The bane of deferred rendering engines. We'll see a lot of this going into next generation. Lots of SSAA solutions instead of MSAA. It's almost like we've gone back in time, due to going forward.
Hoping the SMAA injector works well enough with Last Light. I can't recall if it works with a DX11 renderer though. I seem to be one of the very few people who, despite loving relatively high end PC gaming, doesn't mind tearing or (depending on the game) aliasing if sacrifices mean a better framerate and/or tighter control response. I almost never turn on vsync because the mouse lag is instantly noticeable. A good dose of SMAA can clean up the image pretty well without the performance cost of SSAA/MSAA. The in-engine implementation of SMAA and TXAA in Crysis 3 works really well. Hopefully the Metro crew can consider patching them in later.
A lot of that 30GB was HD vids. Last Light has equally good textures, and keeps the size down through excellent compression.
Yeah, I know. And it's so annoying. I mean, its nice of Rockstar to encode their videos at a higher than usual SD resolution, but good god does it chew up so much space. Doesn't help Max Payne 3 is like watching a TV season's worth of cutscenes with the occasional gameplay segment.
Ahh, I didn't realise that. Hadn't noticed the reduced content size. Looking forward to seeing what Rome II weighs in at. And then, hopefully, Medieval III
