Junior Member
Depends entirely on who you want to play.
Do prices for the packs go up in price tomorrow?
Depends entirely on who you want to play.
Do prices for the packs go up in price tomorrow?
I think it's still a deal if you can get one of the packs due to how inflated the store prices ate atm
The packs go away forever at 12:00 PM PST today.
No pre load for tomorrow's release (On steam)?
No pre load for tomorrow's release (On steam)?
There's a link to install it in the OP. It should do the job.
I have often problems getting the game to start. The splash screen pops up when I open the program, then it goes poof and game never loads up. I sometimes have to open the game like 2-3 times to get it to actually start.
My GF has it worse though, she had it take almost 10 tries to get the game to even start up once.
The audio in the game is seriously messed up too, besides the known loading screen audio bug, the audio randomly goes out for both our computers. Sometimes music plays but audio goes out, or you can still hear everyone elses sound, but your own characters sounds go mute, and other random audio hiccups.
I have often problems getting the game to start. The splash screen pops up when I open the program, then it goes poof and game never loads up. I sometimes have to open the game like 2-3 times to get it to actually start.
My GF has it worse though, she had it take almost 10 tries to get the game to even start up once.
The audio in the game is seriously messed up too, besides the known loading screen audio bug, the audio randomly goes out for both our computers. Sometimes music plays but audio goes out, or you can still hear everyone elses sound, but your own characters sounds go mute, and other random audio hiccups.
Are guilds in yet?
Are there any good places to look at builds? I know they nerfed Deadpool so my beta build probably won't be so effective and if anyone is looking for a big tank like character (Hulk, Collosus etc) for their group or any specific character like a crowed control, straight up DPS etc. let me know and ill level it up and play with you.
His healing stuff felt incredibly OP the last time i played.No, they didn't nerf Deadpool. They buffed him. He was terrible for the last few days of the beta. I was saying people who want to use him better level him now before they nerf him back to how terrible he was in beta after people complain that he's overpowered.
Anyone have a good build for Rocket Raccoon? I feel very worthless when playing with my friend who plays Hulk. Not sure how I should be building/using him.
Whats the best possible items you can get from the cards
Rocket is a control/support character. Also, he is a late game bloomer to my understanding. I'm only level 14-15 and still feel pretty weak compared to Thor, Hulk, Collossus, etc. Big and heavy hitters will outshine you early on.
Haha that fight has been nerfed quite a bit since beta.Man some of these bosses are a pain.
I'll spoiler the next bit just because some people may not want the story spoiled.
Taking on Kingpin as a solo Deadpool was interesting. I did not realize he calls in 2 more bosses? Really? Both Elektra and Bullseye showed up and tried to kill me, jerks.
I've got to agree... I picked him up with some of my "free" points, thinking that I always enjoy pet-classes/Diablo 2 Necro, etc....
At least for those first 10-15 levels, he feels GROSSLY under-powered, and in a game where every character has one or two good control powers... I mean, EVERY character.... having a dedicated controller just feels weird.
Pretty disappointed thus far in this particular character. Have played with a bunch of characters to roughly lvl15, he has been the only one which doesn't feel terribly fun, or useful.
During the beta my rocket become immortal with his rapid fire blaster (can't remember what it was called, but the rapid fire right click ability) and enough items with increased crit chance and procs on crits (damage, lifesteal, sp steal and so on). I could just blaze through anything in the game, of course nerf might have taken place since then.
Having just started with Cable the other day I feel the character's useless in comparison. With rocket I had no issue at all past mutant town, now I'm struggling to stay alive against packs of regular mobs. It's annoying as hell seeing other heroes just beat the shit out of everything in the area whilst I'm stuck having to spam my 3 second durations forcefield to keep enemies back whilst hitting them with my weak DoT attack and lame peashooter left click.
What level were you with that elite gear though? All characters can get there I think...they seem to be focussing in the impacts of gear in this game.
How is Spider-Man in the game? My favorite Marvel character by far and at 2000 G or whatever I suspect he will never drop.
This makes sense, use the unused rare items to level the crafters?I don't think it's worth it to use rarity pots for early leveling. You replace items fast, and it's very easy to deck yourself all in purples if you level up your crafter. I've always had my characters with purples (lvl 25 and 15) on them and have not used a single potion. Later on when you are grinding endgame it might be worth it.