3.5 hours? Something is very likely wrong with your console. 30ish minutes here. Not to say 30 minutes is acceptable.
Do you have a physical copy or digital?
3.5 hours? Something is very likely wrong with your console. 30ish minutes here. Not to say 30 minutes is acceptable.
God damn I love this game, but I always knew I would anyway.
I still think the Lincoln 'hop' is one satisfying animation.
The hop he does after aiming and before sprinting.
It's bottom right in my game ^^
That should have said chasing not tailing. My bad
How do you get access to the Family Kickback Preorder DLC ingame? Do the vehicles spawn randomly?
That's like the 3rd or 4th boat mission, right? I got the same problem.
I love Sleeping Dogs, but I'm not quite ready to compare it yet. The beauty of that game was how shooting, driving stunts, and melee blended together in the bigger missions in a way no other open world game has done quite as well, or even attempted really. Mafia 3 is a much more lean gameplay experience, where you do map clearing takeover activities that build up to bigger set-piece missions, but it's all built on third person shooting + light stealth mechanics.
And though Sleeping Dogs' story/characters were likable, Mafia 3's is much higher quality and touching on much heavier themes with a lot more nuanced performances.
SD was more polished at launch though :X
I'd say it's even with Watch_Dogs, though with a different combat focus. W_D is very fluid but sometimes feedback is a little light. Mafia isn't as smooth, though still highly responsive, but combat is more weighty and brutal. Sleeping Dogs has good melee combat, but shooting/cover is mushy and imprecise. GTA has no place in this discussion aside from having the most consistent physics/hit detection.
Ya know It didn't even bother me that much in Bloodbourne. It's really really bad here.Sampled the game on PS4 - wasn't sure if I was playing Mafia 3 or Bloodborne. The frame pacing is so bad, it's hard to tell. The game would run at a fairly steady clip otherwise but the micro-stuttering is awful.
Good to know, might take a chance on this just based on that. Cause I just want to shotgun blast and stab racist fools and have it feel good.
The combat is far beyond the expectation of a third person open world game.
It's very reminiscent of Bungie's 30 second of fun rule.
The combat is far beyond the expectation of a third person open world game.
It's very reminiscent of Bungie's 30 second of fun rule.
YumCombat in Mafia 3 puts anything GTAV has to offer in that department into shame. At least on PC.
The impressions about the game's structure confirmed all of my fears, unfortunately.
It's such a shame, this game couldn't be bad, it didn't deserve to be bad.
I'll still get it when it's cheaper, I guess. I care too much about the setting and story, but it's such a missed opportunity.
Great to know that the combat is fun, though.
Bolded bit, wot? Those are Mafia 3's strongest parts easily. From world design to music track choices to cutscene execution to writing is hitting all right notes for game set in this time period.
I love Sleeping Dogs, but I'm not quite ready to compare it yet. The beauty of that game was how shooting, driving stunts, and melee blended together in the bigger missions in a way no other open world game has done quite as well, or even attempted really. Mafia 3 is a much more lean gameplay experience, where you do map clearing takeover activities that build up to bigger set-piece missions, but it's all built on third person shooting + light stealth mechanics.
And though Sleeping Dogs' story/characters were likable, Mafia 3's is much higher quality and touching on much heavier themes with a lot more nuanced performances.
SD was more polished at launch though :X
I'd say it's even with Watch_Dogs, though with a different combat focus. W_D is very fluid but sometimes feedback is a little light. Mafia isn't as smooth, though still highly responsive, but combat is more weighty and brutal. Sleeping Dogs has good melee combat, but shooting/cover is mushy and imprecise. GTA has no place in this discussion aside from having the most consistent physics/hit detection.
I think he means that he really wanted to play the game because of the story, but is put off by the gameplay issues.
Do you have a physical copy or digital?
Does anyone else think some of the HUD elements on PS4 are far too small? I've had trouble making some of them out without squinting or having to move closer.
So, I can feel comfortable getting the PS4 version now until PC version gets fixed? Does it look really nice? I'm wary of framerate, which is why I usually get the PC version.I just got all three associates, had a meeting, and unlocked a hell of a lot of new story missions to tackle in whatever order I want. I've been skipping ALL the optional missions because I rented this from Redbox but I've been playing it basically non-stop (aside from work and sleep) since I picked it up yesterday.
