From the Creators of GRAND THEFT AUTO...
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis 2 Exclusively for Move + Morpheus.
I'm really not 
From the Creators of GRAND THEFT AUTO...
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis 2 Exclusively for Move + Morpheus.
yea and i'm here and still waiting for Agent ...
what about Crytek, they announced yesterday that they working with someone, could it be Sony ?
He also said that Japan Studios were developing a massive FF-sized JRPG, but I think he emphasised that one was still early and may get cancelled.
Nope. But it will not be long before we hear what the yapping is all about. It's not Nintendo or Microsoft either - says Shinobi.
what about Crytek, they announced yesterday that they working with someone, could it be Sony ?
He didn't say it was being developed by Japan Studio.
- 'Unannounced JRPG 2' will be SCE's second attempt at a big game emulating FF. If this comes to fruition, and is successful, then there is a franchise opportunity which can be exploited. Probably the most experimental project as if it bombs, then they'll never touch anything like it again. I don't think it will though. With the advent of FF15, KH3, and the announcement of FF16 sometime between 2014-2015, Japan gamers will be ready for this. The big question mark is whether they can translate some of that success to the West which will obviously be an aim.
You're right; I think I just assumed it was Japan Studios.
No worries, a lot of people did. Seeing as Level 5 are meant to be announcing a game at E3, it's probably from them.
I would give a kidney for another traditional JRPG on consoles as great as Dragon Quest VIII. I mean, I enjoyed Ni No Kuni, but the combat was horrible and I found it nowhere near as amazing as DQVIII.
That being said, I'd love it if they were developing Dark Cloud 3.
Well, I first picked up a PS3 around the time Uncharted: Drake's Fortune hit so I was probably insulated from that dry period - by the time I picked it up, Warhawk, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair and others were already released, so maybe I jumped the gun a bit.
Forgive me guys, I wrote those arguments very late at night while sleep deprived, so I may have been a tad overreactive and dumb.![]()
I picked up a PS3 in December 2007, nine months after the EU launch, and there wasn't much to play for almost a year, aside from RFOM and MotorStorm. Even the variety of multiplatform titles was a pretty limited at the time. The PS4 has had a much better variety of titles so far, be it exclusive or multiplatform, AAA or indie.
I picked up a PS3 in December 2007, nine months after the EU launch, and there wasn't much to play for almost a year, aside from RFOM and MotorStorm. Even the variety of multiplatform titles was a pretty limited at the time. The PS4 has had a much better variety of titles so far, be it exclusive or multiplatform, AAA or indie.
Because Sony are supposed to be a huge first party powerhouse and MS aren't.I find it pretty strange how Sony has put out like 6+ first party titles, whereas MS has put out like 3 and Sony is the one that keeps being talked about as not making many first party games. It is kind of odd.
Driveclub, Infamous, Killzone, Hohokum, TLOU: Remastered, The Order, MLB: The Show 2014 / 2015, LBP3.
So thats 9 titles vs. 3 for Microsoft. Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, and MCC. 2 of which are multiplatform titles.
Yet here we are.
Because Sony are supposed to be a huge first party powerhouse and MS aren't.
Because Sony are supposed to be a huge first party powerhouse and MS aren't.
Sony has 13 in-house development studios. MS have 24 according to Wikipedia, or 10 if we just count established studios. It's not like there's a big difference between them, so I don't understand why you would hold Sony's output to some higher standard than MS's.
It's already been established that that original guy ignored most of MS's output.
He ignored Ryse, Halo: Spartan Assualt, LocoCycle, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Ori and the Blind Forest, Project Spark, Kalimba, Screamride, State of Decay, Zoo Tycoon, Crimson Dragon, D4, Dance Central, Killer Instinct, Kinect Sports, Powerstar Golf, and Sunset Overdrive. The weird thing about is that I listed all of those games based on a Wikipedia list, it seems that he just listed the games he was interested in off of the top of his head--which means he also left out a bunch of PS4 games as well. There are 13 PS4 First Party games, and 20 XB1 games, assuming I counted correctly. (TBF, I didn't count a lot of the indie games that have SCE listed as a publisher because I don't think very many of those are first party output, and I tried to avoid that with XB1 as well, though I did include SO because it was still funded by MS).
By December 2007 there was Resistance, Motorstorm, Ratchet and Clank ToD, Super Stardust HD, Warhawk, Uncharted, Call of Duty 4, The Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Half Life 2. The PS4's lineup so far pales in comparison in terms of quality or impact, especially when it coms to First Party output.
The only reason the PS3's lineup seemed deficient was that the 360 had a bunch of critically acclaimed titles and the better versions of multiplats.
It's already been established that that original guy ignored most of MS's output.
He ignored Ryse, Halo: Spartan Assualt, LocoCycle, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Ori and the Blind Forest, Project Spark, Kalimba, Screamride, State of Decay, Zoo Tycoon, Crimson Dragon, D4, Dance Central, Killer Instinct, Kinect Sports, Powerstar Golf, and Sunset Overdrive. The weird thing about is that I listed all of those games based on a Wikipedia list, it seems that he just listed the games he was interested in off of the top of his head--which means he also left out a bunch of PS4 games as well. There are 13 PS4 First Party games, and 20 XB1 games, assuming I counted correctly. (TBF, I didn't count a lot of the indie games that have SCE listed as a publisher because I don't think very many of those are first party output, and I tried to avoid that with XB1 as well, though I did include SO because it was still funded by MS).
