Am I hearing this right? There are people who are willing to or have already stumped up $200 for this game?
Also those character pricing are ridiculous. Unless each hero is as fully-fleshed out as a character in Diablo 3, it is utterly ridiculous to pay that kind of money for a new character.
Don't let the devs gouge you, guys.
I have already put over 70-80 hours into the game through beta and early access and i see myself sinking at least twice. I find it ridiculous that there are people who spend $100+ on a shirt, $200-300+ on a shoes etc. I don't think $200 is ridiculous, as a huge comic nerd and as someone who plans on taking most the characters to max level $200 is a fucking steal, you couldn't spend $200 on newer games and get this much gameplay out of it so what's the problem?
I understand $200 is a lot of money to some people, some people might not even like the game or the pricing and that's fair. I ended buying the pack last night after spending an initial $60 on the deadpool pack and i have absolutely 0 regrets because i feel i am getting my moneys worth. There are far worse things you can spend your money on, i spend my money on things i love and enjoy :-/
Also, each character is fully fleshed out. They play completely different. Completely different animations, voices, abilities, gear, playstyle etc. If you sit here and look at how much gameplay you get for $200, it's a steal. That is if you are the kind of person that doesn't mind paying for characters. I embrace P2P.
It makes no sense because no one has any idea how good the endgame will be and whether the current pricing scheme will be sustainable even one month from now.
Just leveling the characters up to max is fun enough for me. Playing with friends.
I don't really care what end-game there is, believe it or not some people just like playing as marvel characters and having fun with friends. Endgame? After 70+ hours of playing that isn't even a thought to me.