Game makes me want to read more classic fiction. What the heck is the hold up with Catalyst releasing more books, they took down all the old stuff from Amazon.
Game makes me want to read more classic fiction. What the heck is the hold up with Catalyst releasing more books, they took down all the old stuff from Amazon.
So the trebuchet is going to work exactly like the hunchback variant with 4 energy and 2 missile hardpoints.
The more mechs they release, the more you are going to have hard time picking between them or telling em apart when it comes to their purpose. Same happened with the tabletop where many mechs put in felt like they served no true purpose or it was hard to find reason for it's existence. There is only so much you can do with the mechs before it gets redundant. The whole thing about giving mechs quirks could be neat though to give them a slight uniqueness, but after so many mechs get added, it will in some cases be purely cosmetic preferences. Preclan era also had alot of mechs that had nearly identical profiles.
(love ther LBX/SRM combo hahahaha)
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I just picked up a dark ages book because of this game. I just have to say that I probably will look for some of the out of print stuff, the Ulric Kerensky. Victor Davion, Phelan Kell era universe seems much more interesting then this goody goody Republic of the Sphere crap.
Game makes me want to read more classic fiction. What the heck is the hold up with Catalyst releasing more books, they took down all the old stuff from Amazon.
Eh. I imagine a bit of it was about selling toys and merchandise, even if that never really panned out in a big way for them.
It's nice to have more mechs than less anyway!
A LOT of the digital Catalyst fiction was riddled with typos, spelling errors, fucked up sentence structure and poor editing in general.
It was frustrating as it was to the point of detracting from the story, in some cases.
The three compilation novels of new Battlecorps content is, however, pretty solid. It's worth picking up the three of those.
Re: Dark Ages fiction. Yeah, it's much worse in general. Less interesting, less political. I wouldn't even bother. I'm trying to complete a set of the classic Battletech era fiction novels, from Decision at Thunder Rift through Endgame. I have about half of them.
Luckily they're super easy to find at second hand bookstores and not worth shit, so collecting them is super cheap.
oh boy those new camo spec prices are insane :/
Well, you get to keep them forever instead of having to pay every time you change them. They're only 2-3 times as much as the costs before, so if you like to change your camo often it's going to cost you a lot less money over time.
Plus, if you really want, you can still buy camo specs with a single-use application for 75MC only.
Seems like nothing but an improvement to me.
The thing it needs (which TT has) is the ability to carry slug ammo for it. Being able to switch btw spread and single-shot fire would make it a very versatile weapon, as it's SUPPOSED to be
Indeed. And the Clan's really need that function, they don't have standard autocannons, instead using LB-X's versatility.
Of course giving the weapon ability to choose the slug would make it superior to the normal AC10. Sure, other ACs would still get use but not AC10. Alternate ammunition for normal ACs might make AC10 still desirable, assuming the special munitions would be worth using.
In TT the standard AC10 is more accurate than the LBX, even when the latter is firing slugs, as I understand it.
I also remember the standard having access to more ammo types (like flares) but I can't find reference to that now.
It was more accurate? Huh. Didn't remember that one.
Actually, yeah, you're right. I understood the rules wrong.
In which case, what IS the disadvantage of the LBX in TT? Literally just the alt ammo types?
Jump Jets are so very potent now.
They can help spread damage around the mech more evenly (use that leg armor), help you get into battle and out of battle much more effectively, let you camp high out of reach places, and even do the occasional pop and snipe.
does teamspeak 3 booting up always crash MWO? Is it because I have the overlay enabled.
So, have the added the ability to copy & paste passwords yet?
Does the hazy yellow screen that makes the game unplayable happen to everyone? I have seen it referenced in chat on multiple occasions, so it isn't just my rig. The bitter AMD card owner that I am I want to blame this on Nvidia optimization and moneyhats.
Game might not be atlaswarrior anymore, but still so many matches where your up against a wall of assaults and it's pretty annoying as the matchmaking is obviously not even.
Guys, I swear an actual OT will be made at some point. Haven't been working on it like I promised, sorry.![]()
I don't know if this is a difference in time-zones between what type of weight classes are most common, but in my experience I usually end up with a wide-range of classes. For me, it's most commonly 1-2 assaults, 3 heavies, 2 mediums, and 1-2 lights. I play as a Raven or a Catapult or a Cataphract.
If I do encounter the rare assaults-only match (with me as a heavy or a light), it's usually so far in between that I've already tried out 2-3 matches with 4-5 lights.
Guys, I swear an actual OT will be made at some point. Haven't been working on it like I promised, sorry.![]()
Medium mechs? What are those. I never see medium mechs![]()
Medium mechs? What are those. I never see medium mechs![]()
Are we beyond the point now where we can still expect resets on our mechs, c-bills, etc?
Medium mechs seem pretty powerful to me. I like playing my hunchback. And once I get enough money to upgrade to XL engine it will be nasty in brawls.
Fast enough to kill lights, fast enough to hit and run, enough power to take a bunch of armor off the heavier mechs.
Are we beyond the point now where we can still expect resets on our mechs, c-bills, etc?
Game makes me want to read more classic fiction. What the heck is the hold up with Catalyst releasing more books, they took down all the old stuff from Amazon.
Medium mechs seem pretty powerful to me. I like playing my hunchback. And once I get enough money to upgrade to XL engine it will be nasty in brawls.