Facism said:893 mode?
Not making it tonight. I have plans.
anyone messaged deeds? He's active on GAF today and i refuse to believe such a nice chap would just up and leave us on our arse in regards to the tourney without saying a word.
News Bot said:Thanks for wasting my time that I put some things off just to play with you guys. I really do appreciate being told to sit and wait for the team to open while refreshing every two minutes only to be told to fuck off half an hour later.
guess not u__uxintin said:no naGAF tonight?
xintin said:no naGAF tonight?
GoncaloCCastro said:My connection is acting up since this morning so i don't know if I'm going to be able to log in.![]()
Ilparazzo said:That's why I left netcabo.
GoncaloCCastro said:Yeah, i should too!! There's now way I can connect to PSN! Hope this doesn't goes on for too long (wishful thinking)...
Steroyd said:Konami are a bunch of cunts.
I can't believe people still use NetRaboGoncaloCCastro said:Yeah, i should too!! There's now way I can connect to PSN! Hope this doesn't goes on for too long (wishful thinking)...
BeeDog said:I'm sorry I've been completely inactive in the clan, been busy with school lately and my PS3 gaming consists of Warhawk now. So if the clan is full and someone needs a place in it, feel free to kick me.But please spare me if there's room for others!
Steroyd said:"Room for others" :lol :lol :lol
We're about 30 members empty dude. :/
Facism said:Wasp Unit, we've got a few serious issues that need to be sorted.
First is Indeed. Doesn't look like he's going to get involved at all, so i recommend we ask if we can take up a replacement from some random clanner that didn't make it into the finals. Message one of the TUS or FCB guys. edit how the fuck do i forget about Steroyd :/
Gon: What's the status on your PSN/Router/ISP issues? I hope you can do something about them, you're going to be pretty critical to the team when we play. Don't want to be playing with 5 guys on the team.
Lastly, we need strategies for when our initial strategies break down. Enough times we've lost a game because our rush and hold or whatever pertinent strategy gets neutralised, and we fall into 'fish in a barrel' mode.
Dun, can we schedule a meeting sometime this week to discuss and practice some counter strategies and whatnot?
Also, i seem to be getting worse at MGO :<
DunpealD said:I also have massive doubts about Indeed and his activity(not Survival, but overall), especially since he's in our main roster. But using a random clanner... I don't know I'd rather put Steroyd in.
Sure I'd like to schedule a meeting if everybody would actually help to do to it... you know I don't know when you guys have time and I won't know it until you start to tell me.
All in all in terms of strategy and crumbling... It's more about each individuals ability to assess the situation correctly by using all tools MGO has given you and act accordingly.
I still have nightmares where we got shutdown underground in B.B and lost 0 - 15 to that group of randoms.
News Bot said:The RPG's were like anal probes.
Anyway I can't stand non-Survival MGO anymore. The sheer lack of teamwork and overwhelming amount of assholes and/or complete idiots only makes it worse. I'm surprised my block list isn't full yet.
News Bot said:The RPG's were like anal probes.
Anyway I can't stand non-Survival MGO anymore. The sheer lack of teamwork and overwhelming amount of assholes and/or complete idiots only makes it worse. I'm surprised my block list isn't full yet.
That's because you always find a way to make the assholes aggravated, I like the non-survival better, but that's just because of the lack of lag I guess. Nothing's better than lag-less GAF teamwork.
-viper- said:Can I get accepted in the GAF clan please? I'm a fairly good player.
-viper- said:Can I get accepted in the GAF clan please? I'm a fairly good player.
News Bot said:I rarely speak in MGO apart from Survival where I speak to you guys. For instance, yesterday I had some douchebag in a RES mission place his mag right infront of me, then he just ran off and hid behind a box leaving me for dead. Then in the CAP mission after that, he teamkills me, I try to kick him, and he just spends the ENTIRE GAME insulting me while hiding. Didn't so much as move an inch. Yet the only thing I said was "jerk". =P
But yeah, screw non-Survival. Atleast there you can laugh at the assholes without being ridiculously penalised in some way (ie, teamkilling).
Oh, and you should see my inbox. It's made of lulz and win.
no need to use that term, people have been banned for using itIlparazzo said:I was just raped a lot of times by this Fox clan Beta guy, while playing what was basically a one-on-one with Dave as snake. At least he wasn't a dick about it.
-COOLIO- said:neogaf, the tournament is 17+ now so you guys could still do it if you want to
lol, at the rate the tournament is going you guys might be able to make it to the 16 team bracket on just 1 win.MiamiWesker said:I have been waiting for news on this... seems like we gave up.