Also, to whoever said fuck Gigginox, I'm with ya man. Fuck that piece of shit to hell.
Typo? I've heard of people complaining about G-Rank Great Baggi since he is on cocaine in rage mode and all that.But what's with everybody complaining about great jaggi in g rank? did i miss something?
Also, to whoever said fuck Gigginox, I'm with ya man. Fuck that piece of shit to hell.
Awesome, thanks! I tinkered a bit with a bow last night and found it hard to notice when I was registering a hit. (I think my bow was too weak or something--no blood came off of the Jaggie, just what looked like the yellow "you grazed" indicator.)
The aiming is also kind of a pain that I think will take a while to get used to. I've been enjoying SNS mostly though, so I'll probably keep progressing with that, and just tinkering with the other weapons for money runs.
I didn't watch the video but I put that set into Mhag and you only get handicraft +7, Sharpness +5, Wide range +5, and a bunch of +4s and +3s.Okay, after arriving in G rank yesterday i did some quests, namely the volvidon + jaggi, lagombi + baggi quests and green plesioth.
volvidon and jaggi were kind of easy, lagombi and baggi a bit harder.
But what's with everybody complaining about great jaggi in g rank? did i miss something?
Green Plesioth on the other hand almost completely destroyed me with his insane attack patterns (he hipchecks like crazy, swipe waterbeam and his tail range is otherworldly). Got around to beat him, but with 2 deaths and no potions left.
I need a new armor, although i just crafted my Lagiacrus U set.
This video mentions an easy Sharpness+1 mixed set, consisting of:
- Lagombi Helm X
- Wroggi Mail X
- Rhenoplos Braces X
- Qurupeco Coil X
- Wroggi Greaves X
So GAF, is it any good? Or should concentrate on something different?
The elemental bows make it so much easier to see the hits. You often don't see a hug amount of blood and you don't bounce, so just keep on shooting. Depending on your bow, check what type of sots each charge is. Pierce is handy for long monsters and it hits multiple times, Rapid shoots a few arrows one above each-other, which is handy for aiming at specific monster parts and Scatter shoots several arrows in a fairly wide arch, which is great for hitting wider monsters and getting those status shots off.
Once you get the aiming down, you will very rarely miss. Use the lock-on for larger monsters and charge and go toe-to-toe with smaller monsters to blast them.![]()
Typo? I've heard of people complaining about G-Rank Great Baggi since he is on cocaine in rage mode and all that.
I didn't watch the video but I put that set into Mhag and you only get handicraft +7, Sharpness +5, Wide range +5, and a bunch of +4s and +3s.
You have 9 slots not counting tali's or weapons so you could definitely gem in the rest of handicraft but the gems for handicraft give minus points to sharpness so you wouldn't get both of them. You could probably get handicraft and wide range easily enough though.
But to me that set isn't worth it. At the start of G-rank I don't think you should worry about Sharpness +1. You could make full Jaggi armor and have a ton of good skills and room to gem in one other skill of your choice.
I'd worry about a Sharpness +1 set for your second G-rank set. Just make a basic easy set to get enough defense to get through the early G-rank quests.
Ya, for boss monsters I just tap the lock on, then tap 'up' on the stick, then fire. That sound about right? Since my weapon spreads, I get a bit confused as to whether or not my center arrow is hitting.
still 2 spots left: free 3 lobby 9
I didn't watch the video but I put that set into Mhag and you only get handicraft +7, Sharpness +5, Wide range +5, and a bunch of +4s and +3s.
You have 9 slots not counting tali's or weapons so you could definitely gem in the rest of handicraft but the gems for handicraft give minus points to sharpness so you wouldn't get both of them. You could probably get handicraft and wide range easily enough though.
But to me that set isn't worth it. At the start of G-rank I don't think you should worry about Sharpness +1. You could make full Jaggi armor and have a ton of good skills and room to gem in one other skill of your choice.
I'd worry about a Sharpness +1 set for your second G-rank set. Just make a basic easy set to get enough defense to get through the early G-rank quests.
Thank you very much! I will do this.![]()
Thanks, appreciate the help. (Didn't know that about charge shot without manual aim)At minimum, always go for a level 1 charge or above. The spread type is handy if you move yourself to the side of a monster and fire. Handy also if you have Cha Cha and Kayamba there to taunt and distract.
(Wii-U controls, not sure for DS) Pressing and holding X for the charge shot and then tapping A will use arrow-rain without manual aiming. Practice this range on some easier monsters, since it works for everything. Tricky to start with but really speeds up your damage output by not having to manual aim for shots. Tapping lock-on is great but you still might need to tweak your aiming to get it spot on.
I'm sorry, you must have used the wrong game or the wrong equipment.
It just depends how valuable you think it is.
Comparing to the suggested G Jaggi: both sets have 7 slots; so the difference becomes AUS, rec speed+1, meat lover and halve stun versus sharpness + 1
Wroggi set is king, dawg. In fact, I'm still wearing it outside of Great Wroggi/Rath hunts.
I guess I like the "cowboy hunter" theme for my character.
I think it was more the "Jho chins me onto the floor and the camera is filled with his gigantic polygon ass, just as Niblesnarf eats me whole."
One day I will down Jho and I will learn how he fights, He just seems so random that I really have no idea how to approach him, especially when trying to fight HR stuff as well.
Goldbeard Ceadeus...
dat water beam from the top that is super hard to "roll" and always insta-kills me.
7 Brachy down, 4 cap 3 kill, and still no gem.
I need just ONE so I can upgrade my Brachy SA.
I know this feel. Captured him like 8 times, no gem.
Anyway, can you guys give me an idea of the best sets for a hammer user in high rank? I don't actually want to try going through and getting every set. Perhaps one for every element?
Depends on what kind of skills you want, for example my first high rank hammer set I made was Volvidon S. Has attack up, evasion and tremor res and I was able to gem for stamina (marathon runner skill) which is another awesome skill for hammers.
I'd say go through the armors in the forge menu and check out the skills and see what you might want to try out. For me some of the more desirable hammer skills would be: evasion, evade distance, fast charge, KO and stamina. I enjoy attack up but at the same time focusing on survivability allows me to remain up in the monsters face for longer thus allowing me to do more damage over time.
STOP ASKING ME TO TALK TO THE ARGOSY CAPTAIN HE'S NOT EVEN HERE! I've done every 9 star quest and he's STILL gone.
Wait, do you know who the Argosy Captain is? Not trying to offend you, but you know, shit happens.![]()
hereAlso, do you know where I can learn what all of the stats do? I can't find a list anywhere.
Yes I know who it is. It still says he is at sea, but he has been there for the longest time. I've done so many filler quests just to get him back, but he doesn't seem to want to return.
Are there any village requests left?
Yea, I haven't done some of the farm upgrades and masks. Do I have to get all of those?
As I have been saying... my sets are the worst to forge.
Now I need a fucking Barrage Piercing.
Yes.....Any Gaf games on at the moment?
Haha let me jump online and find you.Yes.....
When you see him darting up above you or even down below, follow him to the best of your ability. If you're close enough to him, you should be able to find a blind spot out of the blasts reach.
Yay, beat him instantly, thanksuse a farcaster to go back to camp before it shoots. then at camp there are 2 farcasters
when you have to fight consecutive monsters on a quest, are they each weaker than usual?