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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Some terminal emulators doesn't let you use ctrl+c/v. It's better to use highlight and middle click. Any text you highlight in linux gets pasted into the text field you're middle clicking in. That's what I use for everything mostly. Though it has some quirks. For example, you can't highlight something and then close that window and THEN paste. The window with the highlighted text has to be open.

Anyway, glad that it works now. I knew it had to be something simple like that. In a distro like Ubuntu they should really just install ia32-libs and such on the 64-bit version as standard, though obviously it takes much more space then because you get a ton of 32-bit versions of libraries and such. But for improving ease of use for beginners it would be a good move. It's not a problem if you stick to the software center, but sometimes you just have to get binaries from somewhere else and then it's an issue.

Does NeroAacEnc support flac for input on Windows? If so I don't see why it wouldn't on linux as well. Does it give you any errors? ;)

No, by itself it does not support flac input. it only supports pcm contained in .wav. While I would like it to able to take flac files, I already know how to convert flac to wav so its more of nuisance than an actual problem. in windows by itself it is the same, but since i use guis (for example megui or foobar)in windows to handle it for me, accepts any input. seems i won't have that convenience, but if it means me do more in terminal and in result, makes me more familiar with cli, i guess its better that way.


Hey, so what's everyone's take on Linux Mint, more specifically Cinnamon?

I was a big Ubuntu user, and I was a fan of it. I'm trying out the Windows 8 release preview right now, but obviously it is going to eventually run out, and I'm going to have to go back to Linux. Is Mint/Cinnamon less intensive than Unity/Ubuntu? What's the general consensus on it? Do you think it's Mint's best GUI?

Some people love Mint - to me it feels just a little too amateur.
Teach me the ways of SSH.

ssh-keygen -t rsa

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@server "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh"

That'll make it so you don't have to type in your password to access your server.

Run a graphical app remotely:

ssh -XC user@server "firefox"

Stream a video file to the computer you're at:

ssh user@server "cat ~/bestporn.rm" | vlc -

(will also work with "mplayer -" on the right side of that "|")

Start a detachable, persistent session:

ssh user@server -t screen -Rd <yourchoiceofsessionname>

In the above scenario, hitting Ctrl-a then Ctrl-d will detach, and running it again at some later point, even from another machine, will reconnect to that "screen" session. Textmode stuff only.

Submit a workload to run on a server (useful if both your desktop and your server have access to the same network-mounted media):

echo "hacknsa --stealthy --autosend_secrets_to_aliens --melt_if_discovered" | ssh user@server -t "batch"

The above requires that "atd" is running on the server. It's an automagical "submit jobs to be run when the computer is ready to run something" dæmon. It will appear to exit immediately, and your job will be started shortly thereafter.

Synchronize two directories using ssh:

rsync ~/Maildir user@host:~/backup/Maildir/
rsync user@host:~/backup/Maildir/ ~/Maildir

If kde libraries are installed, copy an http url to somewhere on an ssh server:

kde-cp http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/neogaf/buttons/reply.gif fish://user@host/home/user/gafmirror/

Also, within most graphical file managers worth their salt you can simply browse to either "fish://user@host/home/user/" or "sftp://user@host/home/user".

You can also use your ssh server as a proxy for your web browser without having to set up an actual proxy server.


Is there any easy, light and console oriented distro? It's for a netbook.
Just this week I had the easiest time ever setting up Arch Linux on my crappy notebook. I've heard of people using it on Netbooks with success, I've only used Jolicloud for the one I briefly had but that's full GUI.

Example netbook configuration: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samsung_N150

(I was really close to livejournaling in here over how actually everything worked out of the box and pacman was so nice to be back with again but got a hold of myself. Now I got an excuse for it, thanks.)

Btw, I'm following the SSH stuff with great interest since I'll be using it for my work quite soon. As soon as they get me that new notebook they're promising.


Yeah I'm using Arch with LXDE on my first gen Atom netbook. Works great. I've optimized it to hell, but even a stock install is fast and snappy.
Arch is my distro of choice at home, but I'd like to point out that pretty much any distro out there will give you the option of running vtty-only or running with a low-profile window manager.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Basically anything with LXDE or XFCE should run better than current Gnome 3 or KDE.

For a Netbook only spin take a look at Jolicloud.

My go to really small and light distro to fix stuff with has been and continues to be Puppy Linux.


But all of those have Desktop Environments, right? Is there any distro that you don't have to compile yourself that comes default without a DE?
But all of those have Desktop Environments, right? Is there any distro that you don't have to compile yourself that comes default without a DE?

