To be honest, I didn't expect this success for SMM; 500k sure, but heading towards 700k and significantly better than SM3DW...
on the list of tri-ace bombas you can't forget chronos rings
a f2p rpg they made on mobile for konami
it was shut down within 3 months of launching
To be honest, I didn't expect this success for SMM; 500k sure, but heading towards 700k and significantly better than SM3DW...
what if it has a frozen world?![]()
No you're the one suggesting Frozen will save KH3 or something. And then you have the nerve to call my arguments weak, lol.i am not the one saying frozen is overrated.
I think their best bet is to hope Star Ocean 5 is successful and then try to parlay that into more agreements with Square Enix.To bad about Exist. I enjoy the game from what I've played of it and it's nice to play a high quality original Tri-ace game for the first time in what....5 years?
But yeah, they're doomed to be a licensed helper studio if they want to survive in today's market. They just don't know how to make games with wide appeal and they have weird decisions like the sort chibi Mii style character models in Exist. Also lack of money to market things heavily outside of Star Ocean which SE markets for them.
sörine;190265018 said:No you're the one suggesting Frozen will save KH3 or something. And then you have the nerve to call my arguments weak, lol.
Honestly I thought you were joking, that's why I was being facetious with the Asian sales comparison. But it seems like you're dead serious on this, yikes.
Out of curiosity how well do you expect KH3 to sell ballpark? It's early but just based on everything we know now?
you got all that from me asking what if it has a frozen world? using a faceplate is a weak argument no matter how you want to slice it and i am surprised it struck a nerve!
i am not saying kh3 is going to light the charts on fire if it has a frozen world lol. it is not possible to give a number when there is no way of knowing if people buy kh3 because of it. i think it will be a good marketing move to make use of its popularity and push people over the edge to pick up the game. if it makes you happy i will make an early prediction that kh3 will sell more than a million units lifetime in japan
Splatoon WiiU Bundle sold out (and it won't be shipped again)
To be honest, I didn't expect this success for SMM; 500k sure, but heading towards 700k and significantly better than SM3DW...
I think their best bet is to hope Star Ocean 5 is successful and then try to parlay that into more agreements with Square Enix.
They could also consider becoming a licensed game partner for Namco as you said, which usually at least has a reasonable line-up of work.
Nahh. They should just focus their best on their mobile game there.^_^
I disagree with the general kh3 concerns
I think it's a combination of that and the fact that the 3ds version sucked the sales out of it.So we've established that Smash did nothing for Wii U sales last year. I'm wondering, is it more like New Super Mario Bros. than we thought? In the sense that it sells very well to an existing install base, but it's not very good at selling consoles by itself, at least late in a console cycle.
So we've established that Smash did nothing for Wii U sales last year. I'm wondering, is it more like New Super Mario Bros. than we thought? In the sense that it sells very well to an existing install base, but it's not very good at selling consoles by itself, at least late in a console cycle.
Another week and, again (though even more strongly now), I question SEs wisdom in putting DQB where they put it (aside from Vita) or better stated where they didn't put it. Timing wise DQB couldn't come out at a better time for the WiiU and SE on the heels of SMM growth over the holidays.
Oh well, you sleep in the bed you make.
Too bad about Exist. I enjoy the game from what I've played of it and it's nice to play a high quality original Tri-ace game for the first time in what....5 years?
But yeah, they're doomed to be a licensed helper studio if they want to survive in today's market. They just don't know how to make games with wide appeal and they have weird decisions like the sort chibi Mii style character models in Exist. Also lack of money to market things heavily outside of Star Ocean which SE markets for them.
A popular media property doesn't necessarily translate to people caring about said property in game-form for Japan. See the recent example of Star Wars, or any popular Anime with a tie-in game.
A Frozen World doesn't have much of a basepoint of comparison for saying it will do anything, regardless of how it is marketed. Frozen's inclusion didn't suddenly change the story of Disney Magic Castle (and thats a game that more appropriately targets the Frozen demographic than KH ever will).
In both situations (and in general, I'd imagine)I think it's a combination of that and the fact that the 3ds version sucked the sales out of it.
I think it's a combination of that and the fact that the 3ds version sucked the sales out of it.
Smash is a known quantity. You don't need to pick up a WiiU when Smash launches, you can pick it up whenever before or after, if that's what you're specifically after (also 3DS version).
I think minecraft being as late as it is doing that well on wiiu shows that they really misread the market. E specially when there was already a DQ game on the wiiu.Another week and, again (though even more strongly now), I question SEs wisdom in putting DQB where they put it (aside from Vita) or better stated where they didn't put it. Timing wise DQB couldn't come out at a better time for the WiiU and SE on the heels of SMM growth over the holidays.
Oh well, you sleep in the bed you make.
I think minecraft being as late as it is doing that well on wiiu shows that they really misread the market. E specially when there was already a DQ game on the wiiu.
But its their loss. The wiiu owners already have the real thing. They just lost the chance to steal its thunder.
I know both versions of Smash launched very close to each other, but shouldn't the same apply to Mario Kart? Mario Kart 8 did give a noticeable bump to the Wii U. Not to the same extent Splatoon did, but it definitely existed.
