That's valiant and all

, but I don't understand how people hang around half the time.
I've played 3 and a half day's worth, have barely touched Scout and haven't fully unlocked Support/Assault; obviously I'm not playing for unlocks/completionism and I probably never will. I'm playing to have fun and do well, so hanging around to fill metres and rack things up just isn't an option.
If I'm being supported by a bunch of dildos who don't know their ass from their elbow, am constantly getting flanked/camped and reminded that I'm the only half-decent player on my team, then the capacity for fun is mitigated something shocking. It's completely antithetical to fun. And if that's the case, why put myself through the heartache?
Don't get me wrong: in an ideal world, I'd be like you, but that's never going to happen.
EDIT: FYI, the vast majority of my games are with randoms, so I'm more than familiar with the brilliant synergies that can occur.