Milo Yiannopoulos' book Dangerous was canceled abruptly Monday after Republican conservatives released clips of videos-with-audio in which he seemed to condone sex between men and boys.
In a terse statement released Monday afternoon, the right-wing provocateur's publisher said: "After careful consideration, Simon & Schuster and its Threshold Editions imprint have canceled publication of Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos."
Yiannopoulos' provocative right-wing persona (he attacked feminists and trashed women who used birth control, to name a few of his views), helped get him a reported $250,000 book deal from Threshold Editions, a conservative imprint of Simon & Schuster, which was due to release his book, Dangerous, in June.
The book stirred controversy and outrage from the get-go. When word of the deal came out late last year, it inspired critical tweets, threats to boycott S&S books and vows from some authors to find another publisher for their own books. The book rose to No. 1 on Amazon in early February, but by Monday it had dropped to No. 84, based on pre-orders.
But the latest uproar was a bridge too far for his publisher.
The gay British writer, who has collected kudos in the era of Donald Trump as a self-described "dangerous" provocateur, teetered on the edge of disaster Monday after Republican conservatives released clips of videos-with-audio in which he talked about his own past as a teenager who had sex with men and suggested that some young teen boys might be old enough to give consent to such sexual relationships.
I guess they thought publishing it would be too... dangerous.