SolidSnakex said:See this doesn't make any sense. Why would you make the game play realistic if you don't want it to look realistic. You really think that this team doesn't want the game to look realistic?
Lukas said:If you guys wanna see some awesome cars play Rallisport 2.
The cars look very realistic and have awesome reflections and lighting effects. Its simply beautiful in motion, GT4 nor Forza or PGR2 have anything on the car models in RSC2, let alone the environments.
MightyHedgehog said:Yeah. Not everyone wants to replicate reality in all ways. Why would we be playing video games if that were the case?
SolidSnakex said:"So why should the look be completely real?"
Why would you want it to play so realistically then? If you don't want it to look realistically obviously you shouldn't care about it playing realistically either.
" Why would someone want to make a game completely like another (in one aspect) when they can be their own game?"
Even with the way they're doing now it still looks like other games like Sega GT and Apex so they arne't doing anything unique. This looks more like alot of games that try to look realistic but just don't. It doesn't look like a design decision.
MightyHedgehog said:Yeah. Not everyone wants to replicate reality in all ways. Why would we be playing video games if that were the case?
mashoutposse said:I don't have access to 500 different cars.
I don't have the time or resources to fly around the world to different race tracks.
I don't want to thrash my own personal car.
I don't want to kill innocent people trying to get home from work.
I want to keep my driver's license.
SolidSnakex said:"That doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me, man. Does Hot Shots Golf have to look realistic because it's doing a fairly realistic game of golf?"
HSG has always been kind of like a sim and king of like a arcade game in terms of gameplay. It's nothing like Forza where it's striving to be completely realistic. So that's a bad comparison. Can you think of a game that's trying to be completely realistic in terms of gameplay, but not trying to be completely realistic in terms of visuals?
"FM is plenty real-looking...but it's just not as real-looking as GT. Does that mean it is lesser, somehow? "
So you're admitting that it's trying to look realistic? That's the entire point while it's trying to look realistic, it just doesn't. There's nothing wrong with that as very few racers that are trying to look realistic actually do come out with that look. It's what seperates the top graphic artists in the industry from everyone else. Not everyone can achieve that look.
MightyHedgehog said:That doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me, man. Does Hot Shots Golf have to look realistic because it's doing a fairly realistic game of golf? My point is, realistic gameplay and realistic visuals don't have to go hand in hand. FM is plenty real-looking...but it's just not as real-looking as GT. Does that mean it is lesser, somehow? I suppose, for some it would mean it's a lesser title by default, then. If it controls, moves, and behaves realistically, then that is the most important part in a sim-style game. The real look shouldn't be a requirement, IMO.
MightyHedgehog said:Sure, but does the real look actually have anything to do with what you've just typed? What if it looked just like FM, but was exactly like GT4 in options and gameplay?
mashoutposse said:That would be acceptable, but why would I go for this option when there's a game out there with both the realistic feel AND look?
SolidSnakex said:"Are they shooting for GT4 real looking? I don't know, do you?"
In interviews they say they're trying to make the most realistic sim ever. If you're going for this then you're going for making it not only play realistic but look realistic also.
mashoutposse said:The cold, calculating attention to detail of the PD team in the development of ALL aspects of the game is what makes GT the gold standard. GT is a game obviously created by true, die-hard car fans that obsess over the smallest of details. That's the group that I want making a car simulation game.
GT was started by a group of guys with an insane love of cars. MS has been looking to crack the GT formula, hence PGR and now Forza. In-game, the difference is clear, IMO.
mashoutposse said:That's the group that I want making a car simulation game.
bob_arctor said:They're not babysitting your kids, man! There's room for everyone as long as it's well done.
mashoutposse said:Maybe I should say that I'm much more likely to devote the majority of my playtime to a game made by such people.
m0dus said:Wow. Bitch however much you like about how the cars are done, the draw distance in those videos is fucking insane.
It's sad that, even now, we can't have a FM thread without people going to great lengths to derail it. The game looks wonderful at this point, with the various pros and cons that come with being in development. What amazes me is how half of you sit there and plainly call the graphics "shit." Folks, you'd be lucky if 1/10 of the games coming out had so much time and skill put into the visuals. Give it a rest. Can 1 new racing sim come out without making you feel threatened? Are you scared it's going to draw attention away from GT4 or something (~_^ wouldn't happen in a million years)? Yeesh. I'm all for comparisons (Fightforfreedom makes an EXCELLENT point, btw) but some of you are acting like ignorant fanboys--taking any opportunity you can to sling shit at this game. Yeah, the most recent pics aren't that impressive to me--I find the colors to be TOO washed out, personally. but I've got some ugly-ass pics of GT4's gameplay we could discuss, too. Not many internet captures really tell the story of the game in motion, and not every capture is going to be a good one.
I realize that with these types of games, often, it's a tradeoff. Forza is not unlike pretty 3d render; incredibly clean, technically well designed, and sharp, sharp, sharp--but it's missing that element, that singular spark that would lend it to true photorealism. GT4, on the other hand, is more like a beautiful painting--step back and you SWEAR its a photograph, such is PD's expertise; but get in close and the strokes and flaws start to show. You people are arguing between 2 different design philosophies, and instead of expressing which one you might prefer, some of you are trying to declare 1 better than the other. And that's just dumb![]()
SolidSnakex said:(although GT1 was made with just 6 people).
jett said:No it wasn't. Have you ever though about looking up your GT1 manual to see if this bullshit you read somewhere was true?![]()
Grizzlyjin said:How about just waiting until both games are out...then we will know what the deal is.
