Nope, nope, nope.
Each of those spiders is tessellated, I shit you not.
Nope, nope, nope.
Ooh I didn't know they re-created their office space in-game!
Streaming again. On PC, maxed out. Hitting almost a constant 60 fps. Looks great.
So playing on 360, and I am having terrible framerate issues. It just seems like its stuttering all over the place. I have the game installed like I do for every game. Anyone else have this issue?
Don't know if this was posted:
Jason Rubin: Metro: Last Light is the "triumph of an underdog"
Pretty interesting article regarding 4A and the conditions under which Last Light was made.
This is worth it's own thread.
Anyway. Beat the game. Non-spoiler details: the atmosphere and visuals are as stunning as 2033's, sound is still good, stealth and shooting are good, creatures are varied and scary, and the story seemed a bit more fleshed out than the previous game's.
I would happily take a third game (and a patch for RHC that lets you check ammo levels when checking your journal. Basically, like the last game).
Alright I just got to the (possibly late game spoilers)and I have to say that when they said they learned from the Aomebas, they really didn't. This is the least fun part of the game by far, and by its very nature kind of goes against what Ranger Hardcore stands for. Really slayed whatever momentum I had.boss fight in the swamp before the church
Alright I just got to the (possibly late game spoilers)and I have to say that when they said they learned from the Amoebas, they really didn't. This is the least fun part of the game by far, and by its very nature kind of goes against what Ranger Hardcore stands for. Really slayed whatever momentum I had.boss fight in the swamp before the church
The game saved for no reason during the fight while I had mistimed a jump and fell into the water trying to dodge one of the attacks. I died somehow. When the save reloaded, I was stuck underwater but in a walking-state. Only I can't move, because I'm under the level.
This is why we need fucking manual saves, 4A. This shit right here.
Lol, the one glitch of that nature I experienced in the game was in thewhen you're heading towards theswamps. I was being chased by the big baddie and fell in the water, when I came back to the land the monster was right there and as such I was inside it and had to restart. Will take a screenshot in a second of that moment.church
Edit: Awful quality gif from the stream
Those interested in some Xbox 360 footage I uploaded some. I do have the game installed on the HDD and it runs very well with minor pop in and so forth. Great game so far
Xbox 360 Gameplay
Game's awful goddamn purty:
Few questions, though. I'm playing on PC but with a controller on my TV- how the hell do you put on the mask with the controller? I tried the first and third controller presets, tried every button, and couldn't do it. I'm playing on Ranger Hardcore, so there was no on-screen prompt to explain which button to me. It's not shown in the controller diagram. How the fuck do you do it? I ended up just hitting it on my keyboard and continuing on with the game. I believe it was up on the dpad for Metro 2033, but that doesn't do it here.
Also, in Ranger Hardcore is there a way to check your ammo count? In 2033, even in Ranger Hardcore, you could check your ammo by holding the reload button if I remember correctly. Doesn't seem to work here.
Yesterday I was playing through theLol, the one glitch of that nature I experienced in the game was in thewhen you're heading towards theswamps. I was being chased by the big baddie and fell in the water, when I came back to the land the monster was right there and as such I was inside it and had to restart. Will take a screenshot in a second of that moment.church
Edit: Awful quality gif from the stream
Hold LB + X to put on/remove mask. Holding Y and a direction on the Dpad let's you select different throwable items (mines, grenades, knifes). Holding LB + left on the Dpad let's is for charging your light and LB + Y turns it on/off.
After reading the Kotaku review (hur hur) it said people are having issues with framerates when using HDMI HD TVs.
Reading through this thread, it seems like some people are running on TVs and not monitors.
Any one had this issue?
This should run ok on my PC, this PC of mine when running at 720p on HDTV can manage no problem on that res.
Q6600 2.4GHZ
6870 1GB AMD card.
A patch has been released on Steam to fix issues with AMD hardware, and improve performance for these cards. It's live now, but might take a few minutes to reach everyone. Restart your client or verify local files if it doesn't download automatically.
It also fixes a shadow visual corruption bug on AMD 7xxx cards, and fixes an issue with the game starting only in 3:1 resolution on some TVs.
In addition, you can now customize the FOV this way:
After starting the game up, the user.cfg will be updated with the r_base_fox attribute. You can find this in %LOCALAPPDATA%\4A Games\Metro LL\. Tweak it at your leisure!
Does the game still have anomalies like the electical balls that move down tunnels?
Those interested in some Xbox 360 footage I uploaded some. I do have the game installed on the HDD and it runs very well with minor pop in and so forth. Great game so far
Xbox 360 Gameplay
I played on my 1080p monitor via HDMI with little issues. I imagine the game just drops framerate more consistently on the consoles?! Either way, it runs fine on PC.
That said, I couldn't get either machine to run the game well on my TV through HDMI; both games seemed stuck at 24-30 frames per second, no matter which settings or resolutions I chose. The only way to get them to run at a high framerate was to plug them into my PC monitor via DVI.
Whats the verdict? Worth getting?
Whats the verdict? Worth getting?
Going up to stab one of the spiders after it flipped over, and therefore getting a nice detailed look at one, made them way worse.
Hadn't died once while playing and then I hit theand died probably 5 times. Not sure why, but that whole level was kinda frustrating. The quiet bits were creepy as hell though.catacombs under the church
So playing on 360, and I am having terrible framerate issues. It just seems like its stuttering all over the place. I have the game installed like I do for every game. Anyone else have this issue?
I was actually surprised by how good the frame rate is on 360 version...definitely one of the prettiest games ever and yet its running flawlessly on my Xbox (2010 250GB Slim). Might be your Xbox...try re-installing and also clearing your HDD cache - if that doesn't help its probably a hardware problem. Might be a sign of hard drive wear or graphics card issues.