So after all these days and tons of matches, I've yet to get in one match in the new friggin map 
Pre ECM, the LRM swarms was pretty bad. Yea you could counter it with terrain, but mechs have to eventually move and once they were out in the open, LRM boats would be just raining down fire all over the place. It was a bit over the top to be certain. ECM was needed, but they over did it's effectiveness in this game. ECM should operate more like the tabletop game in which it does help, but it doesn't totally screw them over. In the tabletop and in the fluff, the ECM use was not that common as ECM's took up a large chunk of a mech and were heavy.
I think they know it's a touchy subject as it's been debated heavily on the forum and they recently added the EMP effect to PPC attacks that turn off ECM for a period of time. So I think that is partially them acknowledging the ECM being powerful and trying to tweak it now with other factors.
I would prefer if ECM would work similar to AMS which would cause some of the missiles to miss, or to lower their tracking accuracy. Also perhaps reduce lock on range and time. That way ECM+AMS would make you almost shielded completely from many missile barrages but that ECM alone not be the end all solution it is.
First off, ECM in-game is guardian ecm + angel ecm + null signal. So, really, it should be 3 equipments, ie 4.5t (a heavy price for a light) and 6 crit spaces (a heavy price for an atlas)
First off, ECM in-game is guardian ecm + angel ecm + null signal. So, really, it should be 3 equipments, ie 4.5t (a heavy price for a light) and 6 crit spaces (a heavy price for an atlas)
Finally downloaded this the other day and played for a bit, enjoyable although getting used to removing limbs and throttle based maneuvering is difficult.
Reason for commenting here though, whatever happened to the DX11 features? It's CryEngine 3 and I remember reading that it would support DX10/11 so I was surprised when DX9 was the only option.
AMS should be much more effective against streaks (1.5t - the same as ecm); would help a lot for non-ecm lights). You'd at least be able to survive against ecm streakers that have no-miss weapons and can match your speed. This easy counter to ecm cheese-streakers would make me a lot more tolerant of them.
And TAG really needs to work and allow lock ons for streaks inside the 180m stealth god bubble.
Ah, so Null Signature System (which MWO puts in 'Guardian' ECM for free) in tabletop generates 10 heat (the equivalent of shooting one PPC per round) and takes 7 critical spaces.
Finally get in matches for Alpine peak and it's never with the proper 12 players. 8 v 8 on that map is awful, don't know why it even launches with that. It needs those extra mechs in it
March is here, and with it a host of new features for MechWarrior Online. Our focus this month is improving the new user experience by adding a suite of tips, better details, testing grounds, and user friendly control options. Experienced MechWarriors will also be able to enjoy content designed specifically for them, including a brand new system of consumables, expanded statistics, and a new map!
New Content:
`Mech of the Month JagerMech (19th)
Hero `Mech of the Month The X-5 (5th)
New Patterns Mountain Line (5th) and Vagabond (19th)
New Cockpit Items Dynamic hanging items make their debut, Fuzzy Dice anyone? (5th and 19th)
Testing Grounds
This offline game mode allows player to launch into a random map and test out there currently selected BattleMechs. Each Testing Grounds match has 8 non-interactive `Mech targets for players to shoot and test damage, heat, movement and other strategies. This is just the beginning of a large set of training options for new and experienced players coming online in the next few months.
An extension to the module system is being introduced on March 19th. Players will now be able to equip a variety of consumable module items. Upon release players will have access to Coolant Flush, Air Strikes, and Artillery Strikes. These new items will be available for C-Bill and MC purchase. Details will be forthcoming in an upcoming Command Chair post here
Tourmaline Desert
MechWarrior Onlines largest map yet! This hostile alien world will test the skills of the best MechWarrior pilots. Like Alpine Peaks, players will need to change their overall strategies, focusing on offense and defense, along with bringing in a balanced BattleMech build.
Expanded User Statistics
Players will now be able to see a much more robust set of player stats when visiting their personal page. Detailed information about Mechs, Weapons, Maps, and Modes will give players a deeper understanding of how well they are doing. For now, these stats are only viewable by individual players. In future updates players will be able to see other players stats and leaderboards.
New User Controls and Joystick Improvements
Players will now have more options with regards to how they pilot their BattleMechs. Several new control systems and improvement have been added including Throttle Decay (gas pedal vs set throttle), Arm Lock to torso, Set Point Throttle (10-100% throttle values in 10% increments), Face Torso, and Joystick Analog turning. Player will also be able to customize their key bindings via the Pause Menu during matches.
MechLab UI Improvements
Further refinements to buying and selling `Mechs, readying `Mechs, and a visualization of hardpoints, weapons, and critical space directly on the `Mech itself, will make their appearance March 5th. These additions make a huge improvement to understanding the state of your BattleMech, along with helping understand the differences between variants when making a purchasing decision.
Community Events
After a hugely successful Be A Hero Challenge weekend, weve decided to add more events to our March schedule. Expect to see a variety of different challenges inspired by the communitys feedback! Also coming in March, Design a Trial Mech challenge. Players will be able to design a Heavy Trial Mech build based off one of the existing heavy `Mech chassis. The wining loadout, will be made available for uses as a Trial Mech throughout the month of April.
On March 5th Host State Rewind (HSR) goes live. This new system allows players with high latency pings to fire and hit more reliably using Lasers, Machine Guns, and Flamers. Often referred to as the lag shield effect, HSR will significantly improve the reliability and accuracy of weapon hit detection, making certain BattleMechs much easier to hit. We anticipate overall damage will increase, resulting in some possible upcoming weapon balancing changes if needed.
Heh, I wonder if this is going to be 6mill for a 'module' that's one use per battle while equiped, or 20k for a single use item that you have to replace.
X-5 looks good. 130s kph stock, 4 ml, 2 srm 2s. Whose mech was this in the lore?
Stickied thread on mwo official forums on the patch.Where do you see these stats?
EDIT the mech doesn't have basis in lore. Most won't have.
Wait has this game been released? I thought it was still in beta... I bought the founders pack too you'd think I'd have gotten an email saying it launched.
I have a T-Flight Hotas Joystick, should I use that or mouse and keyboard?
Coolant Flush has been in MechWarrior since forever.
How are consumables any different from any other piece of gear in the game (and whether is balanced or not)
if they let us use our cbills on it?
The MC version is supposedly slightly better.
Where does this come from? Someone said something like that facebook but yet to see any source on the proof of that. That would be awful if true.
The cbill costs are pretty cheap as well. But what a clusterfuck having mc only options and them having differences, like less damage for the MC ones than the cbill ones?
It's not a great mechanic.