Neiteio said:Got this for $5 on the Steam sale yesterday.
Played the first couple chapters with DX10 on high. Ran very smoothly. I like the richly detailed world and the way they depict the subway dwellers. The wistful music gives the game a very unique personality. The graphics are gorgeous -- the air looks ice-cold, the lighting is warm, and every surface looks thoroughly worn by age. The Russian-accented English VAs are refreshing, and I'd like to try the Russian VAs at some point (an option on the PC game). The ambient sound effects, like monsters scurrying through vents, are strong, but there could be more oomph to the gun sound effects. Knifing monsters in the head is very fun, though. I'm getting sucked into the story, the main character's plight and the sense of vulnerabiliy his community has. Very compelling game so far.
Not too shabby for $5!
belvedere said:Trying to force vsync via the .cfg file like everyone else but there's still noticeable tearing.
Any advice. AMD btw.
So the performace is really horrible or is it just me? [email protected] GHZ and a 560TI and I can't bring the game above 30FPS with "High" Settings, 4xMSAA and DX11.
Also whenever I start the game I get this annyoing "first installation fo DirectX" thingy...![]()
I typically stick to dx9 @ high for 60 fps goodness, dx11 cripples frame rate along with very highs volumemetric light shaft things, although I think you can edit an ini somewhere to have everything on very high except for that 1 setting.
Try disabling V-Sync.
So the performace is really horrible or is it just me? [email protected] GHZ and a 560TI and I can't bring the game above 30FPS with "High" Settings, 4xMSAA and DX11.
Also whenever I start the game I get this annyoing "first installation fo DirectX" thingy...![]()
really getting a good STALKER vibe, despite the linearity, and that can only be a good thing. some of the staff actually worked on the orignal STALKER, right?
turn off depth of field.
Do you know why I get the DX installation everytime I start the game?
No idea. I had this shit with NWN2, I just reinstalled the game.
I see...will try the same then. Is DoF or Tesselation the bigger performance problem?
Tough comparison. I prefer Metro to Crysis. But that's mainly my love for dark, brooding, end of the world, type stories.Seems like a pretty awesome game. Think I'll give it a gander since it's pretty cheap on Steam. Which has the better story...Crysis 1 or this?
Tough comparison. I prefer Metro to Crysis. But that's mainly my love for dark, brooding, end of the world, type stories.
Seconded.Tough comparison. I prefer Metro to Crysis. But that's mainly my love for dark, brooding, end of the world, type stories.
Any tips on performance still? I52500k and 560TI. The framerate with DX11 on high settings is all over the place between 40 and 100. And the game feels kinda laggy and there is still a lot of aliasing....![]()
Any tips on performance still? I52500k and 560TI. The framerate with DX11 on high settings is all over the place between 40 and 100. And the game feels kinda laggy and there is still a lot of aliasing....![]()
Any tips on performance still? I52500k and 560TI. The framerate with DX11 on high settings is all over the place between 40 and 100. And the game feels kinda laggy and there is still a lot of aliasing....![]()
Actually no, I use D3D Overrider because I just can't stand screen tearing and it works wonderfully.Well, I tested a bit. It's not DX11 killing the framerate, it's just the DX11 Features. DX11 high runs the same as DX9 high. The problem is, while I can I can keep the 60FPS 80% of the time, the other 20% really varies a lot, between 35 and 100 and that's very noticable. I didn't try D3D Overrider yet but I imagine it'll introduce just more mouse lag? Game already feels quite laggy. :/
Actually no, I use D3D Overrider because I just can't stand screen tearing and it works wonderfully.
As for the DX11 features keep the tessellation on it's not nearly as taxing as DOF. You can activate Physx as well, with a GTX 560ti that's not a problem.
The game runs perfectly on my rig, some stuttering here and here (volumetric lights be damned !) and what an incredible looking title this is. Two years after I can't get over how gorgeous the game looks.
12 to 15 fps o_0I tested tesellaton, it costs me around 12 to 15 FPS (not in all scenes, obviously). If you want to assure to stay 60 as much as possible, then it's a no go, at least with my middle class card.![]()
12 to 15 fps o_0
That's crazy. With tessellation on/off I get a difference of only 8 fps according to the benchmark.
But it makes sense for you to disable it if you want a framerate as close to 60fps as possible, for my part 30 fps is good enough.
No, I can't "max out" the game because the DOF is still destroying my framerate, not to mention I don't use MSAA, but aside from that the game runs perfectly well yeah.Well, if you are fine with 30 you should be easily be able to max the game out on very high settings and lock the framerate to 30 using dxtory. That should be smooth, well, 30FPS smooth.
Truth be told the tessellation in Metro 2033 is a joke. The same can be said for other games as well, Deus Ex HR for instance. I guess we will have to wait for the next-gen consoles to see tesselation in its full glory.Like I said, Tesellation depends on the scene, in others scene it costs nothing. But when there are a lot of tesselated objects on screen, the FPS go down a lot. I never tried the benchmark, just real time ingame testing.
Bough this on Steam as the showpiece for whenever the hell I get around to putting a new PC together, but I decided to try it out on my current system just to see how much it would chug. And... it doesn't? Getting anywhere from 25-60fps in DX10 High mode with FXAA @ 720p. My system was already low-end when I put it together in 2009 (Pentium E5200 overclocked to 3.25GHz, 4GB of memory, and a Radeon 4770) so I'm really surprised.
FXAA works wonders, too:
This was the last game I played on my old 360 before running into a Rrod. In the game:I had just beaten that creepy ghost tunnel![]()
the game isn't creepy yet
That part was scary to me.
That looks great considering what you're running. I'm running an i5 2500K and GTX 680, and with DX11 at 1080P and everything cranked to max, it chugs a lot more than I thought it would. If I dial down the AA it runs a lot smoother but it's definitely a hardware hog.
there will be much scarier parts.