i think i have done all the needed rare trades but don't have the pirate tomb? destination on the fishing fleet, can anyone throw me a line so to speak
i think i have done all the needed rare trades but don't have the pirate tomb? destination on the fishing fleet, can anyone throw me a line so to speak
Comparing "depth of midnight" at 858 and 0% affinity and "megrez's asterism" at 726 and 50%.well the fact it does more damage will inherently increase your chance of monsters flinching, but 25% does alot for your dps over the duration of a hunt, 50% affinity is probably worth at least a 200 more raw damage on end game hammer/ GS i'm probably be conservative with that aswell.
Do crits have any other benefit beside added dmg (+25%, right?)? Increased flinch chance or something?
Mine shows up randomly every so often and then leaves again.
Speaking of which, what's up with that? Is it normal for the ship rankings to fluctuate up and down? Sometimes I have access to four destinations, sometimes two, sometimes they're three stars, sometimes two, etc.
Just FYI I'll make OT2 tomorrow when I get up if we pass 20k overnight. Otherwise, tomorrow is the day!
I'm supposed to post it in Community, right?
Just curious, but is there a really "bad set" that you can make once you start really farming stuff. I'm just about to open HR stuff in Moga Village and the girl and I are in the process of clearing out HR2 stuff in MP ... and I always look at stuff and think "hey, I should make that!" but then second guess wasting materials.
Also, what are some good skills for Dual Blades? I use Attack (S) and Quick Sharpening right now, but is there some skills/armor that really make it shine?
Right now I have 3 pieces of Ratholos, 1 Gigginox, and 1 Rathian (I can't get the Ratholos Plate to drop) using Brother Flames.
I think up until now it hasn't been much of an issue, but once I hit HR I really don't want to gimp myself.
A lot of it depends on your playstyle. A few key skills for DBs are Razor Sharp, Marathon Runner, and Speed Sharpening. Sharpness+1 is pretty key for most weapons once you get to G-rank. AuX skills are always nice. Evasion allows you to be really aggressive and stay near the monster at all times.
It is; you'll get a message for that boat saying that they made "upgrades," which will enable them to places that you aren't able to normally access. The boats themselves max out at three stars (three destinations for all three categories, basically), but there's still a fourth location that they can visit when you get that message.
omg...so it has a random chance of appearing..and if it does appear i have like a small chance of actually getting the thing i wanted ...thats just frustrating, at least when i'm farming for a mantle i feel like i'm accomplishing something![]()
But it's normal for the boats to drop down to 1 star after being at 3, etc?
But it's normal for the boats to drop down to 1 star after being at 3, etc?
No, that will never happen. It only fluctuates from 3 and 4 once the boats have been fully upgraded.
Yeah, I've been trying to find 'mobility' and weapon skills just not sure what armor really helps.
Awesome, will do some wiki searching and see what I find, thanks!
LR/HR sets with Evasion+1 would be Volvidon, Barioth, Nargacuga. Volvidon is nice because it also has tremor resist and AuM.
Sets with Razor Sharp are Agnaktor, Zinogre, Vangis, Wroggi, and Rath Soul. Of those I could see Wroggi and Rath Soul being on the easier side to get while having some really nice skills in addition to Razor Sharp. (Negate Poison, Shaka Rally, and Speed Eating+1 for Wroggi. CE+2 and Earplugs for Rath Soul). The other sets I feel don't offer nearly as much or might be a bit tough to get early on.
Marathon Runner is only on Plesioth and Ludroth I believe, but it's a really strong skill for DS and it's worth using an armor set for that alone. I think Ludroth S has like 7 points towards hearing as well, so it should be easy to toss on Earplugs or HGE. Possibly even speed sharpening if you have a charm for either of those skills. I have a +6 Evasion 1 slot charm so I pretty much toss evade+1 on anything I make.
Confusing as all fuck. Razor sharp decreases the rate at which your blade(s) dull, handicraft gives sharpness+1. The latter is only found on g rank sets afaik.Awesome. Do you know what sets have Handicraft (Sharpness +1) or is that the one you mentioned with Razor Sharp? It's kind of confusing figuring out the skills right now.
Mine have gone down. What causes them to go down? Not using them regularly? Giving them Fish Finder if they're not going fishing?
Also, have you always been a junior?
I just bought this game because everybody says it's awesome and I liked the demo...
but now I feel like a total n00b, seeing that this thread is 396 pages long.
any starter tips?![]()
but now I feel like a total n00b, seeing that this thread is 396 pages long.
any starter tips?![]()
Thought the pain was over after I got 2 Cloudy Moonshards. Now I've gotta hunt G Durambros for the stupid Durambolite so I can complete L.Narga set. Thought I could just mine it somewhere![]()
it's not that bad as long as you remember to mine the tail after you crack it and he gets it stuck in the ground. I somehow managed to get two in one regular/rust arena fight. Which is really hilarious with randoms, I might add
You can mine Duramboros?!?! I don't even...
When you say cracked, what do you mean exactly?
Confusing as all fuck. Razor sharp decreases the rate at which your blade(s) dull, handicraft gives sharpness+1. The latter is only found on g rank sets afaik.
Late response, but yeah. I joined mid feb.
Huh, feels like you've been here a while.
At what level are your ships at? They go up at random. They never go down.
3-2-3 currently. Can ranks lower than 3 get the "made some upgrades" buff too? Because I know the second one has been 3 before.
My bad. You are right. It doesnt get any better than that.Atm I can only craft the one with the 3 slots. but its handicraft +2 for 3 slots... not 4 oO
I can't see the 1 point for 2 slots yet... probably haven't gotten any of the mats yet. what do I need?
How do I get more than the 5-star quests in moga woods? I did every quest previous, but no six-star quests show up.
I think you need to go explore the farm. Barring that, maybe you have some odd villager requests to fulfill.
What's the best way to get monster fluids? I seem to only come across them randomly
Yep. Just another way the game keeps you on your toes. You'll see what time of day the quest will be on the job description. It'll say something like "S. Plains (N)" for nighttime.?
Just did a quest where it was night time on the Sandy Plains. This is the first time I've seen night time and I've played for 20 hours. What gives? Reading up on it, it is supposed to advanced day/night while on quests and after resting but no such thing happens for me?
Reading up on it, it is supposed to advanced day/night while on quests and after resting but no such thing happens for me?
Jesus capturing still seems impossible. I have the damn armor that lets me see when they're cappable, I lay the trap, hit Peco with two tranq bombs and he still breaks free. It worked just fine when I tried it last time! Is there an element of random chance in this as well? 0.2% chance of trap actually working, some bullshit like that?
How early can you get the perception skill? I'd love it on a talisman, but am not sure how to get.
Jesus capturing still seems impossible. I have the damn armor that lets me see when they're cappable, I lay the trap, hit Peco with two tranq bombs and he still breaks free. It worked just fine when I tried it last time! Is there an element of random chance in this as well? 0.2% chance of trap actually working, some bullshit like that?
Jesus capturing still seems impossible. I have the damn armor that lets me see when they're cappable, I lay the trap, hit Peco with two tranq bombs and he still breaks free. It worked just fine when I tried it last time! Is there an element of random chance in this as well? 0.2% chance of trap actually working, some bullshit like that?
How early can you get the perception skill? I'd love it on a talisman, but am not sure how to get.