So will a i5 3570k at 4.2 and a HD7870 get me 60fps?
I guess my monitors max res being 1680x1050 helps in that unless im downsampling, it should keep a bit of strain off my Q6600, 560ti setup :/
Still i can run metro on high and keep 60fps, so fingers crossed for LL
I remember grabbing an i5 over an i7 way back when because pffft like I'm ever going to need that hyperthreading. Starting to think I probably shouldn't have gone the i7, for investments sake.
Oh well.
[email protected], 8GB DDR3, GTX 670 2GB. Hoping to have a solid framerate with everything maxed, anti-aliasing excluded.
Can't say about exact framerates. As far as I know the game is pretty heavy on the CPU but having a "lower" resolution will help with the fill rate and keeping the frame rate up.
As for maxing out: the machines I have to test on at the moment are all around the minimum specs. The builds that press played with for their previews were running fluidly on High on i7-2600K @ 3.4 GHz, 8GB RAM, GTX 580 4GB specs. 1920x1080 screens. A good i5 with similar specs should run it fine, too Maybe you'd need to put a few things a notch lower.
It's been a while since I've been religiously keeping track of hardware performance on places like Tomshardware, though. Usually I stop reading that stuff directly after upgrading my PC because I like to believe I spent my money wisely

. So I won't be able to tell you exactly what kind of framerate you will get with which settings on which setup, but hopefully this info will help to get a good idea of how it will run.
As for the console versions: if you don't think your PC can run it, the console versions look great too. Of course you're not going to get super high-res textures and all that jazz. But given the aging hardware of the current generation, it looks and runs really good. Gameplay-wise it's the same experience.
If there will be a next-gen console version a long time from now, it will surely look better but it will still be largely the same experience.
Lastly, no more amoebas. So much rage! I wasn't involved when the decision was made to not have those things in the next game again, but I'm extremely thankful to whoever decided that.