Dam 5, little bugger hiding, can just see it,
Im in work for the next 7 hours Famicon, tomorrow night fo-sure.
Tomorrow, then! I want to check out that Toukiden demo anyways.
Dam 5, little bugger hiding, can just see it,
Im in work for the next 7 hours Famicon, tomorrow night fo-sure.
Hey guys. I just got shadow fall and have been enjoying the multiplayer. It'd be cool to have some people to play with. I sent Gallagher a request since that was the first psn I saw. Mine is jayem_1 if anyone wants to give me an add
Quote the OP to get the link for the GoogleDoc PSN ID list. You can add your ID there and see everyone's.
That's valiant and all, but I don't understand how people hang around half the time.
I've played 3 and a half day's worth, have barely touched Scout and haven't fully unlocked Support/Assault; obviously I'm not playing for unlocks/completionism and I probably never will. I'm playing to have fun and do well, so hanging around to fill metres and rack things up just isn't an option.
If I'm being supported by a bunch of dildos who don't know their ass from their elbow, am constantly getting flanked/camped and reminded that I'm the only half-decent player on my team, then the capacity for fun is mitigated something shocking. It's completely antithetical to fun. And if that's the case, why put myself through the heartache?
Don't get me wrong: in an ideal world, I'd be like you, but that's never going to happen.
EDIT: FYI, the vast majority of my games are with randoms, so I'm more than familiar with the brilliant synergies that can occur.
We need to team up more often.
missed this mick. glad to hear of the synergies that occur, i know they are rare. But to get a Mewtwo you must pass through a hundred Zubats. (currently playing Pokemon Y, forgive the analogy).
Completely agree with you about playing to have fun. If Im losing I can still have fun trying to lead my team to vicoty through spawn placements and showing them what to do. Or at least being a pain to the other team.
Everyone can do what they want I guess, just hopefully no-one quits just because they losing, at least give it a go I say. I've been there though with frustrating team-mates.
on a side-note, I've been getting very little lag latesly compared to 2 weeks ago, anyone else?
Good games tonight GAF. Got the win which is all that matters. Will upload something tomorrow. Right now I'll leave you with a present from Nicholas
Good games tonight GAF. Got the win which is all that matters. Will upload something tomorrow. Right now I'll leave you with a present from Nicholas
Wow I seem to be consistently on the shit team for the last week. W/L record has dropped from 1.4 to 1.29. Blergh.
LOL I had the pleasure of seeing this yesterday. It's hilarious, but is it 1.99 hilarious? I've been debating this.
Still a believer in going Assault only?![]()
Yeah, my K/D is going up and up still (lol).
How many kills is it to win a TDM match? Just finished on 44-13 and my team still lost ffs.
Good games tonight GAF. Got the win which is all that matters. Will upload something tomorrow. Right now I'll leave you with a present from Nicholas
Is there a way of telling what the population is like? Is there a count listed when you go into multiplayer?
Any of you going after/already have the platinum for this game? I'm wondering where you all are in your Ability unlocks if you are.
Used to use it all the time myself, but have stopped. I don't really find they are much of a problem in Classic Warzone, but I played 24p TDM for the first time today for a few matches and found it was spammed a lot.Think I'm just going to play on mute from now on. The constant Purger spam is driving me insane.
Sucks not having a full talking party
Yea, you tried to invite me right as I was getting off, sorry about that
Is it me or ONE support gun is really imba ? Mix of a snip that act like a shotgun. Pnv06
Is that the voltage? If so yeah something needs to be done to reduce the splash damage.Is it me or ONE support gun is really imba ? Mix of a snip that act like a shotgun. Pnv06
Is that the voltage? If so yeah something needs to be done to reduce the splash damage.
Used to use it all the time myself, but have stopped. I don't really find they are much of a problem in Classic Warzone, but I played 24p TDM for the first time today for a few matches and found it was spammed a lot.
Maybe it's just me but I find people's issue with it is a bit overblown.
Is that the voltage? If so yeah something needs to be done to reduce the splash damage.
Splash damage on it is already way too low dude. It needs an accuracy reduction if anything, I can literally snipe people across the map with it.
Splash damage too low? That's like 90% of my deaths by it, someone hitting the wall or ground near me.Splash damage on it is already way too low dude. It needs an accuracy reduction if anything, I can literally snipe people across the map with it.
Splash damage too low? That's like 90% of my deaths by it, someone hitting the wall or ground near me.
Was playing the wall. Kept a tunnel alone for 5m. Nano Shield destroyed in ONE shot with itThe splash damage is really low imo, but a direct hit is basically a 1 shot kill, and it's a super accurate 3 shot burst, it's not hard to hit with.
Was playing the wall. Kept a tunnel alone for 5m. Nano Shield destroyed in ONE shot with it
Destroying shields is kind of its point, it's supposed to be an anti-armor gun.
I dont know. I felt bored with assaut. Kinda like the 3rd sniper with a Nice acog. But damn this plasma is strongDestroying shields is kind of its point, it's supposed to be an anti-armor gun.
i've only used 2 guns so far: the shotgun and the Rumbler.
is it just me or HALO is a much better aim reticule than ACOG? ACOG block so much of the screen.
The Voltage Gun is just laughable most of the time. You can literally get killing sprees t will spamming it in the doorway on The Park.
Hey what's your PSN id? We should team up to play some TDM sometime since most of GAF play Warzones only.
roofelme. I'm in Australia though so I've only been only to play with mick.
roofelme. I'm in Australia though so I've only been only to play with mick.