I'm sure someone else will be coming along to publish it shortly, unfortunately.
Do I even want to know his argument against women who use birth control.
Mess with every minority under the sun: celebrity
Mess with republicans: career ending
But the ones who control the media are liberals.
I'm sure someone else will be coming along to publish it shortly, unfortunately.
But is THAT really what it takes for people to cut ties with him?
White kids, puppies and baby seals.
The last lines in our society.
I dunno we shouldn't supress free speech
Yeah it was a hard core Right blog that blew it up. There is a story behind that, something went down behind the scenesWho are they blaming for this? They can't blame the "liberal" media or SJWs since this is Republicans doing it.
I hope Milo's life is ruined
Megabloks are softer plastic than LEGOs.I hope he steps barefoot on megablocks for the rest of his life
"Cuckservatives" "pc police" "minorities"Who are they blaming for this? They can't blame the "liberal" media or SJWs since this is Republicans doing it.
The hits just keep on coming
JUST IN: Breitbart employees threaten to leave if Yiannopoulos is not fired
I'm glad that his book is cancelled, but sad that pedophilia where we draw the line. Not misogyny, racism, etc.
Megabloks are softer plastic than LEGOs.
He needs to step on the real thing.
Trump Publishing will put his ass on a pedestal soon. Wait and see.
And the fire will be glorious as Donnie tries to defend him.