Even if it installs a DE or WM without your permission, forcing a distro to run only with a vtty is as simple as editing a single text file (usually /etc/inittab).
Playing around with KDE Plasma (with all the silly desktop effects turned off) on a netbook at the moment, it's actually surprisingly decent. Sooo much better than the last time I tried it. I love the Maemo-style task switcher.

Some of the customization stuff is still quirky as hell, but I think I have it (almost) how I want it at this point. Runs pretty well too, though it's admittedly heavier than my usual choice (XFCE).

I also have a really, really slow (~2003) proto-netbook with 256 MB of RAM running Fluxbuntu 7.10 (!) that I need to upgrade. It needs to be able to run an SVN/HTTP server, among other services. I'm looking into SliTaz and antiX and the other apparent successors to the Damn Small Linux throne, but any suggestions would be appreciated. Debian/Ubuntu package support would be a plus.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Guys I have this problem with my laptop in which when I close the lid sometimes it doesn't sleep. How do I solve this?

What OS and what Kernel Version?

PS: Sleeping and resuming working right 100% of the time has been a bane of existence for all laptops since the dawn of time no matter the OS.


Ubuntu and its been going on for like ever.

Do something like uname -a so that they can also know the kernel version. Also, saying your laptop might help.

Wouldn't really count on it though. As Bret says, sleeping can be troublesome for laptops. You could also check the manufacturer's website for firmware updates. Just in case.
Ubuntu and its been going on for like ever.

Open up one of them terminals and type the following:

uname -a

lsb_release -a

Also what's the model of the laptop? Does it use Intel chipset. Random looking came up with, for instance, this post about a bug in the Intel video drivers involving suspending when there are multiple cores. Granted, your problem is with sleep, not suspend. They're different… right? I never really had a modern laptop on account of pursuing a rather niggardly existence. The workaround is to disable all but one core, wait a couple second, then initiate sleep.

Anyway, the thing I learned from this is that you can echo "0" into a file in /sys and magically disable any core you want. :O
What OS and what Kernel Version?

PS: Sleeping and resuming working right 100% of the time has been a bane of existence for all laptops since the dawn of time no matter the OS.
I've always had success with "sleep", at least in linux land -- e.g, keep the memory powered up, but turn everything else off.

It's the suspend/hibernate thing that always, always fails.
Open up one of them terminals and type the following:

uname -a

lsb_release -a

@LinuxNinux:~$ uname -a
Linux LinuxNinux 3.2.0-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 21 16:52:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

@LinuxNinux:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise

Also yes it has an intel integrated graphics.

And its an Acer Aspire 5735.
@LinuxNinux:~$ uname -a
Linux LinuxNinux 3.2.0-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 21 16:52:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

@LinuxNinux:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise

Also yes it has an intel integrated graphics.

And its an Acer Aspire 5735.

Well then, try the workaround at the page I linked to. For ease's sake, here's a copy:

Save in /etc/pm/sleep.d/00CPU with 755 permissions. Note that it has to be called 00CPU so that it gets executed before and after anything else.

# Workaround for concurrency bug in xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.
# Save this as /etc/pm/sleep.d/00CPU


case "$1" in
		for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/online ; do
			echo 0 >$i
		sleep 10	# run with one core for 10 secs
		for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/online ; do
			echo 1 >$i


What do you mean "chmod"? Sorry its been a long while since I started digging in Linux.

Like do I just go into text editor, copy and past what he wrote and save the file as "755"?

chmod is just the command to change the permissions of a file. Like 777 Means that anyone can read write and execute the file. 755 means the owner can rwx and everyone else can just rx. You just need to run chmod 755 in terminal on that file.
chmod is just the command to change the permissions of a file. Like 777 Means that anyone can read write and execute the file. 755 means the owner can rwx and everyone else can just rx. You just need to run chmod 755 in terminal on that file.

What do I type in the terminal? Just "chmod 755"?


I'm really bad with the numbers >.> I just use the letters.... I'm afraid of messing up >.>

like chmod g+rw >.>

It's like some addition thing, right? (I'm not actually asking, though, since I'll be looking it up right now, hehe.)


However, for each symbolic link listed on the command line, chmod changes the permissions of the pointed-to file. In contrast, chmod ignores symbolic links encountered during recursive directory traversals.

Huh, didn't know that. Learn something new everyday.


