does anyone know where this saves to on PC?
Documents\4a games\Metro LL\####
does anyone know where this saves to on PC?
Documents\4a games\Metro LL\####
The wider FOV is nice, but yep, it breaks some stuff lol
Is this worth buying if I wasn't a huge fan of the first? I actually love everything about the story and atmosphere, but the awful combat is keeping me from finishing it. Tempted to grab a Nvidia Ebay code for $25.
Cleared! Some scenes were absolutely breath taking with all the tesselation work and other eye candy effects. I was impressed as much as I did with Crysis 3 tbh.
Worth every penny.
They are now ready for a full fledged open world game like Stalker right?![]()
Is it possible to play either of the Metro games in Russian with English subtitles? Or are the voices only recorded in English?
I'm having a hard time playing this on Ranger Mode, I'm not playing Ranger Hardcore but still I don't get any prompts or tutorials, If I didn't play earlier today on Normal I wouldn't have found out that you could clean your mask, or that you get to choose to kill or knock out enemies.
I don't want to stop playing Ranger mode but I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on some mechanics, can someone please write down the things you can do and they keys to perform them (I'm playing on PC)?
Unfortunately, the subs only cover certain, important dialogue moments.
I guess, T to change filters when mask is on
on your watch, if the blue light is on it means you are visible and not hidden, if you are hidden you will ONLY see the minutes left of your filter, no blue light
Hold R ( reload) to change bullets to the military rounds, good for extra damage and accuracy
Thanks! BTW how do you clean your mask and choose to kill/knock out people? When I played earlier I played with a controller, I don't know how to do that on a keyboard.
Just finished the game, so awesome. But I'm not sure what ending I got. My ending was. That's the good ending I believe. How to trigger the other one? Took me 8 hours to complete the game.where I blew up D6. The Dark One walked away with his family
Edit: Ah no, bad ending I got. Was the bad ending.
I'm having a hard time playing this on Ranger Mode, I'm not playing Ranger Hardcore but still I don't get any prompts or tutorials, If I didn't play earlier today on Normal I wouldn't have found out that you could clean your mask, or that you get to choose to kill or knock out enemies.
I don't want to stop playing Ranger mode but I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on some mechanics, can someone please write down the things you can do and they keys to perform them (I'm playing on PC)?
It is possible, there's is absolutely no way to check your ammo outside of towns. Although I'm pretty sure all guns have visible clips so you know how many you have left if the slots are empty upon reloading. It's bizarre given I'm almost sure they showed ammunition check animations before the game came out.
The main thing you need to know is how to switch secondary animation because it's really hard to figure out on your own.
Hold TAB:
Mouse Up: Throwing Knives
Mouse Right: Incendiaries
Mouse Down: Claymores
Mouse Left: Grenades (also keep in mind you can no longer cook them)
You use C to throw them.
Hilariously instead of mapping these to actual buttons, they force you to use the same radial menu but it's now invisible. Otherwise it is pretty easy due to the new stealth knock outs. V will kill them, but pressing E will just knock them out.
My main complaint about the game outside of the smoke quibble is that the secondaries are just quick use items now, in 2033 they were physical items you held and the animations for them were great. You'll never know how many knives you hold now. And you can't cook grenades, it's really silly.
Unfortunately, the subs only cover certain, important dialogue moments.
I spam the wipe mask more than I should...
I agree. For as rough and uneven as 2033 was, Last Light really deserves the HL2 comparisons. Maybe doesnt hit quite the same highs as HL2 but they share very similar design philosophies. A similar ebb and flow to the combat, the way they aren't afraid to slow the game down for dialogue and world building, the attention to detail in the scenery, the car segment, first person view is never broken, mini-boss fights. 4A learned a lot of lessons from the first game and it shows.Incredible game. i feel it nips at the heels of the half life titles.
I agree. For as rough and uneven as 2033 was, Last Light really deserves the HL2 comparisons. Maybe doesnt hit quite the same highs as HL2 but they share very similar design philosophies. A similar ebb and flow to the combat, the way they aren't afraid to slow the game down for dialogue and world building, the attention to detail in the scenery, the car segment, first person view is never broken, mini-boss fights. 4A learned a lot of lessons from the first game and it shows.
Like Metro 2033, the English dub is really not very good. The translation seems goofy and the voice work is a mixed bag. I really don't want to turn on Russian vocals either, as that means subtitles, and this is the kind of game that works best with as few HUD details as possible.
finished it up today.
2nd half >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1st half. By a very, very long mile. It brought back what I loved about 2033. Just a shame that there weren't any librarians in the game.
I don't know. I disagree for the most part. I'll just go ahead and spoiler everything so it just makes it easier to talk (full game spoilers):
I think as a whole the game is a bit too action heavy. It feels like first person uncharted at times, trying to be too theatrical and cinematic and not capitalizing on the series' strengths. The railcart section was excellent and felt a lot like Half Life 2's Highway 17. I love when games give me the option to explore smaller dense little sections like in the railcart section each with its own little bit of uniqueness (a spidernest, a watchmen ambush, a room full of ghosts). The swamp was tense and mostly perfect*. The dead city was eerie and haunting and having the child narrate everything was depressing. However, I feel that the game relies a bit too strongly on "set pieces". I'm aware it is a linear game a la Half Life but its strengths aren't in its linearity and action but rather drowning the player in atmosphere. The boss fights and the very heavy action scenarios (the entire train section and finale specifically) just didn't mesh with me and I was a bit put off by them-- especially the end. I felt 2033 was more consistent in its atmosphere and goal (perhaps I am just remembering it poorly but I recall fewer sections like that than in Last Light), and I feel many moments brought down the overall experience in Last Light and in the swamps case sort of left a sour taste in what was otherwise a very thrilling and tense area.
*Basically what happened in the swamp was that I had gotten to the boss fight with 1 minute of air left. I had spent a lot of time making my way up to that and spending too much time fighting the boss when it showed up just a bit earlier and wasting a lot of my ammo and a lot of my air. I basically used all of my military grade ammo to take it down quickly enough and even then had to spend the entire fight constantly taking my mask off and putting it back on just to extend the amount of air I could breathe. It wasn't a fun fight and just left a sour taste in my mouth after finishing the swamp.
Oh, and to quickly note, the story didn't really gel with me either. The forced romance was a bit laughable. I liked that they focused on the "human" struggle more which was nice, but the writing (I played in Russian-- I understand it, too) and general character developments just didn't feel natural enough or interesting enough. It just felt sort of throwaway? Some parts were just bad (specifically the way they used Anna as a character) and some parts were just cliche and ineffective to me. It "worked" as far as serving as a motivation in the story but other than that it just didn't do anything for me.
Doing Russian voices for me, really liking it. Picking up new words to learn, too!
So you get subtitles for all the ambient dialogue in the game with Russian, or just the cutscenes etc?
Lol I've gotten used to the cheesy English VO.Like Metro 2033, the English dub is really not very good. The translation seems goofy and the voice work is a mixed bag. I really don't want to turn on Russian vocals either, as that means subtitles, and this is the kind of game that works best with as few HUD details as possible.
Sure is ridiculously pretty.
I bought it from Simplygames just a few hours ago and it had ranger mode. Guessing it will run out soon though and it's a bit of luck whether you will get it after now.