Yeah, Dire Miralis is a joke. Too slow and too many exposed weak spots. It will e better if he can fly and shoot fireballs from his wings in mid-air.
I'm getting tired of using bow now. I'm thinking about learning how to use great sword. I think it's the most difficult weapon to use.
Is there any way to find out where something can be found from within the game? So like say I wanted to make some goldenfish bait can I find out in game where to find the two materials needed to make it?
Is there any way to find out where something can be found from within the game? So like say I wanted to make some goldenfish bait can I find out in game where to find the two materials needed to make it?
If you've been spamming the fishing fleet on the treasure destinations, you might have the materials to make Artian boots. Those give a buttload of free-element and handicraft.
Quick, easy, and to the point.
edit: Whoops, "from within the game". Didn't see that. But no, it doesn't have locations for the stuff within the game.
Haha, Zinogre is starts out as "Woah he looks cool...but the fight is disappointing." Then he lights up, and you're like a rag doll.Phew! Zinogre down! Last few minutes as well. Managed to upgrade my Ice Bow and used the Lagi set for the added Thunder resist. Still had issues getting him out of the rage mode and he is damn scary as he hops around all over the place.
I expected more out of nibblesnarf, I was disappointed.
$20, why the stealth release?!
Tempted. Don't have any game that REALLY needs it, but I want MH3U.
Hope it finds its way to GameStop/EBGames.
Edit: Says it'll begin shipping on the 19th.
Currently fooling around with the SA again (Dios Axe). Though the LS is my main and the transition to SA is kind of hard, i just love the style of this weapon class.
Some HR armor recommendations?
I hear Volvidon S isn't too bad for starting out HR.
-Attack Up (M): Gem to L.
-Evasion +1: Very useful.
-Tremor Resistance: Because Quakes suck.
I hear Volvidon S isn't too bad for starting out HR.
-Attack Up (M): Gem to L.
-Evasion +1: Very useful.
-Tremor Resistance: Because Quakes suck.
Holy crap. So I played the 3ds demo and how the hell do people play this without the circle pad pro? It's doable without it but damn is it awkward.
Noooo the virtual dpad is a terrible solution. Which button was the auto lock on (or are you talking about the camera reset)? The demo doesn't exactly explain anything at all.Auto-target and virtual d-pad. Awkward at first but just as comfortable as playing tri on the wii.
Noooo the virtual dpad is a terrible solution. Which button was the auto lock on (or are you talking about the camera reset)? The demo doesn't exactly explain anything at all.
Holy crap. So I played the 3ds demo and how the hell do people play this without the circle pad pro? It's doable without it but damn is it awkward. Why is the xl version still not announced for NA? Not enough games for it?
Edit: lol. Just saw the other thread saying it's on their store now.
Alright, I'm about to login and make a GAF room in the normal spot and normal password to do HR7 keys and hopefully the urgent if anyone can still join and help out. I'll name it GAF HR7. My hunter name is Hoodbury.
I'd be down to do HR7 keys if there are a couple of others interested.Room is full already.
That's what I get for procrastinating on grading these lab reports...
I call it: GameFAQs. Just do a thread search.GAF PLEASE HELP
Please tell me the website where I can look up the items and where they drop, THAT WORKS ON THE iPAD, and has the new shit from MH3U/MH3G.
mh3u.stilltruth doesn't have anything that's not in Tri, which is basically every single thing I need to look up.
The Monster Hunter wikia is coded like shit and works jankily on the iPad. Also doesn't have everything.
There HAS to be a website that I can find this shit. I find it ridiculous that there isn't a simple mobile app to download. I'd pay like $10 for it. Please don't refer me to the stupid Windows program, I use OS X and am not interested in going to my computer for this anyway. The whole point is to look it up from the couch while I'm playing.
P.S. Whatever the website is, it should be featured in the OP in giant fucking letters with flashing seizure GIF's.
Too many people using Dios AxeI feel so good after getting rid of that, never looked back.
I call it: GameFAQs. Just do a thread search.
Yeah. Everything people ask on here can be found by typing less words into google, usually within the first few results.I don't even get that specify with the search. Google does fine.
I'd be down to do HR7 keys if there are a couple of others interested.
Holy crap. So I played the 3ds demo and how the hell do people play this without the circle pad pro? It's doable without it but damn is it awkward. Why is the xl version still not announced for NA? Not enough games for it?
I'll help out if you want, wouldn't mind farming a.rath either.Anyone willing to go HR 3-5?
I wanna get to Azure Rath so I can make my own farming lobbies. The ones I join always seem to disband shortly after my arrival