Mario Kart 8 was released a few years after 7. Also they weren't marketed as the same game. I still believe that Mario Kart 7 did end up stealing some sales from 8 though, and the sales bump wasn't as big as it could've been.I know both versions of Smash launched very close to each other, but shouldn't the same apply to Mario Kart? Mario Kart 8 did give a noticeable bump to the Wii U. Not to the same extent Splatoon did, but it definitely existed.
I think minecraft being as late as it is doing that well on wiiu shows that they really misread the market. E specially when there was already a DQ game on the wiiu.
But its their loss. The wiiu owners already have the real thing. They just lost the chance to steal its thunder.
agreed. my thought process to why it could help kh3 sales is because the gameplay and setting for the game lends itself to japanese tastes when compared to something like star wars which is multiplayer only shooter. i don't know much about disney magic castle and the quality of the game to judge the effect of frozen. maybe it has sold more than expected going by comments about how it has good legs due to the addition of frozen![]()
Ōkami;190259097 said:Top 10 Best Selling Games of the Year so far, Famitsu data, retail only.
* data not up to date.
- [3DS] Monster Hunter X: 2.267.916
- [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad: 1.860.532
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer: 1.222.487
- [WIU] Splatoon: 966.801
- [3DS] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King*: 857.005
- [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Shinuchi*: 618.819
- [WIU] Super Mario Maker: 576.913
- [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+: 560.698
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright/Conquest*: 536.121
- [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woes and The Blight Below*: 456.094
Monster Strike should knock Dragon Quest Heroes off of the list, so top 10 should be all on Nintendo hardware, just like last year.
Famitsu retail + digital LTD
[WIU] Splatoon: 1.074.909
First time a brand new IP sells a millon units in a home console since Wii Sports, 9 years ago.
[WIU] Super Mario Maker: 619.693
Already outsold Super Mario 3D World, should outsell Super Smash Bros. for WiiU by next week.
[PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition: 749.442
Has outsold the second best selling Vita game by over 300k units, it's also outsold Nintendo flagship titles such as Mario 3D World, Smash on WiiU, and all Fire Emblem, Zelda and Kirby games on 3DS.
Back to Splatoon, here's an interesting comparison.
Splatoon retail sales after 29 weeks (28/05/2015 - 20/12/2015): 966.801
Resident Evil retail sales after 29 weeks (22/03/1996 - 13/10/1996): 837.102, it'd take the original Resident Evil 51 weeks what Splatoon sold in 29.
Pokémon Red/Green retail sales after 29 weeks (27/02/1996 - 22/09/1996): 645.531, it'd take the original Pokémon SKUs 41 weeks to sell what Splatoon sold in 29.
Yokai Watch retail sales after 29 weeks (11/07/2013 - 02/02/2014) - 373.199
Splatoon is outpacing the first entries on some of the biggest franchises in Japan, that's impressive anyway you slice it, by the end Splaton should outsell both Resident Evil and maybe even the original Yokai Watch to become the best selling WiiU game.
On a different topic, while I'll need dengeki data to make sure, WiiU's software LTD should be above 10m units by now, with PS4's just shy of 7m.
Famitsu retail + digital LTD
[WIU] Splatoon: 1.074.909
First time a brand new IP sells a millon units in a home console since Wii Sports, 9 years ago.
hey nintendo
maybe it would be cool if you put your best talent and a big budget on new IPs more often
hey nintendo
maybe it would be cool if you put your best talent and a big budget on new IPs more often
Minecraft hasn't sold badly on any platform it has ever launched on.
I'd say 450K-500K first week in Japan.sörine;190265018 said:No you're the one suggesting Frozen will save KH3 or something. And then you have the nerve to call my arguments weak, lol.
Honestly I thought you were joking, that's why I was being facetious with the Asian sales comparison. But it seems like you're dead serious on this, yikes.
Out of curiosity how well do you expect KH3 to sell ballpark? It's early but just based on everything we know now?
Smash 3DS has a lot to do with that.So we've established that Smash did nothing for Wii U sales last year. I'm wondering, is it more like New Super Mario Bros. than we thought? In the sense that it sells very well to an existing install base, but it's not very good at selling consoles by itself, at least late in a console cycle.
I'd say 450K-500K first week in Japan.
Exactly. Most of the people who worked on Nintendoland were the ones who developed Splatoon. Nintendoland was supposed to be their next big new IP that sells the system but it didn't quite work out that way. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesnt.To be fair Splatoon hit all the right notes. That won't happen every time.!RIP Codename Steam
I'm basing it on DQH. The PS4 version did about 260K in its first week before a price drop and was cross gen. KH3 has been anticipated for a LONG time and will be PS4 exclusive and come out after at least the last price cut for PS4 if not another by the time the game comes out in Japan/I think you may be overshooting. I say 300k-350k.
hey nintendo
maybe it would be cool if you put your best talent and a big budget on new IPs more often
Japan or worldwide? Because it really didn't take off in Japan when it was 360 only.
I still find it funny wii u is 5k yen up over its 2013 bundle and it's doing similar numbers.
Imagine if they had a price cut or did a mario maker and Splatoon bundle....
People really think great, new and innovative ideals are common?
Did you see the development of Splatoon and where they started?