Top 10 Best Selling Games of the Year so far, Famitsu data, retail only.
- [3DS] Monster Hunter X: 2.267.916
- [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad: 1.860.532
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer: 1.222.487
- [WIU] Splatoon: 966.801
- [3DS] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King*: 857.005
- [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Shinuchi*: 618.819
- [WIU] Super Mario Maker: 576.913
- [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+: 560.698
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright/Conquest*: 536.121
- [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woes and The Blight Below*: 456.094
* data not up to date.
Monster Strike should knock Dragon Quest Heroes off of the list, so top 10 should be all on Nintendo hardware, just like last year.
Famitsu retail + digital LTD
[WIU] Splatoon: 1.074.909
First time a brand new IP sells a millon units in a home console since Wii Sports, 9 years ago.
[WIU] Super Mario Maker: 619.693
Already outsold Super Mario 3D World, should outsell Super Smash Bros. for WiiU by next week.
[PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition: 749.442
Has outsold the second best selling Vita game by over 300k units, it's also outsold Nintendo flagship titles such as Mario 3D World, Smash on WiiU, and all Fire Emblem, Zelda and Kirby games on 3DS.
Back to Splatoon, here's an interesting comparison.
Splatoon retail sales after 29 weeks (28/05/2015 - 20/12/2015): 966.801
Resident Evil retail sales after 29 weeks (22/03/1996 - 13/10/1996): 837.102, it'd take the original Resident Evil 51 weeks what Splatoon sold in 29.
Pokémon Red/Green retail sales after 29 weeks (27/02/1996 - 22/09/1996): 645.531, it'd take the original Pokémon SKUs 41 weeks to sell what Splatoon sold in 29.
Yokai Watch retail sales after 29 weeks (11/07/2013 - 02/02/2014) - 373.199
Splatoon is outpacing the first entries on some of the biggest franchises in Japan, that's impressive anyway you slice it, by the end Splaton should outsell both Resident Evil and maybe even the original Yokai Watch to become the best selling WiiU game.
On a different topic, while I'll need dengeki data to make sure, WiiU's software LTD should be above 10m units by now, with PS4's just shy of 7m.