We can use one more HR8+ hunter in a room; we'll be doing Jhen DLC farming, as the armor you can make with it is kinda fucking nuts.
http://kiranico.com/GAF PLEASE HELP
Please tell me the website where I can look up the items and where they drop, THAT WORKS ON THE iPAD, and has the new shit from MH3U/MH3G.
mh3u.stilltruth doesn't have anything that's not in Tri, which is basically every single thing I need to look up.
The Monster Hunter wikia is coded like shit and works jankily on the iPad. Also doesn't have everything.
There HAS to be a website that I can find this shit. I find it ridiculous that there isn't a simple mobile app to download. I'd pay like $10 for it. Please don't refer me to the stupid Windows program, I use OS X and am not interested in going to my computer for this anyway. The whole point is to look it up from the couch while I'm playing.
P.S. Whatever the website is, it should be featured in the OP in giant fucking letters with flashing seizure GIF's.
You don't have to pay super-careful attention to an ammo counter since running out of coatings won't lock up your hunter as badly as trying to fire an unloaded bowgun.
You also get element attacks pretty much for free. Bowguns require element based ammo, which can be expensive.
You also have a (lol-tastic) cutting attack that can in theory cut tails.
Mobility and I think status attacks are better with a bow.
Talk to Junior.
With the Bow it's pretty much mobility and taking your shots at the opportune time. Think of it this way, with a bowgun you're pretty much trying to pump as many shots as you can, whenever you can, because anything else slows you down. With the bow, you more or less store up shots, then release them all at once, running around and avoiding the monster up until the release. That is, honestly, the biggest difference between the two. At least from a philosophy standpoint, you'll find bows that change this up frequently.
And yeah status attacks are 100% better, mainly because towards the end you start having bows with almost or all of the status attacks available, and you start being like "Okay monster go to sleep. Now be paralyzed. I think you look good in poison! Man calm down and eat some exhaust shot."
It's also a LOT less dependent on ammo for surviving. With a bowgun, not having ammo means basically you're just plain screwed, since Normal S1 is laughably bad. With a bow the only damage boost you ever even half depend on is Power Coating, which is +50% attack, but when it runs out you can still deal enough damage to not cry yourself in a corner.
A bowgun's main advantage, IMO, is when you get one that has multiple elemental shots available, or get some good charms that you can just recharm/regem to add an elemental shot to exploit weaknesses. If you have the ammo/gun to support it, it's capable of being a specialized generalist... but finding the right bowgun can be a PITA.
SOURCE: Playing Bow nigh exclusively for 100+ hours so far.
EDIT: Not having to reload every 4 shots is nice too. With bows you reload once, and until you swap ammo you're good till you run out. Although Reload Speed 2 actually removes reloading altogether for bows, a convenience that bowguns can't get, and IMO is a game changer. Makes Close Range not useless!
Beat Baleful 'Nox today. Took 40 minutes and 45 seconds, sigh. Gonna do triple Gigginox now so I can upgrade my Black Coffin. Thank goodness for Wroggi armour.
Ah, so that's where those pictures on GameFAQS came from...
People have survived hundreds of hours with the claw method on the PSP...people will survive with the virtual d pad on the 3DS.
this is going to sound fucking crazy i know but i prefer the claw (or at least, a modified PSP GO semi-claw) to the virtual dpad. controller shell is miles above either, of course.
The difference is that clawing offered a greater advantage: being able to move the camera while doing actions. For example, you can pan the camera around to watch out for both monsters while deciding which directions to roll.People have survived hundreds of hours with the claw method on the PSP...people will survive with the virtual d pad on the 3DS.
We can use one more HR8+ hunter in a room; we'll be doing Jhen DLC farming, as the armor you can make with it is kinda fucking nuts.
I read that Plesioth aka Hip-Check is up in VQ6 urgent.
I recall having a torrid time fighting Plesioth with Hammer back in MHFU...so much so that I purposely made a piercing bow to kill Plesioth and Lavasioth. However, I don't feel like farming for a set of gunner armor and a bow just for Plesioth.
Any tips on hammering Plesioth?
He's pretty easy now. His head actually takes impact damage in MH3U and his hitboxes aren't absurd anymore.
Pierce HBG still does horrible things to him though.
So what's the difference between piercing and impact stat wise or is it just a specific monster thing?
Alright, so piercing neutral then?
Which weapons use piercing? I know that there's piercing ammo which is for armour.
Well, it's always equal or better than the other two.
Lance, gunlance, bows. I think piercing ammo is unrelated; it's just high damage ammo.
Alright, thanks. So does that mean that gunlances should be able to cut tails?
Anyone wanna play with me? Still HR1, but I have the Urgent Quest for HR2 - been going through village quests recently. Purple Ludroth is no goddamn joke.
...Actually he is, but the poison's holding me back. Anyways, anyone wanna play?
Alright, thanks. So does that mean that gunlances should be able to cut tails?
Anyone wanna play with me? Still HR1, but I have the Urgent Quest for HR2 - been going through village quests recently. Purple Ludroth is no goddamn joke.
...Actually he is, but the poison's holding me back. Anyways, anyone wanna play?
In theory. I can never position myself to the tail, though.
Well, it's always equal or better than the other two.
Lance, gunlance, bows. I think piercing ammo is unrelated; it's just high damage ammo.
Beat Baleful 'Nox today. Took 40 minutes and 45 seconds, sigh. Gonna do triple Gigginox now so I can upgrade my Black Coffin. Thank goodness for Wroggi armour.
Yeah, fair enough. Gunlances are fun but mobility is not their greatest strengths.
Great for breaking horns up front though!
No idea to be honest.
If you still need help (and there's no restrictions on the urgent) throw up a room. I'll have to leave afterward though.
Brachydios capped like 8 times... No gems
I'd like to help!
Thanks for all the Jhen hunts tonight, GAF and others; that armor set you make is even better than the Diablos X set for GS. I've got Focus, CritDraw, Mind's Eye, Unshakeable, and Sheathing all active now, and it's a beautiful goddamn thing.
short 1 allbrace from the whole set![]()
Hahaha yeah, fun fight! Was half expecting/hoping it was one, then the other. Then it started and I was like "oh.... right."Tried Rage Match a few times with some HR6s... a waste of Flash Bombs.
It was fun though, very challenging.
Thanks for all the Jhen hunts tonight, GAF and others; that armor set you make is even better than the Diablos X set for GS. I've got Focus, CritDraw, Mind's Eye, Unshakeable, and Sheathing all active now, and it's a beautiful goddamn thing.
Thanks for all the Jhen hunts tonight, GAF and others; that armor set you make is even better than the Diablos X set for GS. I've got Focus, CritDraw, Mind's Eye, Unshakeable, and Sheathing all active now, and it's a beautiful goddamn thing.
Well that was fun ramyeon and toasty! Awesome hunting with you guys. And rudeboy if he's a gaffer as well! I think I DC'd right at the end after we killed that terrible boss, but I got to save!
Mate, good to hear you got the rank up! We thought you might not have because of the disconnect. Great hunting, toasty and rudeboy too. We'll have to do some G rank stuff next time!Yup! Got to hr6! Thanks again for everything!