It has better motion blur but, yeah, it's not smooth at all. :-/It feels worse than Bloodbourne
Fairly mediocre so far except for the story scenes. Hate the fact you need to collect the parts to do the junction boxes makes me not bother with it.
One of my favorite past times has been going around to "no coloreds allowed" establishments, kicking down the back down and then roughing up the shopkeepers as they threaten to call the cops
So wrong yet so good
How do you kick in doors?
Tried a few hours tonight, rented from Redbox. I think it's going to be too repetitive for me, but I still like it enough to pick it up once it hits 10-15 bucks.
That first "boss" tho.
Just some random dude in street clothes, and he ate more than 6 shots straight to the head and didn't go down. It's a little ridiculous.
It's intentional.The devs didn't want any fail states so key members like underbosses and what not can't be killed before you interrogate them.
You know the doors that are locked that you have to crowbar to get into? Just walk up to them and hit circle. it only works on those doors that are locked. Linc won't kick in doors that he can just push open.
I think he means that the guy requires 6 shotgun blasts in the face before he goes down into his submission mode. His "health bar" is 10 times bigger than regular thugs.
Ah ok. I think i know who you meanI think he means that the guy requires 6 shotgun blasts in the face before he goes down into his submission mode. His "health bar" is 10 times bigger than regular thugs.
nope. You only need it if you want to be stealthy. But if you do this in a building that has enemies, it'll alert them to your presence but if you plan on going in loud from the start, it's just badass to kick in the door and start spraying.Wait.....I don't have to do that stupid mini game anymore?
So the game turned out to be not that good? I haven't bought it, since I'm not in town. What do you suggest, guys? Wait for sale?
Lot of people here like it. I think it's repetitive and worth a rent at the most. The story and characters really carry the game, but that's how Mafia has always been.
Yeah that's all I save my parts for to do the racket bosses. Other ones seem pointless. Makes no sense why you would need that to recruit either.I don't know why they thought it'd be a good idea to make Ass Creed towers but worse. I would ignore them if they weren't mandatory to be able to recruit racket bosses.
So the game turned out to be not that good? I haven't bought it, since I'm not in town. What do you suggest, guys? Wait for sale?
If you're familiar with the gameplay and how everything works and you're on the fence i'd say wait for a sale. I get the impression that most people that really like the game, myself include, had some idea that it would be a game they'd enjoy
Another + is that this is the best soundtrack for a open world game since Vice City
The devs have said they're patching it in later based on feedback they were receiving before release. I agree. The beard is badass and looks really good in the gameSimple question, but can you actually change outfits and hairstyles and stuff?
I want that badass beard back asap.
That's quite literally the whole game, no joke. It's do side missions to advance the story: The Game.I have been avoiding reading anything about the game on a story / structure level but have a question about side missions: Do you have to do them to unlock main story missions? I am making an effort in open-world games to not get involved in every single thing on offer as it becomes repetitive so I want to trim things as best I can.
Does this play as a better thirdperson shooter than GTA or Watch Dogs or Sleeping Dogs? Like, speaking about gamefeel.
I'll give it a crack eventually, but for those playing, how does this compare to Sleeping Dogs (my favourite GTA-like sandbox game), and The Godfather (a criminally* underappreciated sandbox game)?
*pun intended
Does this play as a better thirdperson shooter than GTA or Watch Dogs or Sleeping Dogs? Like, speaking about gamefeel.