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More Mass Effect 3 details [Planet Aesthetics Detailed, Verdict On Space Battles]


Plywood said:
She looks fucking terrible. Doped up with make up and had some bad plastic surgery decisions.
She is high on love for me.

Miranda was just a short fling. Ashley is my true love.


Lostconfused said:
Kind of expected him to look more normal. Not crazy cyborg ninja from metal gear. Oh well the man needs all the advantages he can get to even come close to Shepard.

Edit: The game definitely needs a solid antagonist. Harbinger is like a reaper version of .
what the fuck dude


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
kai3345 said:
Garrus is cool and all but I wish they would focus on different characters for ME3. Garrus and Tali got their time back in the spotlight with ME2. If Wrex or Liara are sidelined to quest givers or single mission squad mates to make room for Garrus and Tali, I'll be pissed.

They did? They had their loyalty mission but you barely got to talk to them outside of it.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
DennisK4 said:
She is high on love for me.
All I'm saying is Jack better be lesbian come time for ME3.

Joking aside, you'd think with the excellent face models they have for Asari's they could do a human female one just fine, but nooooooooo.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Snuggler said:
I did more than just talk with Garrus.

Good, cause it was the only way to get him to stop doing calibrations for the whole game.

Also Beowulf, I have seen Bioware social. Its leaked onto GAF a few times. Eyes were raped, threads were closed.


Unconfirmed Member
DennisK4 said:
She is high on love for me.

Miranda was just a short fling. Ashley is my true love.

I solely had no romance in ME2 as I was hoping Ashley would return to ME3 and still have a chance. Garrus and Ashley squard forever!
Lakitu said:
Found this while perusing the Bioware Social.


Has some more details. Any Dutch readers willing to summarise please? From what I can gather from the translation:

-Normal in ME 3 will be the equivalent of Veteran in ME 2.
-Kai Leng (known from the books) will work with Cerberus to come for Shepard.
-James Sanders is a muscular dudebro, like an American footballer on steroids.
-You will go to the Turian homeworld Palaven.

I already hate James Sanders.

Kai Leng is a badass

From the novels...
Anderson shot him in his legs and made him crawl to safety
Captain Tuttle said:
Kai Leng is a badass

From the novels...
Anderson shot him in his legs and made him crawl to safety

and that's why he's not a spectre. Shepard/Saren would have killed him instead, now he's going to bother me in 3. Thanks!


I got grudge sucked!
Jack??? She sucked, least favorite ME character ever. I'm really hoping to have that asari chick that ran that crummy asteroid space port at the beginning of the game. Can't remember names right now


Oh god, Ashley looks horrible. At least most of the good characters from the first 2 games are returning. As long as Samara isn't returning, it looks like there's a pretty solid cast.


Dilly said:
Fuck Ashley for her whining. I WAS DEAD FOR 2 YEARS, SHUT IT.

And now you're working for terrorists. The die hard alliance marine isn't just going to drop what she's doing and join you.
Lakitu said:
Found this while perusing the Bioware Social.


Has some more details. Any Dutch readers willing to summarise please? From what I can gather from the translation:

-Normal in ME 3 will be the equivalent of Veteran in ME 2.
-Kai Leng (known from the books) will work with Cerberus to come for Shepard.
-James Sanders is a muscular dudebro, like an American footballer on steroids.
-You will go to the Turian homeworld Palaven.

I already hate James Sanders.
During the interview with CHIEF (A Belgian/Flemish games magazine), Hudson noted "Normal is the new Veteran". Enemies in ME3 use expanded tactics to defeat players. For instance, they'll try flanking them or calling in reinforcements.

Hudson also announced that the team Commander Shepard assembled during ME2 has fallen apart by the time of ME3. On top of that, Shepard is now fighting the pro-human Cerberus, the organisation he was working for in ME2. One character Shepard comes into contact with due to this struggle is Kai Leng, an assassin for hire with a dislike for aliens. He was featured earlier in Mass Effect: Retribution, the third book about the Mass Effect-universe. Another character that makes an appearance is James Sanders, a muscular man that looks like "an American Football-player on a steroid diet", according to CHIEF.

In this new adventure, Shepard will travel to Rannoch, the homeworld of the Quarian species. The Quarians were driven from their home by the Geth, a robotic species. Apart from that, Shepard will also find himself on the homeworlds of the Turians and the Salarians. Earth will also be visited during the game, and will be attacked by the Reapers, an enemy Shepard has been fighting since the first game.

Another change is that the weapons in ME3 feel a lot different from eachother. Players can add scopes, barrels and other attachments to their weapons. There'll also be more biotic powers available. According to Hudson, BioWare wants to use these to both meet the demands of RPG-fans and keeping the same intensity in action. Finally, Hudson tells us this is not the final game in the Mass Effect-universe, but it is the final game in which Commander Shepard is the main role. Hudson states his story is "over, told and done. We don't need to mess with it anymore."

