suikodan said:
I remember reading a topic from a person in this thread saying that MGS:TTS would sell 750K copies.
We're still a long way off from that.
It's also funny to read that Pikmin 2 will sell huge quantities
(FYI: I bought MGS:TTS)
ok, but I thought Konami would ship a good amount of quantity, institute some sort of marketing campaign (even if minimal, like ads and cardboards, maybe contest or some pre-order incentive, like Namco did with Tales of Symphonia, which also didn't have TV ads, but had pre-order deals and a contest that spurred discussion and interest). I work in retail, and the fact that The Twin Snakes exists is probably unknown to like a good 3/4 of people that know about the franchise)... There is no exposure and Konami didn't bother to ship copies in steady quantities...
AniHawk said:
I predicted 280,000 for this year in NA, and I remember someone getting on my case about it (after the first month of sales, I lowered it to 230,000 though). It was the lowest real prediction in that thread.
dude, it's cause you're always lowballing... Nintendo published Crystal Chronicles, not matter what, they were going to give it exposure, anything less than 500,000 lifetime would be ridiculous, and you did the same thing with Four Swords, less than 100,000 first month sales for a Zelda game, you gotta be kidding me...
jarrod said:
Prediction: It'll outsell Ninja Gaiden.
it'll probably murder Ninja Gaiden in sales, just played a bit of the demo today (Pikmin 2), game looks awesome, and the first Pikmin is right now at around 700,000 copies... It's Gamecube's biggest game of the year so far, and is basically kickstarts Nintendo's Holiday/Christmas lineup...
jarrod said:
"Resident Evil returns to PlayStation 2"... casuals don't know any better. All they know is it's a new RE and most still didn't bite. In fact it sold in line with the GameCube games (which if you want to get into specifics, weren't "real" sequels either but a PS1 remake and an overhauled N64 prequel, released 6 months apart no less).
edit-Actually anyone have CVX PS2 numbers before the GH drop? I'd bet it only sold around 300k at full price also.
another problem was that REmake and RE:0 didn't exactly have good cover art which would signal them Resident Evil titles, the logos really blended with the boxes, and the fact is, I still run into a lot of people (even some Resident Evil fans), who have no idea about the existence of the Gamecube RE's, but know about Dead Aim and Outbreak.
also, the GCN RE's are getting pretty hard to find, and don't seem to be carrying too many (and if they are, they are probably used copies). I know Best Buy stopped carrying them (as well as The Twin Snakes), a few months after they were released, even though they were selling decently) Capcom should package all of the RE's for this Christmas so they can hopefully get some exposure (to the casuals that don't know about their existence), and get some hype going for RE: 4.