Well I've officially (unofficially because if it was officially I would get yelled at) starting the case study of moving on from Ubuntu to CentOS for web serving. The fact that Cpanel isn't on Debian has pissed me off enough (as well as my web content providers) that we're starting to move that way.
Ironically, I remember using RHL in the past and HATING the RPM's... oddly enough, they are way the hell better than .deb's for what you do.
Only thing that is wonky is where stuff exists. Best example is configuring eth0 for my VM.
Ubuntu: /etc/network/interfaces
CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Logically I look at both and I think... "Hmmphh, yeah, yeah I see the logic... but why the gap?" (Meaning why is it so different?) In the reading I've been doing, RHL is a school of thought vastly different from that of Debian. Thankfully since I know vi and navigating a CLI, I can fumble my way through with some web searches and such. As to the "why move?" well as previously mentioned, Cpanel for administration as well as security, rolling updates and to be honest, SELinux is a pretty big step up from bubblegummed security solutions as well as AppArmor which is fine for day to day stuff but actual system kernel level hardening, SELinux wins that race.
Who knows, maybe I'm crazy but I'm finding myself tinkering with Linux more and more every day and each day I:
A) Learn something new
B) Love to find out new ways (or at least 2 ways of doing things)
C) Hate Microsoft and Windows more and more each day