Hudson liet tijdens het interview met CHIEF optekenen dat "Normal het nieuwe Veteran is”. Vijanden gebruiken in Mass Effect 3 uitgebreide tactieken om spelers te verschalken. Zo proberen zij spelers te flankeren of roepen ze hulptroepen in.

Hudson maakte verder bekend dat Commander Shepards opgebouwde team uit het tweede deel in Mass Effect 3 uiteen is gevallen. Bovendien bindt hij in Mass Effect 3 onder meer de strijd aan met het prohumanistische Cerberus, de organisatie waar Shepard in deel twee nog voor werkte. Een personage waar Shepard door die strijd mee te maken krijgt is Kai Leng, een huurmoordenaar met een aversie voor buitenaardsen. Hij kwam eerder al aan bod in Mass Effect: Retribution, het derde boek over het Mass Effect-universum. Een ander personage dat zijn intrede doet in Mass Effect 3 is James Sanders, een gespierde man die "eruit ziet als een American Football-speler op steroïdendieet", aldus CHIEF.

In het nieuwe avontuur komt Commander Shepard onder meer op de thuisplaneet van het buitenaardse ras de Quarian terecht: Rannoch. Dit ras is van hun thuisplaneet verdreven door het robotische ras de Geth. Daarnaast belandt Shepard op de thuisplaneet van de Turian en van de Salarians. Ook Aarde wordt in de game aangedaan, en wordt op dat moment aangevallen door de Reapers, een vijand waar Shepard ook in de vorige twee games al tegen streed.

Een andere verandering die is doorgevoerd, is dat de verschillende wapens in Mass Effect 3 meer van elkaar verschillen. Spelers kunnen zelf scopes, barrels en dergelijke aanpassingen op wapens monteren. Daarnaast komen er meer biotische krachten beschikbaar. Hiermee wil ontwikkelaar BioWare tegemoet komen aan de behoeftes van rpg-fans en tegelijkertijd de intensiteit van de actie behouden, aldus Hudson. Tot slot weet hij te melden dat dit niet de laatste game in het Mass Effect-universum is, maar wel het laatste deel waarin Commander Shepard centraal staat. Zijn verhaal is volgens Hudson "voorbij, verteld en klaar. Daar moeten we niet meer mee willen aanklooien.


Watching that video, here's what I'd do: show a different Quarian with their mask off, but never show Tali. That way, you let people get an idea for what she could look like, but never confirm it.


sflufan said:
No kidding! You might as well just pretend that ME2 never happened.

I have a feeling when all is said and done, the core ME2 will be seen as being Lair of the Shadow Broker and The Arrival, and the main game will be seen as the side stuff.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Dilly said:
Fuck Ashley for her whining. I WAS DEAD FOR 2 YEARS, SHUT IT.
Yeah because there was totally that moment in the game where you got to tell her space terrorist brought you back from the dead.
I have no idea what everyone is up in arms about. I was just commenting that Harbinger is an idiot for an AI. Kind of like Wheatley except without the comical straight man act and the english accent. I honestly didn't think it was much of a spoiler to say that Wheatley is a moron.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Plywood said:
Yeah because there was totally that moment in the game where you got to tell her space terrorist brought you back from the dead.

Both sides were retarded. Her for not trusting you when she just saw the whole colony abducted (but somehow not her when she was the first one frozen...wtf?) and you for not being able to say "I was dead for two fucking years and these people resurrected me. Oh btw how does that fit into your religion? I bet the Alliance would be interesting in finding out how to revive the fucking dead."


NeoGAF's smiling token!
HK-47 said:
Both sides were retarded. Her for not trusting you when she just saw the whole colony abducted (but somehow not her when she was the first one frozen...wtf?) and you for not being able to say "I was dead for two fucking years and these people resurrected me. Oh btw how does that fit into your religion? I bet the Alliance would be interesting in finding out how to revive the fucking dead."
I agree, but Bioware is so good~ with these things.

Going back to Ashley, there is no improvement over the old Ashley model except for the hair and even than the hair isn't all that great.


Fix it Bioware or I'm cancelling my preorder, knocking over a magazine rack and getting my tattoo of you removed.
Plywood said:
I agree, but Bioware is so good~ with these things.

Going back to Ashley, there is no improvement over the old Ashley model except for the hair and even than the hair isn't all that great.


Fix it Bioware or I'm cancelling my preorder, knocking over a magazine rack and getting my tattoo of you removed.
Yeah, it's just terrible to be honest.

Get off my ship, Ashley.
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