Ovaltine and coffee with breakfast or you fucked up+1
water with every meal crew checking in
Ovaltine and coffee with breakfast or you fucked up+1
water with every meal crew checking in
Fuck soda. #teamwater
Fuck it getting up at 7am tomorrow to watch the Xbox conference... what time is Sony's in PST or CST or whatever?
1PM EST the best timezone ever
Sorry I couldn't play another phee/bob. I'm not sure how we lost that damn game
The very worst has happened.
The very worst has happened.
The very worst has happened.
Wtf? I was looking forward to playing. Won't buy if true! FIFA and madden only I guess
Wtf. GAF works on my phone but not my office
It's been fine for me all day. Splat is having the same problem, if you want to know the class of person you have been bundled with.
creator of the best dota app ever. sure
I just don't understand how he can simultaneously be creating the best Dota app ever made and the worst video game ever made.
I just don't understand how he can simultaneously be creating the best Dota app ever made and the worst video game ever made.
Splat is working on Half Life 3?
hrm. I like the idea, and hopefully that means they're getting content out faster for DayZ
that's what I presume, but i dont know why they would even bother adding in console if the game progresses at the same pace.The words content + faster do not go with DayZ.
Eznark's new favorite Dota team:
I guess maybe PS5 will have all the features Sony promised last year at e3.
i honestly don't know. what's still missing?
Suspend/Resume is the big one left, I think.
Suspend/Resume is the big one left, I think.