Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My take from playing the Beta for a day now is that someone at WOTC is getting fired.
My take from playing the Beta for a day now is that someone at WOTC is getting fired.
So how pricey is it to build budget, viable Modern decks? Because this Standard is the worst I've seen since I got back into Magic.
So how pricey is it to build budget, viable Modern decks? Because this Standard is the worst I've seen since I got back into Magic.
So how pricey is it to build budget, viable Modern decks? Because this Standard is the worst I've seen since I got back into Magic.
My favorite decks include Sidisi Whip/Delve/Reanimator, Kiora Ramp/Fatty, and Fish.What do you like to play?
8 whack is budget friendly and leads into burn relatively easily. Maybe around 240 with guides (most expensive at 35 or so per)
Well I finally had a fun game playing a Vehicles deck against some dude running GB Counters or some such other non-combo wombo brew.
My favorite decks include Sidisi Whip/Delve/Reanimator, Kiora Ramp/Fatty, and Fish.
Merfolk is relatively inexpensive as well depending on your overall budget.
Expensive cards are vials, and caverns and one each of the kamigawa blue lands.
Also if you ever enter into legacy it has an easy upgrade path with 4 forces, 4 daze, 4 true name and a Jitte.
They accidentally made a new Splinter Twin combo, in a format that now has next to no effective removal or disruption
Saheeli is blinked.I'm not seeing the combo there. You mean the exile? Wouldn't that just stop after 2 Felidars are artifacted because of Sahelli's 3 health (if you -2 twice?)?
What's the difference between design and development and how do they interact when working on sets?
I'm not seeing the combo there. You mean the exile? Wouldn't that just stop after 2 Felidars are artifacted because of Sahelli's 3 health (if you -2 twice?)?
So I've said this before and got shouted at, but in my experience Wizards will *never* catch this stuff until they completely change their testing process.
Standard is already in an 'outside of the norm' situation, so it's really not outside the realm of possibility.
There's plenty of countermagic. The problem is that the deck that plays all the countermagic is the deck that plays the Copycat combo.
Saheeli is blinked.
What's the difference between design and development and how do they interact when working on sets?
Ah, okay. You play the Felidar, exile Saheeli. Comes back good as new, rinse repeat. If my understanding is right. Been a while since I've played.
Looking at the set as a whole, Revolt as a mechanic is pretty lame, and was clearly intended specifically for limited use. Granted, there are cards that can use the mechanic well to its advantage outside of the scope (Fatal Push) there just isn't any other cards you WANT to use outside of Hidden Stockpile and maybe Solemn Recruit.
So is this a bad time to get into Magic?
Depends on what kind of MTG you're playing.So is this a bad time to get into Magic?
So is this a bad time to get into Magic?
I don't think you could be more wrong. Fatal Push, Vengeful Rebel, Greenwhell Liberator, Hidden Herbalists, Narnam Renegade, Hidden Stockpile, Renegade Rallier are all constructed playable. I'd argue that Revolt is one of the most pushed mechanics in a long ass time.
Of course if all standard becomes is combo vs marvel vs emrakul they might not see play, but the cards are very good.
Legacy is eternal in the same way people consider dead authors to be immortalized.Modern will die a slow death. Legacy shall be eternal.
To be clear, it's not that it's a bad idea, but it's a lot more complicated to implement in a sensible way than just deciding to do it. The reason they're resistant to this approach is just how negatively it impacts all their marketing channels. For one, the PT and competitive play in general is a huge part of their set-to-set marketing and it relies on having a bunch of consistent high-end players over time. Most people playing for real PT success aren't going to skip seasons to help playtest unless you pay them equivalently, and if you have arbitrary pros getting the advantage of months-early knowledge you create huge resentment problems.
The other big issue is just leaks. We've seen the last couple years both how hard it already is to keep major leaks under wraps and exactly how destructive it is to get super-big, super-early leaks when they rely on the spoiler season -> pre-release -> release timing to drive hype. The last time they even gave finished sets to pros early it caused both of these problems -- the whole set leaked months early and people got mad that certain players were being unfairly favored.
Now, there's probably a way to set it up that avoids these problems, but it's definitely not as simple as "just call up some top pros for each set."
Nah, this is still less of a problem than at least half of the previous ban-generating Standard environments.
Yeah one of our lessons from Twin should've been about the problem with control decks being able to just poop out unanswerable instant wins with a decent draw.
Merfolk is a bad choice right now. It's the only Vial deck, so that's 160$ locked to one deck. Plus, all of the Lorwyn Merfolk would plummet in price if reprinted in Mm
I actually feel that Aether Revolt could lend some much needed diversity to Standard except lol at the white blinker and lol at the WG recurrence guy. Stop guys. Just stop
This just solidifies my idea that the current Development team at Wizards needs to be sacked. I'm beginning to think that KtK was a fluke in development, because that's the only set recently(RTR onwards?) that's been an A+ in limited and in Constructed.
I know it's bad, but the entirety of Development needs to either be fired or yelled at, because it's their fault that 90% of this shit happens. BFZ Sucked, but I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have been as bad if it wasn't the Gideon/Expedition Lottery.My take from playing the Beta for a day now is that someone at WOTC is getting fired.
Merfolk is a bad choice right now. It's the only Vial deck, so that's 160$ locked to one deck. Plus, all of the Lorwyn Merfolk would plummet in price if reprinted in Mm
Modern was the most popular format by a long shot last year. It's not dying lol.Modern will die a slow death. Legacy shall be eternal.
It's like playing Twin in a format where all of the removal is expensive and shitty.
Because Development only just got the idea that maybe having piss answers for busted cards was a dumb idea.Why do they think this is okay to do in Standard? Really.
The 3 block rotation was why, they wanted to make sure cards would see play that features major mechanics. They just went to an insane extreme with the concept by taking away literally every safety valve.Why do they think this is okay to do in Standard? Really.
Why do they think this is okay to do in Standard? Really.
I don't think you could be more wrong. Fatal Push, Vengeful Rebel, Greenwhell Liberator, Hidden Herbalists, Narnam Renegade, Hidden Stockpile, Renegade Rallier are all constructed playable. I'd argue that Revolt is one of the most pushed mechanics in a long ass time.
Man this is a fitting thread title.
Revolt is actually not that easy to activate in standard constructed if you don't build the entirety of your deck around it, especially not at instant speed and during your opponent's turn
Fatal Push is the only one that needs revolt on your opponent's turn though, and that is good even without revolt.
So is this a bad time to get into Magic?
Looking at the set as a whole, Revolt as a mechanic is pretty lame, and was clearly intended specifically for limited use.
In terms of marketing, as an aside, are the pro-tours really that effective as a marketing tool?
The problem isn't diversity; its that all of the decks are unfun to play.
Fire Stoddard, because the dude literally goes "We might have made X a little too strong" when it's obvious to anyone not in R&D.