It's a mix of wing it and strategy, usually just winging it ^_^;GeneralIroh said:I wish i could do the tournament but i've got school and work taking my whole schedule.
My question to the NA gaffers in survival. Do you guys just wing it or do you use actual strategies?
I'm thinking about setting up a training session on tuesday so we can figure out a good strategy to achieve victory in each mode and map.
I wonder if anyone has tried and all stun group for base or capture mission? It involves all six people shooting at the same target with the mk2 pistol to stun faster.
Whats the best way to record matches? What equipment should i use? I wish mgo had halo 3's theater mode.
Wurm said:MGO is losing its appeal to me week by week as Survival becomes more and more hardcore. Seems my current character is screwed emblem wise, and because I'm stuck playing with other noobs on survival we get creamed by the "ONLY LEVEL 9+++" rooms (often headed by a level 3 or something).
I've also dipped to lvl 4 somehow this week, is that because I dont play enough or the demoralising Survival losses I've been facing?
ilanna said:Thank you sooo much for helping me DunpealD! you are THE best. *hug*
pet is 3 hours behind right, so then it's 7rikichi said:Just to clarify, what time is the match gonna start, PST?
Guled said:u able to play on monday?
xintin said:also, wth happened tonight naGAF? had to rough it out with lvl3's and fell back down to a lvl4 myself xD
alright, now that we got 6 people I'll post the details when I get home in about an hourAssembly Required said:I'm in.. if there are any slots open.
are you talking about KoK?Guled said:so, is anyone going to fill up the last 2 slots for tonight or are we going to have to go in with a 4 man team. The guys we are facing don't seem 2 tough, only one guy has a kill death ratio over 1:1
Map 1:
Urban Ultimatum - Team Deathmatch
Map 2:
Midtown Maelstrom - Base Mission
Map 3:
Gronznyj Grad - Capture Mission
no 4th meme :lol , we'll face your team some time latter this week-COOLIO- said:are you talking about KoK?
: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Guled said:no 4th meme :lol , we'll face your team some time latter this week
the best thing we can do is go to 3 teams of 2. For Base Mission, one pair should defend the targets we got and the other 2 attack and capture the other targets. for capture, it should be 2 teams of 3. One defend our target, the other capture the other teams targetMiamiWesker said:So any strategies for those maps you want to do?
TDM is self explanatory, but capture and base you can come up with stuff.
Guled said:the best thing we can do is go to 3 teams of 2. For Base Mission, one pair should defend the targets we got and the other 2 attack and capture the other targets. for capture, it should be 2 teams of 3. One defend our target, the other capture the other teams target
Guled said:Just make sure to post here so I can see you read this. See you tonight and good luck
who is paired up dose not really matter, since if you die you will pair up with someone else most likely. Just try not to be alone and stick with someone as much as possibleHuman_Shield said:Read and ready, though if you have any thoughts on proper assignments for base matches, I wouldn't avoid hearing them.
dont worry, like I said the other team is not that great (only one person to watch out for and thats BreezySnake). If you feel like your not doing so good, stick with the highest scoring player on our teamxintin said:ugh TDM.
whatever, ill try~
xintin said:anyone with a id come to the room, we're short one ;.;
WE WONAssembly Required said:Sorry, didn't make it on time. G'luck.
xintin said:WE WON![]()
Guled said:good job guys, want to do another tom?
for some reason it said our team was locked since I'm under aged. I'm dealing with it nowxintin said:wtf.
why is the team locked and why is no one on the roster but Guled?
nooo ;.;Guled said:for some reason it said our team was locked since I'm under aged. I'm dealing with it now
Guled said:for some reason it said our team was locked since I'm under aged. I'm dealing with it now
The Konami Ladder rules say you have to be 18 to participate ;.;Guled said:dont worry, at worst I just make a new account. But I try to get it sorted out so I can keep my old one
i know, so on my new account I make sure I put the date before 1990xintin said:yeah, but it will just happen again. The Konami Ladder rules say you have to be 18 to participate ;.;
lol, if we did somehow make it to Japan, you have to send them copies of Passports and IDs.Guled said:i know, so on my new account I make sure I put the date before 1990
It will count, but I guess we cant do anymore until its sorted outrikichi said:does this mean our win wont count?
i dont get it
o ya, well I guess some1 else will take my place. At least I get the prize money. Or I could just photoshop an ID or get a fake one, you think that would work if they are just using it to check our age?xintin said:lol, if we did somehow make it to Japan, you have to send them copies of Passports and IDs.
Unless you really are over 18 and playing a mean trick, it won't work
Guled said:It will count, but I guess we cant do anymore until its sorted out
o ya, well I guess some1 else will take my place. At least I get the prize money. Or I could just photoshop an ID or get a fake one, you think that would work if they are just using it to check our age?
i wouldn't suggest illegal activity for a gaming tournament xDGuled said:It will count, but I guess we cant do anymore until its sorted out
o ya, well I guess some1 else will take my place. At least I get the prize money. Or I could just photoshop an ID or get a fake one, you think that would work if they are just using it to check our age?
well its not they are going to check if its real right? Lets not worry about it until we get therexintin said:i wouldn't suggest illegal activity for a gaming tournament xD
if there a six of you that are 18+ and want to give it a shot, let us know~
xintin said:i wouldn't suggest illegal activity for a gaming tournament xD
if there a six of you that are 18+ and want to give it a shot, let us know~
I'm 17, at worst I just make some1 else leader and make my self co-leader, but will konami use our idea for something other then to check our age, if not then I could try to get around it.MiamiWesker said:Are you 18+? I just don't want to be the leader, I am in this to help i don't even know if I can go to Japan (I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but the ladder is so sad that we just might :lol )
im old as dirtMiamiWesker said:Are you 18+? I just don't want to be the leader, I am in this to help i don't even know if I can go to Japan (I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but the ladder is so sad that we just might :lol )
Guled said:I'm 17, at worst I just make some1 else leader and make my self co-leader, but will konami use our idea for something other then to check our age, if not then I could try to get around it.
xintin said:im old as dirtill recreate a team and just follow Guled's advice on matchmaking/whatevz if that's cool23
the rules allow Guled to play, right? if so, we can just sort out the JPN stuff if we make it that far~
edit - do you turn 18 this yr? if so i dont get what their problem is.
I'll try to keep the old team but it looks like I wont be able to go to japan then, o well, Noz will most likely take my place, he deserves it. I'll make xintin leader or something and then we work from then, but first let me get the team unlockedMiamiWesker said:This is from the rules:
Winners must be 18 or older to enter. All entrants should prepare, agree make available within 24 hours of request, a copy of their passport and potentially other forms of identification (drivers license, ID card), to be used by MLG / Konami and/or a third party agent of Konami for the purposes of arranging travel and verifying age.
Thats seems like you can't even be a contestant, maybe in the reserves but not on the 6 man team that goes to Japan.