Now I've had a look at it properly:
Awesome for WiiU hardware. I'm also very pleased that Vita is up YoY - Minecraft making it a more attractive gift-giving prospect than it has been any other holiday season, which is pretty pleasing.
Software wise, everything I'd expect to have legs is having legs. Lots of lovely % increases WoW which is cool. Miracle Girls did decently; Angelique as you'd expect.
Jojo though... christ that's a poor performance. Can't believe they damaged the brand so much with the previous game.
And as for Exist Archive, it's not quite as bad a performance as I was expecting based on pre-orders (which seemed non-existent), however, it's performed badly enough that I can type my spiel which I had ready last week:
I think Spike-Chunsoft need to re-evaluate their strategy because this year has been pretty abysmal for them. As a fan, I loved what they've done in 2015 - made spiritual-successor IP's to things which have been gone for quite a while, the Ukiyo games (Way of the Samurai); Grand Kingdom (Grand Knights History) and now Exist Archive (Valkyrie Profile).
But for whatever reason, and I don't know what it is, the market just isn't interested. Lack of promotion? Heck, lack of letting people know that "this is the new way to play these IP's that you loved"? Wrong platforms?
Combined with a mobile spin-off that failed to take off (DanganRonpa Unlimited Battle) and a continuation of a long-successful IP for them which only performed mildly (Kenka Bancho 6), they've had a pretty duff year. At least Shiren 5 Plus and Witcher 3 did well for them.