3x Depala, Pilot Exemplar
3x Sram, Senior Edificer
4x Veteran Motorist
4x Metalwork Colossus
3x Consulate Dreadnaught
3x Heart of Kiran
3x Aethersphere Harvester
3x Cultivator's Caravan
4x Peacewalker Colossus
2x Skysovereign, Consulate Flagship
3x Harnessed Lightning
3x Unlicensed Disintegration
3x Sanctum of Ugin
1x Inventor's Fair
4x Aether Hub
4x Spire of Industry
4x Inspiring Vantage
4x Concealed Courtyard
2x Needle Spires
2x Shambling Vent
3x Fumigate
4x Radiant Flames
2x Authority of the Consules
2x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
2x Battle at the Bridge
2x Metallic Rebuke
Played it at a GPT today. Not with this mana base, had some problems getting the cards there.
I really think there's something here. My opponents were continually flummoxed. I played the deck with the Metalwork Colossus package in the sideboard and 4x Toolcraft Exemplar in the main, but it was the worst card in the deck.
This deck features: 18 vehicles, 12 Dwarves - 20 hits for Depala activations. Creatures when you want them. Something to do with your Colossus discounts when you're not casting one. The best use of Depala and Sram I've seen yet in standard.
It's rough. It was only built last night. But it's powerful.
3x Depala, Pilot Exemplar
3x Sram, Senior Edificer
4x Veteran Motorist
4x Metalwork Colossus
3x Consulate Dreadnaught
3x Heart of Kiran
3x Aethersphere Harvester
3x Cultivator's Caravan
4x Peacewalker Colossus
2x Skysovereign, Consulate Flagship
3x Harnessed Lightning
3x Unlicensed Disintegration
3x Sanctum of Ugin
1x Inventor's Fair
4x Aether Hub
4x Spire of Industry
4x Inspiring Vantage
4x Concealed Courtyard
2x Needle Spires
2x Shambling Vent
3x Fumigate
4x Radiant Flames
2x Authority of the Consules
2x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
2x Battle at the Bridge
2x Metallic Rebuke
Played it at a GPT today. Not with this mana base, had some problems getting the cards there.
I really think there's something here. My opponents were continually flummoxed. I played the deck with the Metalwork Colossus package in the sideboard and 4x Toolcraft Exemplar in the main, but it was the worst card in the deck.
This deck features: 18 vehicles, 12 Dwarves - 20 hits for Depala activations. Creatures when you want them. Something to do with your Colossus discounts when you're not casting one. The best use of Depala and Sram I've seen yet in standard.
It's rough. It was only built last night. But it's powerful.