Said no one ever.I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'"
Said no one ever.I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'"
Its really a good question why some are allowed to repeatedly intentionally poke people and get away with itBro, this person is a joke character. And it's been a tired act for awhile now. I remember when gaf used to ban dipshits whose act lacked any nuance.
Times have changed. It's an attention / engagement economy and people are actually incetivised to rile folks up... unfortunately. But there's also always been trolls, and we've been saying not to feed them for decades -- to the point you'd hope we'd know better. So, there's enough blame to go around I guess.Its really a good question why some are allowed to repeatedly intentionally poke people and get away with it
No, I'm just pointing to the rising tide and explaining why it's happening.… but you’re painting the entire field with the same brush when you talk about MP games being more profitable due to $20 skins.
Again, these companies know the math waaaaay better than you or I. They're moving towards Live Service for a reason. Part of that reason is that SP gamers aren't as attractive as they used to be. Time to wake up to that fact.For every Fortnite there’s 100 absolute failures like Halo Infinite’s multiplayer.
You can keep saying this, but your sentiment is clearly wrong. The industry would rather keep doing what they've done for the last 30 years (make formulaic AAA SP games + grow revenue & profits). They're not going in that direction because that market is capped.The multiplayer scene is dominated by long standing games like Rocket League, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny, Sea of Thieves, Counter Strike and the only giant annual multiplayer games are FIFA and CoD.
And $70 single player games are more than capable of this if the quality is there.
"Companies" is a low resolution word.These companies are more profitable than ever despite their own inability to control costs and development times.
Is there a way to support Mike Ybarras overall point without it being interpreted as "intentionally poking people and getting away with it"?Its really a good question why some are allowed to repeatedly intentionally poke people and get away with it
Yeah, 'cause the tip would totally go to the devs, and not to executives that havent even played the game themselves
What a fucking idiot
Reality check: they would actually get paid even less and most of their salary would be based on tips, like every other job that has a tipping system.Devs are often payed based on certain financial benchmarks set by the publisher. So a tip system could easily benefit the developers if their contracts were set up in such a manner.
The difference is that you can buy a deluxe edition of a shit game not knowing if it's worth that extra $10. That's more like an entrance fee than a tip. His suggestion is to play a game till the end and have the option to tip at the end if you really thought it was a quality game. Maybe a message that says "if you enjoyed this game consider upgrading to the deluxe edition for $10" would be considered more akin to a tip and would work better than a simple donation to a megacorp.Deluxe editions are just that.
What was the game if you don't mind me asking?I've put a lot of time into a FTP game, I supported level one and level two of "Player support" payments but you can only make those once. Level 3 was half the price of a full priced game, get fucked you whale hunters. I would have been OK giving them $5 on the regular which on this game would have been more than $100. Except no, they wanted whales.
I still play that game, for free.
This is the reason why gen Z is experiencing a retro game revival, too.The reason why the industry is headed in the direction it is, is because of the attitude in this very thread.
When SP gamers are asked to spend more money they riot.
MP gamers like spending $20 dollars on a new skin.
Do not be confused as to why you're no longer being catered to SP gamers.
Has nothing to do with me needing thicker skin and if someone wants to agree with Mike its cool thats up to themIs there a way to support Mike Ybarras overall point without it being interpreted as "intentionally poking people and getting away with it"?
Some of you need thicker skin. Having opposing viewpoints is something adults should embrace.
Not really understanding how giving the ability to send an optional tip is ruining anything? I also back kick starter campaigns and support early access games. If I'm the problem then maybe gaming just isn't for me anymore.See this is why the industry says shit like this. People like you
So a SP studio would get paid LESS for reaching LARGER financial goals via multiple new revenue streams?Reality check: they would actually get paid even less and most of their salary would be based on tips, like every other job that has a tipping system.
I ignore them like a MAN.Hell no. I already stopped eating out or getting deliveries cause tipping is getting out of hand. Even when I get take out the payment processor asks if I want to tip.
I'm no fan of the sophomoric mud slinging either but that seems par for the course in online discourse. I guess I partake in it to tone match more than anything. I'd much prefer we embrace the ability to disagree without calling others "snake oil salesmen", for example.My point is we have several accounts here that are constantly allowed to harass the other camp and its written off as jokes or whatever, its just old and tiresome
Certain sites have lost a lot of appeal to be apart of because of this and close to be removed from my favorites tab or frequented sites (which I know no one cares)
They are charging $70+ for a game. That’s the reward. And again, any money would go to the publisher. I ain’t tipping multi billion $ corpos.If you read his post he's actually saying it as a way to reward the studios that don't nickel and dime you with MTX and lootboxes. A way to say thanks for a good game that didn't do these things. I'm not sure it will have the intended effect though.
Star Trek timelines.What was the game if you don't mind me asking?