Curious if any of my *Nix brethren are running NGINX instead of Apache2? I've been working feverishly on learning NGINX and look to be moving away from Apache2 simply for the speed and stability.
I'm really bad with the numbers >.> I just use the letters.... I'm afraid of messing up >.>

like chmod g+rw >.>

It's like some addition thing, right? (I'm not actually asking, though, since I'll be looking it up right now, hehe.)

For those who aren't looking it up:

rwxrwxrwx &#8592; that's what you see when you do an "ls -l" on a file.

It's a binary number.

rwxr-xr-x &#8592; that means "user can do everything, group can only read and execute, others can only read and execute"

111101101 &#8592; in binary

755 &#8592; that's the three numbers "111 101 101" converted into decimal numbers.

And that's how they get it.

I like the letter method, too, especially since there's more than just 'r', 'w', and 'x' in chmod. The equivalent of "chmod 755 <filename>" would be "chmod u+rwx,g+rx-w,o+rx-w <filename>".

edit: You can also just right-click on the file in your file manager, go into the file's properties, and tick the check boxes (or was that "check the tick boxes"?). But that's no fun.

edit: For purposes of being fair to letters, that longish chmod could also be shortened to "chmod a+rx,g-w,o-w <filename>", as the 'a' stands for "do this to user, group and other".


I like the letter method, too, especially since there's more than just 'r', 'w', and 'x' in chmod. The equivalent of "chmod 755 <filename>" would be "chmod u+rwx,g+rx-w,o+rx-w <filename>".
It might be easier to follow by using "chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx" as being equivalent to "chmod 755". The + and - operators are good for making relative changes, while = or the octal value is for absolute changes.
It's octal as 111101101 is 493 in decimal.

It is also BCD -- binary coded decimal, when you take a decimal number and encode the individual digits as binary instead of encoding the entire number.

It might be easier to follow by using "chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx" as being equivalent to "chmod 755". The + and - operators are good for making relative changes, while = or the octal value is for absolute changes.

Oh, shit, you can use an equal sign? :O


It is also BCD -- binary coded decimal, when you take a decimal number and encode the individual digits as binary instead of encoding the entire number.

I guess I never bothered to think of it as being bcd since octal is how I learned and thought out the permission bit when I first started.
Some people love Mint - to me it feels just a little too amateur.

I used Mint for about 5 - 6 months straight. It's OK, but it definitely feels unpolished when compared to Ubuntu. The Cinnamon shell is nice though, it does have quite a bit in the way of customization options. I'm using it with Ubuntu 12.04. It may not be everyones cup of tea, but it is very easy to install on Ubuntu 12.04 and doesn't require a lot in the way of dependencies. So there's very little risk in installing cinnamon and trying it out for those that are currious.


Oh, remember how Linus said that Nvidia sucks last week?

Well, Nvidia responded:


Supporting Linux is important to NVIDIA, and we understand that there are people who are as passionate about Linux as an open source platform as we are passionate about delivering an awesome GPU experience.

Recently, there have been some questions raised about our lack of support for our Optimus notebook technology. When we launched our Optimus notebook technology, it was with support for Windows 7 only. The open source community rallied to work around this with support from the Bumblebee Open Source Project http://bumblebee-project.org/. And as a result, we've recently made Installer and readme changes in our R295 drivers that were designed to make interaction with Bumblebee easier.

While we understand that some people would prefer us to provide detailed documentation on all of our GPU internals, or be more active in Linux kernel community development discussions, we have made a decision to support Linux on our GPUs by leveraging NVIDIA common code, rather than the Linux common infrastructure. While this may not please everyone, it does allow us to provide the most consistent GPU experience to our customers, regardless of platform or operating system.

As a result:

1) Linux end users benefit from same-day support for new GPUs , OpenGL version and extension parity between NVIDIA Windows and NVIDIA Linux support, and OpenGL performance parity between NVIDIA Windows and NVIDIA Linux.

2) We support a wide variety of GPUs on Linux, including our latest GeForce, Quadro, and Tesla-class GPUs, for both desktop and notebook platforms. Our drivers for these platforms are updated regularly, with seven updates released so far this year for Linux alone. The latest Linux drivers can be downloaded from www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html.

3) We are a very active participant in the ARM Linux kernel. For the latest 3.4 ARM kernel &#8211; the next-gen kernel to be used on future Linux, Android, and Chrome distributions &#8211; NVIDIA ranks second in terms of total lines changed and fourth in terms of number of changesets for all employers or organizations.

At the end of the day, providing a consistent GPU experience across multiple platforms for all of our customers continues to be one of our key goals.

Though, they kind of missed the point, since apparently Bumblebee doesn't work well? (don't have a laptop) and Nvidia isn't keen on changing anything, thus not providing a "consistent GPU experience" afterall....

