As for existing past broadcasts, beginning three weeks from today, we will begin removing them from Twitch servers. If you would like to keep your past broadcasts, we encourage you to begin exporting or making highlights of your best moments so that theyre saved for posterity.
For the record, all my cuntiness is genuine.
For the record, all my cuntiness is genuine.
Yeah but you suck at dotes so no one really cares. AT is the best in here so it hits me right in the feels when he is a meanie![]()
I already make highlights of all I want to keep anyways. Right now, even the stuff I tell it to delete under past broadcasts still shows up in my dashboard. So I'll be glad if it cleans that upin more important news....
We need to protect our madden gaf treasures like the grudge match bo5, 30 min bottle, and "where are bobs boots?"
in 3 weeks they will be gone forever!!!![]()
for spending points on improving player attributes, multiple commissioner control, and a new option for simming forward.
Autopilot Control
Another suggestion that came out of our discussions with the Game Changers was allowing players to determine how long to put a team on autopilot. If you’re going on vacation for one week and want autopilot to turn off after one week, you have that ability.
That's because you are the best
In-Game Overall Ratings
Another big change in Madden NFL 15 is seeing the same overall (OVR) ratings in game as the depth chart. If a QB is an 85 overall in your scheme in the front end, they’ll be an 85 OVR in game as well.
I was looking for the Madden thread but stumbled on the Dota thread instead.
I missed your message last night FMT. Im usually on dota around that time!
If You'll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal!
If you guys think AT is mean, wait till you peek in CS!
we learn plenty... you just pretend every game we lose is due to our mistakes or shortcomings and every game we win is due to flawless brilliant play by yourself or grave
The thing is, I can't tell if you are joking with this whole cunty shtick or if this is actually genuine behavior
Haha, I never would have thought I'd get angrier from CS, but somehow it happened. I think it comes from having played on a team for so long, it's real annoying to see people selfishly go for personal glory instead of playing intelligently for the team.
Much of my frustration comes from the feeling that almost all of you have stopped trying to learn or improve. It feels like far too often when mistakes are made instead of trying to turn it into a teachable moment, others are blamed or excuses are made (far too many of which are outright false). Brent is pretty much the only one I see that is actively trying to get better on a consistent occasion. Here Brent, you've earned a sticker:
If you think I don't also give Grave shit for mistakes, I don't know what games you're watching. I usually call out my own personal mistakes even when no one else knows they even happened. Admittedly I haven't taken the most constructive approach to this type of thing lately, but it can get frustrating when advice falls on deaf ears.
Haha, I never would have thought I'd get angrier from CS, but somehow it happened. I think it comes from having played on a team for so long, it's real annoying to see people selfishly go for personal glory instead of playing intelligently for the team.
Much of my frustration comes from the feeling that almost all of you have stopped trying to learn or improve. It feels like far too often when mistakes are made instead of trying to turn it into a teachable moment, others are blamed or excuses are made (far too many of which are outright false). Brent is pretty much the only one I see that is actively trying to get better on a consistent occasion. Here Brent, you've earned a sticker:
If you think I don't also give Grave shit for mistakes, I don't know what games you're watching. I usually call out my own personal mistakes even when no one else knows they even happened. Admittedly I haven't taken the most constructive approach to this type of thing lately, but it can get frustrating when advice falls on deaf ears.
Random Draft Classes
For the first time in CFM, draft classes are entirely random. Every name, rating, trait, face, etc. is randomly generated every season. No two classes are alike or predictable. This is something weve wanted to do for the past few years. Our fans have been very passionate about random draft classes, and this addition adds unlimited replayability to Connected Franchise.
Much of my frustration comes from the feeling that almost all of you have stopped trying to learn or improve. It feels like far too often when mistakes are made instead of trying to turn it into a teachable moment, others are blamed or excuses are made (far too many of which are outright false). Brent is pretty much the only one I see that is actively trying to get better on a consistent occasion. Here Brent, you've earned a sticker:
If you think I don't also give Grave shit for mistakes, I don't know what games you're watching. I usually call out my own personal mistakes even when no one else knows they even happened. Admittedly I haven't taken the most constructive approach to this type of thing lately, but it can get frustrating when advice falls on deaf ears.
AT you really hurt Shakes feelings. You best apologize.
Fuck all ya'll! You guys aren't yolo enough for me. Sorry boys but it's time for me to start my career as a solo artist. Road to 4k starts as soon as I get some sleep.![]()
You have to pass me in MMR first, pal!
You guys must've played in some super tense games without me or I am oblivious. I haven't seen a ton of finger pointing, just mostly silence halfway through bad games.
That one games where shake threw his computer through a wall was amazing though.
I will say the one time I got real annoyed was that Razor game when I didn't get BKB. In game I got shit on but afterwards when I actually discussed it and my reasoning for it that helped a lot! A lot more than "I can't do this anymore" anyway.We fucking won that game too!
I think clearly it is time to run some team ranked and crank this up! We've plateaued and gone stagnant, time to break through that glass ceiling!
Awwwwww shit.
I feel like I haven't been in any of the really tense games either, or maybe I just brush it off. Sometimes, a curb stomp turns into a fun "tether to the ancient" game!
You need to get in a tense loss with Brent. It can be very rewarding. Where Shake goes super ragey, Brent just sort of quietly seeths.
I thought we gave a decent reason ingame. Something about razor needing to move and deal damage over time so you can't afford to get disabled. In contrast to warlock or disruptor, aren't really one spell heros but I hope that makes sense. I think that team had a ton of disable and cc. Tide and someone else.You guys must've played in some super tense games without me or I am oblivious. I haven't seen a ton of finger pointing, just mostly silence halfway through bad games.
That one games where shake threw his computer through a wall was amazing though.
I will say the one time I got real annoyed was that Razor game when I didn't get BKB. In game I got shit on but afterwards when I actually discussed it and my reasoning for it that helped a lot! A lot more than "I can't do this anymore" anyway.We fucking won that game too!
I think clearly it is time to run some team ranked and crank this up! We've plateaued and gone stagnant, time to break through that glass ceiling!
Fuck yes!
Shame you turned your back on the league brah... A real shame!
I thought we gave a decent reason ingame. Something about razor needing to move and deal damage over time so you can't afford to get disabled. I think that team had a ton of disable and cc. Tide and someone else.
As I remember it none of that was said til after the game, or maybe right at the end when I started to explain my thought process.
Regardless my point wasn't about that, it was about how useful I found actually talking about it afterwards. Shake is right!
I thought it was sometime after you said something about not really needing a bkb. But I don't know, was too busy thinking of what other silly item to get on carry veno that wasn't bkb. But bkbs suck anyway. Should've just got skadi for the endless static link.
I just wanted to do damage Crow, you know what that is like.
I'm here!
Damn right! You are worthy of joining Team YOLO. And it wasn't me complaing about your lack of bkb. But you did ask if anyone else had daedalus when you should damn well know that we can never have enough daedaluses. So you lost some yolo points right there.
Did someone say YOLO?