I want some community impressions. I know the game is on the show floor so hopefully soon!
Things i know about ferny:
He deals drugs
Doesnt like nintendo
Loves the show and hasnt had any problems online!
$20 bucks?! Go on monoprice and get that shit for like $10 shipped.Luxury? Spend 20 dollars on a long ethernet cable. Who's going to stop you?
$20 bucks?! Go on monoprice and get that shit for like $10 shipped.
CB is trash at smash
I can't get over how amazing new Zelda looks
CB is trash at smash
I can't get over how amazing new Zelda looks
I'll totally get a WiiU to kick CB's ass with Pikachu.
Know your role, peasant. FMT tried to challenge my smash bros skills once. He didnt get far
Know your role, peasant. FMT tried to challenge my smash bros skills once. He didnt get far
Played a game of madden today, and went 2-0 in smash! (Sup livewire!)
I couldn't find Trasher's.
I couldn't find Trasher's.
give me the dirty details on tackle cone!
I couldn't find Trasher's.
How did it work in ncaa? I can't remember.Is the snap jump thing just what they had in NCAA?
I couldn't find Trasher's.
Press LT as the offense hikes it.How did it work in ncaa? I can't remember.
Look at those stream numbers. Such fame.
Aaronthecodplayer: This guy is lazy
Aaronthecodplayer: He sucks with that thing
Br1za: Sh!t stream, need better internet
You even have your own haters!
I don't want a 100 ft Ethernet cable going in and out of 4 rooms. I'd be willing to buy it regardless of the price but that shit would look terrible.
Fine I'll get a stupid 100 ft cable and stupid sticky zip ties if that makes you jerks any happier.
I don't want a 100 ft Ethernet cable going in and out of 4 rooms. I'd be willing to buy it regardless of the price. That shit would look terrible in my house. And The Show seems to be the only game suffering from the lack of a direct connection.