Btw, has anyone used the git bisect thing before? I used it for the first time yesterday and it's pretty cool!


So in short:

"We can't be bothered to support Optimus in Linux but at least we made it a bit easier for other people to do what we won't. We also only care about focusing on ARM now since there's money to be made in mobile by getting our chips in Android devices."

Missing Person

Neo Member
Some people love Mint - to me it feels just a little too amateur.

I like it, but it's hard to get support for if something borks, especially since #ubuntu IRC made it policy not to answer questions about any Ubuntu derivative anymore, and hardly anyone is in #linuxmint-help, and if they are, they're usually idling.

That said, I've been interested in trying ArchBang. Something about a ready-set-go Arch system using Openbox (big selling point for me) is really appealing. But I know Arch is one of those tailored Distros, and I got rid of Gentoo in 2005 because I got tired of writing config files all the time even on the most *must work* programs.

Any thoughts? Would I like it or ditch it?


Neo Member

yeah, basically their respond missed the point. For Optimus they're saying "there is one project out there, try if it works for you - if not - bother them, neither them nor you will get support from us". They answering in the same way as before - what led to Torvalds "fu"-statement.

That said, I've been interested in trying ArchBang. Something about a ready-set-go Arch system using Openbox (big selling point for me) is really appealing. But I know Arch is one of those tailored Distros, and I got rid of Gentoo in 2005 because I got tired of writing config files all the time even on the most *must work* programs.

Any thoughts? Would I like it or ditch it?

I don't know about ArchBang - but if it's just an preconfigured Arch with OpenBox, I wouldn't bother and use the "original" instead.

If you are experienced with the terminal and know how to use it - I asume you do because you had Gentoo running - just go ahead and try ArchLinux. It really is a great distribution. You need to write some config files at the beginning (installation and first setup), but you can't compare the amount of work to gentoo. In fact, it's really easy to understand - KISS aproach is really nice. For a rolling release distri its stable - at least I never had big problems so far, but you should check their website from time to time (updates that need user interaction will be explained there). The Arch-Wiki is great btw.

If you don't want to know/learn about how your system works - I wouldn't recommend it.


Not so sure about Arch since I've never used it, but from what I see, both Gentoo and Arch have pretty reasonable defaults in their package managers now.

I don't think I've really had to touch a config file for a while (except the one with lightdm, I guess.)


Curious if any of my *Nix brethren are running NGINX instead of Apache2? I've been working feverishly on learning NGINX and look to be moving away from Apache2 simply for the speed and stability.

At my workplace (and for my own sites), we've been switching over from hosting our sites that run wordpress/drupal on Apache w/ mod_php to nginx w/ php-fpm. Really speaking, you can think of nginx as a very lightweight static file server with the ability to send out proxy requests to whatever so it is dependent on the 'whatever' doing things well. In the case of php-fpm, we now have a limited set of php processes running on the server so the server won't go out of control in the event it gets hit very hard (you can scale the number of php processes you want running) unlike mod_php which spins up a new php process for each new request. In my own benchmarking tests, I found that with the changeover, the same machine (a linode server with 512 megs of ram) running apache crashed with a final load average that I saw of 129 - nginx under the same circumstances completed the test and peaked at a load average of 5.5.

Nginx also as built in file caching so you can have your dynamic pages get cached for whatever amount you set your expiry time as and now your dynamic sites that can serve cached content will be very fast (thus also removing the need to have varnish running) and support for SSI (server side includes which are similar to ESI which is supported by a number of CDNs and Varnish) thus opening the door for fast sites with dynamic content (I'm still experimenting and trying to get the SSI part to work - I know the payoff will be great if I get it working :))


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I swear Linux-GAF needs to help EvilLore get a better host. I don't see why with as big as this site is he doesn't have something like openstack or aws to host. Then he can use say amazon's services to bump up or down the traffic needed almost on the fly with the right Linux tools.

No reason in the world he shouldn't be able to have a scalable forum that he can double traffic on whenever he knows there is going to be a ton of traffic like say for the E3 conferences which he can then dial back to normal in just a few hours.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Seems strange this site has downtime problems.

Who is the current provider?

Thing is even when the site doesn't have all of these downtime problems they still have a scalability problem whenever something REALLY BIG happens like the big World Cup match last World Cup or whenever the new iPhone is being announced.

I wouldn't bring it up if these aren't some of the exact issues Linux has help to solve over the past couple of years for everyone and not just the megacorp with a gazzilion servers.
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