That's the problem with western gaming nowadays, not everything needs to be a bloated mess of 60+ hours with some teenager companion and some over the top story about revenge is bad, angry is bad, love is good.
That's why every year we see China, Korea and Japan bringing banger after banger of pure joy, gameplay focus with a likable story and fun characters, that's what GoW was about, fun gameplay, with a not so bloated story and likable character.
"SIX games of pure "teenager" angry revenge weren't enough?"
I would be very angry if some God, for some arbitrate reason, locked up my brother, cursed my mother, tricked me into killing my wife and daughter, then locked me up and tortured me to make me serve the God who tricked me, all to be deceived again and having the choice to kill myself taken away from me. There is a lot of reason to Kratos be angry against the Gods.
Some time i really think that 90% o ppl that played the old GoW didnt know how to read or didnt care, anyway, NO, i wasnt tired of killing gods and having fun in a game that i didn't had to waste 2 months of my life to finish.