SolidSnakex said:Tell Kaz its bullshit then:
How many of those were involved with creating the original Gran Turismo?
The first Gran Turismo was made with six people. All of them are still at Polyphony.
Flatbread said:after reading this entire entertaining thread I can say that some of you really like this sim genre and are neck deep in its nuances. After looking at both screen shots they both look great, I would say that GT4 has better backgrounds while forza looks sharper in its edges.
But the differences are pretty minimal, especially when you consider that you wont be noticing much once your driving at 150 mph heahahaha. When it comes to driving games gameplay is king, and graphics are for fanboys. Many of you probably wont argue with me on that one. So we will see, my guess is GT will reign supreme, unless they are in a rut and wont make changes that make sense.
One of my buddies who plays racing games said that if you hit walls, or ride on walls you actually go faster in GT, anyone experience that in any of the gt games?
Lukas said:i think forza is gonna bomb in sales
the xbox is flooded with racers
midnight club
midtown madness
project gotham
and now forza? the only way this game will sell for Microsoft and be their "GT" series is if they advertise it right but I dont see that happening when its coming out supposedly 1 month after Halo 2
People bitching about 3D rims in GT should kill themselves after seeing those Forza shots....
It's sad that, even now, we can't have a FM thread without people going to great lengths to derail it.
Blazing Sword said:So basically your saying GT isn't and never will be an actual driving simulator at all. And if cars did recieve actual damage to put them out of a race like real life, then maybe we would actually play against people online who don't turn it into nothing but a bump fest to get ahead, and instead actually DRIVE the cars with skill.
AlphaSnake said:So basically, you're an asshat. The point of GT has always been a "real driving simulator" and PD has stressed that themselves many times.
First, the comments of mine you responded to in the first place were only intended to clarify the Forza situation regarding damage modeling and to correct BS's faulty assumptions about the PS2's abilities. Your basically missing the point of what I was asking and why I was asking it.Redbeard said:People tune cars; it's relatable to actual experience and thus relevant to the game.
Let's dispense with the general slap on the wrist here: Blazing Sword, the topic starter defined the course of this thread by being first to start the GT comparisons and make other statements unrelated to Forza that he couldn't support in any meaningful way.modus said:It's sad that, even now, we can't have a FM thread without people going to great lengths to derail it.
Minotauro said:But isn't damage a major part of driving? Meaning, you slow down when coming up to a turn so you don't ram into a wall and completely destroy your car. This balance between speed and caution is what makes the best racing games the best in my opinion.
Personally, I've never liked the GT series. The racing itself is just so slow and boring that it doesn't interest me. To me, the most important thing in a racing game is that it's thrilling. The Need for Speed series has this. The Rallisport series has this. I don't see how anyone who isn't completely obsessed with cars and the tech that goes with them can get any enjoyment of the GT games. The actual racing is just so uncompelling. I was hoping, with the supposed physics improvements that this would change with GT4 but after some time with Prologue, I can say this isn't the case.
kaching said:Let's dispense with the general slap on the wrist here: Blazing Sword, the topic starter defined the course of this thread by being first to start the GT comparisons and make other statements unrelated to Forza that he couldn't support in any meaningful way.
AlphaSnake said:So basically, you're an asshat. The point of GT has always been a "real driving simulator" and PD has stressed that themselves many times. It isn't a racing simulator. It isn't a real life physics simulator. The point of GT has always been to simulate individual car physics, not the impact the environments could have on them.
AlphaSnake said:Driving is driving. Driving doesn't include damaging your car and seeing how it would react thereafter. Racing, on the other hand, does. GT is a driving simulator with races. It doesn't simulate real life racing.
Minotauro said:But isn't damage a major part of driving? Meaning, you slow down when coming up to a turn so you don't ram into a wall and completely destroy your car. This balance between speed and caution is what makes the best racing games the best in my opinion.
Blazing Sword said:ooh, you threw an insult at me. That totally changed my outlook on the entire situation. Because of your personal and childish attack against me, I am now convinced that GT will never be outclassed by another driving game.
Give me a break and grow up. REAL DRIVING involves the REAL POSSIBILITY of crashing. Something GT has never had. I love GT as much as anyone, but even I know its still FAR from realistic. Do the cars handle like they would in real life? maybe. But how can you tell when you just keep the damn thing at full throttle and use other cars and walls to help push you along the track. After all, all that matters is the fastest time right?
Now I know you'll say:
"I don't play the game that way, you asshat. Yuck yuck. Dad will be proud of me for that one..yuck yuck."
But ALOT of people do, ESPECIALLY ONLINE. Frankly I would much rather have some punk who crashed into me and ran me into the wall to get by, have his car totally screwed and put out of the race. Serves him right.
Kiriku said:I agree to a degree, but when playing racing games I don't think people slow down because they're afraid of destroying their car. It's because they're afraid of losing valuable time, falling behind. They don't care about the actual car being damaged, they care about racing as efficient as possible. Thus, ramming into a wall is obviously bad, but driving outside the road is too, for example.