The stealth combat, gunplay, movement, and driving are all phenomenal. The repetitive gameplay loop, however, is utter shit. The main thing keeping me going is the amazing story. I'm LOVING the cutscenes. The game makes me think of the latest season of American Horror Story when it comes to those, where you carry out a mission and do gameplay things, then it cuts to a court room in the future where someone is being investigated. Super cool style.
EDIT: Also I'm playing on PS4 and have had ZERO bugs, glitches, crashes, framerate issues, slowdown, or anything. I hope you all on the Xbox One and PC get a patch or something because it's a really enjoyable game if you don't mind the repetition.
Bolded bit, wot? Those are Mafia 3's strongest parts easily. From world design to music track choices to cutscene execution to writing is hitting all right notes for game set in this time period.
I think he means that he really wanted to play the game because of the story, but is put off by the gameplay issues.
Physical. Is that the difference?
That's like the 3rd or 4th boat mission, right? I got the same problem.
Yep, third mission.
So, I can feel comfortable getting the PS4 version now until PC version gets fixed? Does it look really nice? I'm wary of framerate, which is why I usually get the PC version.
At night especially The Bayou Fantom area has already become one of my favourite areas in any game I've played.
Right up there with the beach strip in Vice City.
Driving at night to the Bayou with Johnny Cash on the radio = OMG
It's pretty atmospheric driving through Bayou Fantom during night time while listening to some good ol' Johnny Cash.
Potomac GT is my favorite car so far. Driving feels very good with that car.
It isn't bugged. Boat and enemies will spawn when you can increase income of your rackets. If your current rackets for Haitians are maxed out then you don't get boat spawn.
There should be a mission info text stating that this mission can't be played if that's so.
Oh yeah![]()
I'm playing on Normal but the AI sticks out like a sore thumb already.
I think it's super mediocre so far but I've only had a couple of prolonged gun fights. The AI seems to just indiscriminately move around and it's super easy to flank and they are slow to react.
The AI is terrible. One of the early missions has you. I stab someone, a couple of people kind of react and run off while the others that were also near me didn't even bat an eyelash. A lot of it just feels so lifeless when compared to other open world games.rescuing some ladies from a prostitution house
The gunplay has led to some awesome firefights even with some of the braindead AI because I find myself risking getting killed and going for brutal executions.
Stealthing rackets have been incredibly easy, in large part due to the dumb ai. The whistle ability makes for easy pickings.
I think the problem people have is that the AI doesn't appear to respond to sound cues (outside of weapon discharges and even that is hit and miss) - as long as something happens within visual range, their reaction is adequate but believability goes out the window when someone dies screaming next to an enemy but they stay stoic because their visual perception cone is turned in the other direction.
I think the AI needs a major tweaking, you just take cover and press B ( everyone of them took the same path )![]()
Man why didn't Take-Two just get some Rockstar devs to help out with the open-world stuff? This has worse AI than Saints Row 1 and is buggier too.
The AI is beyond stupid and the clipping is atrocious. I executed a guy and he was falling through a chair and the gun barrel was also sticking through the seating.
been watching Dan play it on Twitch. Looks really good for this type of game. Questionable AI of course, but the story and mo cap are quite solid.
Two problems so far: Repetitive side missions and the AI is fucking awful when you're playing stealthily. Just whistle and knife everybody.
Yep the AI is dumb as shit.
Can't speak for the repetitive part yet I'm only an hour in. But Jesus the AI is garbage.
I like the stealth in this game. Like the AI is real stupid, and they only respond to whistles one at a time, but it's still pretty satisfying
Because that lack of variety when combined with the laughable AI, shoddy hit detection and poor performance is making me consider a trade before the weekend is out.
No. Or if it does then Medium and Easy difficulty AI must be insanely stupid because on Hard it's stupid.
And as for enemy AI:
But I suppose you can sort of explain this because of them being hillbilly inbred rednecks.
Yeah agree with all this. Mafia 3 has been really fantastic with that, but also I quite enjoy the simulation driving mode where you really get to see it in action with the better cars that have the right weighting and swing to do great slides and sharp turns while not awfully challenging.
Story stuff and gameplay is great, just a shame you'll see random bugs here and there, and obviously the 60fps patch can't come soon enough.
Is the game supposed to stutter this much on Xbox One? Feels almost like lag.
Is simulation driving on by default?
If I start on hard and get my crawdads blown off, can I switch to normal without having to start a new game?