His big/other Announcements are not even revealed yet
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (probably also HD compilations of the spinnofs) on Ps4
- Sony Japans Big Budget RPG Game (like FF for a worldwide audience)
- Final Fantasy 12 Remaster
- A new Brawler Game for Ps4
- 2 Sega Exclusives for Ps4 - one will be revelead in 2015
- Exclusive Ps4 Game from Lockstarter (Rockstar Games) ?
- Exclusive Ps4 Game from Warner Bros (Superman ?)
- a Dragon Quest Remake for Ps4 and other Dragon Quest Game (DQ 11?)
- New Suikoden Game (not sure if Ps4 exclusive)
- Xenosaga HD Collection
- Sly Cooper 5
I was proud to be in your Knack Army Verendus
what would you Guys think about Sony taking over Kojima Prodcutions?
I would love that idea. Kojima could focus on one specific plattform - he and his games have a strong history with Playstation AND Sony would have a huge Japanese Studio on their lines.
I know nothing is confirmed about Kojimas Departure...Still dreaming a bit
what would you Guys think about Sony taking over Kojima Prodcutions?
I would love that idea. Kojima could focus on one specific plattform - he and his games have a strong history with Playstation AND Sony would have a huge Japanese Studio on their lines.
I know nothing is confirmed about Kojimas Departure...Still dreaming a bit
What Sony should be doing is helping Kojima set up the new studio he will inevitably found and have them as a second party studio (which they can later buy if things turn out well). .
what would you Guys think about Sony taking over Kojima Prodcutions?
I would love that idea. Kojima could focus on one specific plattform - he and his games have a strong history with Playstation AND Sony would have a huge Japanese Studio on their lines.
I know nothing is confirmed about Kojimas Departure...Still dreaming a bit
I doubt the actual studio Kojima Productions is shutting down though, especially when Konami have made it clear there will be more MGS games. Most likely there will be a total management swap, the studio will be renamed something boring like Konami Development Team 1 and they'll continue making games like before.
As for Kojima going to work for Sony, I'm not entirely convinced it would work. He'd need to walk into a Triple-A studio with probably at least 100 people on his team, and I'm not sure Sony's in the position to accommodate that right now as they're trimming parts of WWS, not increasing numbers. Joining Japan Studio would be extremely disruptive when Becker has just spent the last couple of years sorting them out, and frankly I expect Kojima himself will want to go indie like Inafune has done so that he owns the games he creates.
It's a nice idea in theory and out of all the Japanese publishers Sony is possibly the best fit due to Kojima's history with their hardware, but I don't see it happening.
Why was Verendus banned?
Only Question: Will Miyazaki do another exclusive for Ps4?
Does Sony own the Bloodborne IP?
Does Sony own the Bloodborne IP?
Welcome back, man!!100% at this point. Bloodborne is not only a critical darling, but will also sell a decent amount of copies. Sony realizes people love the Dark Souls' series and having an exclusive slice of the pie for themselves is good business. Also, I can imagine Miyazaki and co. are happy to have their game garner such acclaim. Happy times all around for From and Sony.
Sony should buy the studio
From Software could be like ND
Too late, kadokawa already bought them last year.
it would have been cool having two A+ studios under your wing whos strengths are polar opposites.
Seriously talk about the best of both of worlds, you one studios that exceeds in narrative and storytelling and another that exceeds in gameplay and complexity. Sony missed out big time in not getting From but at the very least they manage to get another exclusive and given the reaction to BB, it must likely won't be the last.
Sony should buy the studio
From Software could be like ND
Yeah, they already announced the restructure before the mess went public. Konami has three main development teams now, Production Divisions 1-3, while Kojima Production LA has been renamed to Konami LA. I'd assume one of those groups is the Metal Gear team, one is the Silent Hills team and the last is the PES team.
No way Kojima goes the way of Inafune though. Can you really see him going back to making 2D games given his love of story and scale? I bet he'll go the Kamiya/Mikami route, setting up a new studio to make AAA games and I'm guessing there'll be a few publishers chasing his next game, Sony and Nintendo probably as the front runners.
Only Question: Will Miyazaki do another exclusive for Ps4?
They already got bought last year. Sony is/was too late.It has to be mutual for them to buy it.
Some devs doesn't want to be bought.
Why not simply name his new studio Kojima Production? It's his name, or does Konami own that as well?Kojima should totally try and see if he can get away with naming his new independent studio 'Outer Heaven'![]()
Isn't he the president of FromSoftware now?None of us really know. I imagine Bloodborne will sell very well, but Kadokawa may decide Miyazaki would be better served making Dark Souls games instead of a platform exclusive as I think the IP is theirs (even though the trademark is registered in English territories as Bamco's). On the other hand Sony may offer good rates for developing Bloodborne sequels so it would make sense for From to keep both of those plates spinning. I get the feeling that Miyazaki is in an esteemed position at From, and Kadokawa probably can't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do as I'm sure other publishers (particularly Sony) would be more than happy to offer him a job.
Isn't he the president of FromSoftware now?
Why not simply name his new studio Kojima Production? It's his name, or does Konami own that as well?
Sony's not in the position to be buying devs right now anyway. They seem to be finding a lot of success by working with third parties, so that's probably a road they want to continue down.