Just beat the story & finished 99.9% of the side stuff, gonna 100% & platinum tomorrow. This is easily the BEST fucking superhero game ever made by a COUNTRY MILE & one of the best game sequels I've played. The final hours are jaw-dropping, all the setups (there are setups in the side stuff as well, Flame ones & drone catching ones) for Spider-Man 3 are there & that game whenever the fuck it comes out is gonna be absolute fucking bonkers.
Things I didn't like:
- MJ missions, they're better than SM1 & I finished them all very quickly but I don't see the need for them to be in the game, completely unnecessary
- Brooklyn Vision side stuff were meh, prowler & spider-bot ones were alright but the rest of the side stuff were all

imo, make sure you guys do them
- Wish
Venom could've had more playtime
I'll update this post if i can think of any other negatives lol, everything else is top top-notch. Visuals, traversal, gameplay/combat, story, no other supe game comes CLOSE. I'm gonna play it again once the NG+ update drops in December I think, this is definitely one of my all time favorites.
There's also 2 post-credit scenes, BOTH are important & are setups for Spider-Man 3 as well.
I've taken 84 screenshots during my 5-hour play session today so I'm gonna take a long break & go to sleep cause my head's all fucked & sift through those tomorrow to post in the thread. I'll post a few here rn.