See, there needs to be a PSA about this in the OP. Even if there are spots in your room, if the LOBBY is full then no one can join. There might be 2/4 people in your group, but if the lobby is 100/100 then you're boned. Which is why you should always make games in lobbies with like 40 people tops. That way when people search do I search by monster they can join without issue. Don't you hate it when you search for a particular monster, join a group with 1/4 or 2/4 and still can't join for some reason? It's because the host created the group in a lobby that is now full.
People need to know this! Don't host games in the top lobbies with 90+ people!
It remembers all the points you gained in single player and multi. When my friend (who's done tons of quests) passed HR 7 Urgent to become 8+ he skipped to HR 60ish. When I (who leeched off people with one set of armor/weapon and did mostly key quests only and once) completed my level 7 urgent and became 8+ I skipped to HR 40.Not sure what you mean by SP. If you mean beat the Tanzia (MP) "game", then yes, you will obtain all of the points you have accumulated and you will receive points upon completing more quests in order to level up.
What are the requirements? My poor captain's ship is still lvl 1 because of this.YAAAAAAAAASSS Got both Piercings from Arena!
Now I need Long Fragments oh GOD. :lol
YAAAAAAAAASSS Got both Piercings from Arena!
Now I need Long Fragments oh GOD. :lol
Research charm tables asap. I'm serious.I just bought this game because everybody says it's awesome and I liked the demo...
but now I feel like a total n00b, seeing that this thread is 396 pages long.
any starter tips?![]()
diablos is fucking bullshit at all ranks and i hate it and want it to die and go extinct forever and ever and ever
Research charm tables asap. I'm serious.
If you don't you'll wish you did after spending 60+hrs on this game, and will have to decide whether to keep going on a gimped savefile or start again.
Ew. But you can save before dispatching a 4 star boat, and reload if you don't get what you are looking for.I cleared all my remaining village quests, checking the boats every time and sending them to pirate's tomb w/treasure tracker whenever it came up. I got 1 long fragment. On the upside, only need one more for gunner boots and I long ago made the blademaster ones.
Afraid of the glitch? MH3U shipped with all MH3G JP patches. To get piercings you need to beat every arena quest (rank A or S) with every weapon.What are the requirements? My poor captain's ship is still lvl 1 because of this.
oh my god nobody ever brings deodorant to the Steel Uragaan fight so i always end up running around and de-stenching everybody else :lol
It's not that big of a deal starting a new save file at least. This game is interesting because you really pick up on all the subtle monster animations and react appropriately without even thinking about it after awhile, which allows you to fly through the game even with minimal armor sets. Plus, you're always grinding monsters in this game, so what's another?
Who needs Deodorant when G rank OHKO's my poor Gunner with it anyways. ;_;
gunner? weren't you a Disciple of the Hammer not too long ago?
I just did the Gigginox + Baleful Gigginox quest.
3 antidotes used, a few mega potions. I am still the king of gigginox hunting.
They seriously expect you to do Ivory Lagiacrus, Brachydois, and Azure Rathalos at the same time? Got damn anyone did this quest yet
They seriously expect you to do Ivory Lagiacrus, Brachydois, and Azure Rathalos at the same time? Got damn anyone did this quest yet
At the same time in regards to resources. I'm fully aware I'm playing the quest as I impliedYou don't. You fight Ivory alone, then Brachydios and Azure come in together.
You're weapons and armor level upYou basically don't level your character up. You level yourself up by learning how to fight the monsters better.
Man, i'm glad I keep reading the wiki.
Apparently using bombadier gives benefits to SLM weapons, which I had no idea of.
After 20 lucent nargas finally got a cloudy moonshard, so 20 more lucent nargas to go to complete my armor...
Another one for a weapon
Had 2 but I used one to fully upgrade the longsword. With Rath Soul Z I'm getting crits all day. Kind of don't want to switch now. If you haven't got a durambolite I wouldn't mind farming it with you
Let's do it
Edit: nvm it's pretty late![]()
And in the item pouch:
Theres no way to get handicraft/sharpness +1 at about the Caudeus part of offline is there? Just did the quest to scare him off and the wikis say that the armor had handicraft/sharpness +1 but i dont see the skill.
Maybe exciteshrooms and bomb cases instead of power and armor charms? Pod mentioned spamming farcaster, that sounds like a good idea. I did wihtout (using dios LS and nargaX), but barely just made it.Book of Combos 1,Book of Combos 2,Potion,Mega Potion,Mega Dash Juice,Demondrug,Armorskin,Cool Drink,Max Potion,Ancient Potion,Lifepowder,Powercharm,Powertalon,Armorcharm,Armortalon,Farcaster,Barrel Bomb S x2,Barrel Bomb L x2,Barrel Bomb L+ x2,Whetstone,Honey,Ice Crystal,Scatterfish and Bitterbug(for cold drinks)
Sharp+1 is only on G rank armor afaik. So unless you progress online first and then come back to tackle offline, no, probably not.Anybody?
Are the Artian X parts any good? Do you guys use it?
Wroggi S obtained, now for that triple Giggi quest...
Also: Keep the subtitle for OT2 or change it to a new one?
Alatreon is a fruit salad ofhmm...I hope this won't signify that these ones are out in the future.the previous elder dragons,Kirin for the thunder attacks,Teostra/Lunastra for the charge,claw(iirc),tail attacks,and Kushala Daora for the ice breath
I have little time to do this quest(doing fine with the lance at the moment),and I read that's he's been pretty nerfed on the MHwiki,but does someone know how many times he roars before dying?it was around 9 or 10 times after half an hour last time I tried(failed the quest,bounced a lot with the lance charges around the volcano's small lakes).
Here's the set+weapon I'm using:
And in the item pouch:
Book of Combos 1,Book of Combos 2,Potion,Mega Potion,Mega Dash Juice,Demondrug,Armorskin,Cool Drink,Max Potion,Ancient Potion,Lifepowder,Powercharm,Powertalon,Armorcharm,Armortalon,Farcaster,Barrel Bomb S x2,Barrel Bomb L x2,Barrel Bomb L+ x2,Whetstone,Honey,Ice Crystal,Scatterfish and Bitterbug(for cold drinks)