What a completely sub-standard human being you must be. By all rights people like you should'nt even exist. It is supposed to be survival of the fittest according to Darwin, yet somehow some trashed mouth,weak little mommas boy who is to afraid to actually call someone an 'asshat' in real life, finds refuge and solace in the one place where he can act as tough as he wants with no physical repercussions(other than lack of sunlight),and make up for his lack of self confidence by insulting others so he can feel better about his own useless, undeserving existence, escapes evolution.
But I should apologize. I comitted a great sin against your worthlessness by calling into question your cherished beliefs. Something most pathetic people can't tolerate. I already stated I love GT as much as anyone but, it is not perfect. According to you GT and Sony can do no wrong, and everyone else should stop trying. Your like a religous zealot who would carry out a suicide attack in the name of GT if Kaz demanded it.
But as long as you're in here calling me an 'asshat' (how original), then I guess at least your not outside, where people like me have to smell you when you return to the surface to feed once in a while.
I'm out.