaper *yoink*Downsampled effort, not sure if I've got it right but it's looking pretty good here:
I'm really digging the art style.
Need screens of the dates please.
Especially Scarlett.
The Revive mash thing definitely doesn't work for me, tried it again. The bpm maxes at 70-ish and then plummets to usually 35 even though I'm mashing as hard as possible. Then it's at 0 when you're supposed to push RT, and then fails. 1/10 times it succeeds due to some bug where I mash all the buttons on the controller as I'm holding RT down.
But I don't mind too much as it adds a layer of challenge; don't die. Going Very Hard on my first playthrough might not have been the best choice, but it's quite fun.
Lovin the game, it's Suda through and through, in glorious 1080p/ 60fps.
The Revive mash thing definitely doesn't work for me, tried it again. The bpm maxes at 70-ish and then plummets to usually 35 even though I'm mashing as hard as possible. Then it's at 0 when you're supposed to push RT, and then fails. 1/10 times it succeeds due to some bug where I mash all the buttons on the controller as I'm holding RT down.
But I don't mind too much as it adds a layer of challenge; don't die. Going Very Hard on my first playthrough might not have been the best choice, but it's quite fun.
Lovin the game, it's Suda through and through, in glorious 1080p/ 60fps.
makin some coffee and startin this biiiiishhh
Killer Is Dead x Lollipop Chainsaw
Details are scarce, but some sort of mashup between two of Suda51’s most recent games is on the way. I’d assume there will be DLC to play as Juliet in Killer Is Dead
Wow. That better not be PC exclusive.
Can Mondo handle that?
And that deserves a new thread!