Should I wait for the summer sale to buy this game?
Also, as a total nublet to these kinds of games, is the 2014 version a good introduction?
I mean, I won't be tuning and customizing any decks soon so are the pre-made ones any good?
So how the hell does dual mana work in this game? It seems it auto picks what mana I wanna tap based on what cards I have left to cast?
I don't know how it picks the first land selection, but you can cycle through your available lands to pick the right combo you want to use before you cast the spell. On iPad you do it by selecting the card and then tapping on it while it is highlighted. I assume on other platforms there is some button that does this.
I don't know about 2014 specifically but generally you can take your pick from a variety of pre-made decks so you can usually find something you like. Just pick a deck and play the campaign. You will face all the decks then and you can see if something catches your eye.
Unfortunately every time you win you will unlock a card for that deck which is automatically added to it. This means your deck will soon be too big and you will need to decide what to remove. I'm also quite new to this but you don't need to be nervous about customising. That's when things get interesting.
The sealed deck list is a disappointment.That is definitely the case. This appears to be the final list:
Should I wait for the summer sale to buy this game?
Also, as a total nublet to these kinds of games, is the 2014 version a good introduction?
I mean, I won't be tuning and customizing any decks soon so are the pre-made ones any good?
2012 black decks ruled. 2013 green decks ruled. Still haven't had time to hit up 2014..tonight probably. If anyone is strictly bout da mp on ps3, add me and I'm always up for a game.
If you wanna help me with the win achievement on '13/'14, I'm willing to play either/or after but I haven't unlocked anything since I'm still (slowly) going through DLC #3 for 2011.
Lost five times in a row to Liliana, two with Ajani and two with green ramp deck. Her draws are absolutely hilarious, Tendrils of Corruption the turn before I killed her, then Fleshbag Marauder to kill my voltroned dude.
is it me or does the dimir deck feel really slow and underwhelming?
Both my sealed decks turned out to be white/black, and both are fairly different, which is surprising considering the low number of cards here.
One is clearly better than the other though. But the in game deck rater calls the worse one better.
Well, I've made it to rank 27 on the 1v1 ladder with the blue deck, my thoughts so far:
They really killed the power level of the decks and the ability to interact with your opponent. This is especially noticeable when you look at the amount and power of non-creature spells. The creatures they've put in this year's version are also a lot more vanilla and creature abilities are more tepid. Every deck save for the green ramp deck seems to revolve around playing creatures and turning them sideways. Creature light decks seem impossible to play.
Based on what I've experienced, the blue deck is the most consistent. I just pretend I'm playing fish and it's smooth sailing. The white weenie and sliver decks are capable of more explosive nut draws, but they seem to come along a lot less frequently than I could play a Lord of the Unreal into a Phantasmal Image into practically anything. Even without Lords or Images, the evasive nature of the creatures in this deck makes it pretty easy. I cut the curve to 3, cut the mana to 20 Islands, and left in most of the combat tricks, it's a total tempo deck.
I hope the expansion packs and promo unlocks add some more power and interactiveness to the game, because it's probably the most boring DotP game out of the four in my opinion. Challenges were super easy to boot.
No couch coop sucks.
So far I'm liking the campaign ok, but like others I'm disappointed with the lack of sophisticated decks. I always play Blue, so now that its one of the best decks it just makes it really easy.
looks like either Jace or Avacyn's Glory are the top decksAvacyn's Glory definitely seems to be one of the best decks from what I've seen. Although I haven't really even played with any of the other ones.
I've somehow managed to get to Rank 6 on 1v1's with it. The only decks I have any sort of problems with are other Avacyn glory decks and maybe that zombie one from time to time. It just does so well even with only three mana and a lot of creature removal.
The black deck seems pretty fun in this one. I won with the green deck against her.
No couch coop sucks.
Well, I've made it to rank 27 on the 1v1 ladder with the blue deck, my thoughts so far:
They really killed the power level of the decks and the ability to interact with your opponent. This is especially noticeable when you look at the amount and power of non-creature spells. The creatures they've put in this year's version are also a lot more vanilla and creature abilities are more tepid. Every deck save for the green ramp deck seems to revolve around playing creatures and turning them sideways. Creature light decks seem impossible to play.
Based on what I've experienced, the blue deck is the most consistent. I just pretend I'm playing fish and it's smooth sailing. The white weenie and sliver decks are capable of more explosive nut draws, but they seem to come along a lot less frequently than I could play a Lord of the Unreal into a Phantasmal Image into practically anything. Even without Lords or Images, the evasive nature of the creatures in this deck makes it pretty easy. I cut the curve to 3, cut the mana to 20 Islands, and left in most of the combat tricks, it's a total tempo deck.
I hope the expansion packs and promo unlocks add some more power and interactiveness to the game, because it's probably the most boring DotP game out of the four in my opinion. Challenges were super easy to boot.
Goldnight Commander and Devout Invocation, yay or nay?
Does 2014 actually coincide with Core Set 2014 in real life?
You could probably get complete 2012 or 2013 for ~$5 in the summer sale. The only thing you'll be missing out on is multiplayer (which is still working, but probably not as active as the newest verion) and the sealed decks. But the premades may actually be better, at least in 2012. Then if you still are interested get 2014 in xmas sale for $5.
It is kind of a nonbo since you're tapping the guys that would get buffed by the Commander to make the Angels but then the angels don't have Haste so they can't attack either. Increasing Devotion is probably better for combo potential, but then 4/4 Angels are way better than 1/1 Humans (but 5 mana is significantly less than 7).
24 lands
3 x Champion of the Parish
2 x Path to Exile
2 x Thalia
1 x Elite Inquisitor
1 x Grand Abolisher
2 x Honor of the Pure
4 x Gather the Townsfolk
2 x Mentor of the Meek
1 x Thraben Doomsayer
3 x Fiend Hunter
2 x Oblivion Ring
1 x Restoration Angel
2 x Goldnight Commander
2 x Angelic Overseer
1 x Baneslayer Angel
1 x Geist-Honored Monk
1 x Increasing Devotion
1 x Hallowed Burial
1 x Bonds of Faith
1 x Martyr's Bond (going to drop this card for something cheaper)
1 x Devout Invocation
and one card that I can't remember
I thought local two headed giant was in the game, just under single player for some reason?
Omg could some of the font be any smaller and that menu navigation is terrible. (Playing 360 version)
I had terrible draws and she got disgusting draws. One match (with the ramp deck) I ramped to literally 23 lands and drew a whopping three fatties (Pelakka Wurm, the Hydra and some Eldazi) that got promptly removed before I could attack, then I drew ramp for 6 turns.
Then the next match I played Jace and she didn't draw land so I beat her by turn 5. :lol
Not the best designed decks I've seen on DotP indeed, just look at the Auras in Ajani's deck.
Well the starting red deck is crap compared to the unlocked version you can tweak it to. Way too slow by default.
I imagine that's why a lot of battles seem unfair too, the basic decks are pretty poorly made at least that first red one is horrible. Others are probably similar. Even with the 30 cards unlocked and it tweaked, it's still not great by any means. I certainly would hope to find a better deck, as for a red deck it does not have enough sustainable board control, too many one time use cards and done, you'll quickly be up against a few creatures with no counter to them based on how the decks played from last year's version.
Edit: Maybe they want to encourage people to build sealed decks for online play lol, instead of the pre-built ones. I certainly imagine you could make a much better deck with a little luck.
Any Promo code unlocks yet?