Anyone notice a serious discrepancy in the overall stats that each character gets? If you look under their "Hero" tab of the character screen and compare them, you'll realize Thor is basically the most OP character in the game. Here are a handful of ones I checked out.
Categories are:
Durability / Strength / Fighting / Speed / Energy / Intelligence
- 6/7/5/5/6/2 - Thor (31)
- 3/4/7/4/4/5 - Black Panther (27)
- 3/2/4/5/6/3 - Storm (23)
- 3/2/6/3/5/3 - Rocket Raccoon (22)
- 7/6/4/2/1/2 - Colossus (22)
- 2/2/5/3/6/3 - Cyclops (21)
- 2/2/4/3/7/3 - Jean Grey (21)
- 5/3/6/3/1/2 - Deadpool (20)
- 3/3/6/3/1/3 - Daredevil (19)
- 2/3/6/3/2/3 - Hawkeye (19)
- 3/3/6/3/1/3 - Punisher (19)
So basically, Thor has ridiculous durability, the most strength in the game, solid fighting, ridiculous speed, ridiculous energy, and he's as dumb as a box of rocks. Must be nice being the god of thunder. ;p