That's a really disingenuous article, which again shows how poorly equipped game blogsites are in handling actual game journalism. This is a regular annual 4Gamer article which is actually very interesting in terms of showing what a big slice of developers in the Japanese game industry thought of entertainment in the past year. They are polled on what game caught their attention the most, what movie they liked best, what personalities in the industry they paid attention to, and what they have to say about the coming year. There is nothing to "win" because this is not a vote or a contest like they made it sound. No votes are tallied, but rather every person who participates talks briefly about why they picked the choices they did. Reducing a 9 page article with a ton of text telling us what sort of entertainment game developers consumed over the year and why they liked what they did into "Splatoon wins by a landslide" is bafflingly unhelpful, especially when they interviewed 146 people and Splatoon is only mentioned less than 30 times.