Rhoxin said:Don't get mad at the AI guys, lazy ass AI programing since MS 1.
Just finish the single player and then come try to beat me in multiplayer![]()
Thrakier said:I don't think that this has something to do with "lazy" or not. It's more a design decision. I mean, which kind of AI would be "not lazy"?
Driving wheel support?! Day one for me (please come to the US soon)!Maastricht said:Driving with the wheel is awesome.
wouwie said:After playing some more, i'm convinced there is an awesome Motorstorm hidden in there somewhere but some things piss me off so much that it completely destroys the fun.
The destruction turned out far better than i had thought. It doesn't feel like a gimmick. It feels quite natural. It also doesn't break the flow of the gameplay. Some of the later levels are impressive and all with a rock solid framerate.
The multiplayer seems all kinds of broken. At one point, it hard locked my ps3 and i had to reset. But apparently they are aware of the problems.
The thing that completely takes away any fun i could have with this game is the AI of the opponents. Apparently somebody at Evolution thought it would be a great idea if the AI wasn't focused on winning but on making you crash all the time. They ram you from behind (which is the worst game mechanic ever devised because you can't see them coming and you can't do shit about it) and from the side all the time.
I'm sorry but unless they patch this out, i'm done with the game. Which is a shame because there is a good game in there.
wouwie said:The thing that completely takes away any fun i could have with this game is the AI of the opponents. Apparently somebody at Evolution thought it would be a great idea if the AI wasn't focused on winning but on making you crash all the time. They ram you from behind (which is the worst game mechanic ever devised because you can't see them coming and you can't do shit about it) and from the side all the time.
I'm sorry but unless they patch this out, i'm done with the game. Which is a shame because there is a good game in there.
wouwie said:It's not lazy programming. The AI has been programmed to run you off the track as much as possible. There is a big very noticable difference with Pacific Rift. There was virtually no AI ramming (or none at all) in that game. I would never have finished that campaign if it was.
Somebody at Evolution must have thought this would be a brilliant fun addition because crashing is fun. That someone should never be allowed near game design in his life anymore.
Anyway, what's the point... I can't believe they can screw up their game (and more than two years of hard work) with such lousy game design.
wouwie said:It's not lazy programming. The AI has been programmed to run you off the track as much as possible. There is a big very noticable difference with Pacific Rift. There was virtually no AI ramming (or none at all) in that game. I would never have finished that campaign if it was.
Somebody at Evolution must have thought this would be a brilliant fun addition because crashing is fun. That someone should never be allowed near game design in his life anymore.
Anyway, what's the point... I can't believe they can screw up their game (and more than two years of hard work) with such lousy game design.
MiniBossBattle said:Driving wheel support?! Day one for me (please come to the US soon)!
Lagspike_exe said:OK, Seph, you're in as well. What timezone are you in?
Cool, we're a match then. I'll be playing tomorrow, probably around 19-20h unless something comes up.Thrakier said:Europe, +1 (London, Berlin etc.).
Lagspike_exe said:Cool, we're a match then. I'll be playing tomorrow, probably around 19-20h unless something comes up.
Rhoxin said:I got a G27 but comeon, how the hell does one play MS with a wheel, are you guys serious?
Should i really try this?
BPK said:The handling of the rally car is radically different in MSA than MSPR.
Shearie said:I haven't played the MSA demo but I thought I read from people who did that the car you use in the demo was the new Supercar, not the Rallycar.
Ainigma said:Is there a known problem with online?
Leaderboards are not coming up after a race and every time i've tried to find a game nothing happens, or when it says 'joining game' my ps3 locked up?
BeeDog said:Yeah, there are tons of issues with online at the moment. So don't worry, your PS3 isn't the only one locking up.![]()
BPK said:Ah, that would explain it then. Rally car or supercar, however, the handling is way too forgiving. It's like thing has perfect traction. Hence the name "super" I guess...
ObnoxiousZebra said:I cannot handle the Super Mini for the life of me. I hate it when the story mode makes me use it. =(
The game would be a frustration with Pacific Rift handling.
Varth said:Luckily there's only one true race in it, and it's difficult as HELL.
Don't know why many say the handling is different. The only real difference is the terrain, that' less mud and more tarmac and concrete in Apocalypse. Proof is, on the few sections and courses that have mud, the handling is exactly the same as PR.
Thrakier said:Is it me? Is there some kind of parallel world and they are playing a different motorstorm? I just don't see it, really. How can they say stuff like that.
Mihku said:It reminds me of Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time reviews. It also got hammered because it was more of the same (even though it had a much bigger diversity in gameplay) and for some weird reason there was a lot of fuss about the graphics.
Really don't get those "negative" Motorstorm reviews. It's bigger, better and more pretty, yet that's not enough it seems. I guess some franchises get treated a lot more different then other.
Thrakier said:Just won five online races in a row. ;D
Thrakier said:Europe, +1 (London, Berlin etc.).
mescalineeyes said:fail.
London and Berlin are in different time zones
Ainigma said:I wish I could get to play one game online!
BeeDog said:I don't agree, the handling is much more forgiving than Pacific Rift (which I replayed directly after trying the MS3 demo). All vehicles are more grounded and stable regardless of the terrain. Case in point, drive a motorcycle and do some fenderbending with another vehicle. In MS3, you aren't destroyed immediately (like in PR). Also, bumping into smaller geometry won't activate moon physics here anymore.
Thrakier said:Just read this german review: http://www.gameswelt.de/articles/reviews/6984-MotorStorm_Apocalypse/index.html
71%, graphics 4 out of 8. They are basically saying that MS:A looks worse than PR and MS1, almost like a PS2 game from time to time, just some nice explosion and rain effects. I just don't get how any reviewer can state something like that. MS:A is clearly one of the prettiest games I played so far, the graphics are breathtaking sometimes. The framerate is rocksolid.
Is it me? Is there some kind of parallel world and they are playing a different motorstorm? I just don't see it, really. How can they say stuff like that. That's totally beyond me. They are showing off this awesome hurricane beachwalk course with all the stuff going on and the awesome lighting while stating "graphics are not good". What the hell, seriously.
What kind of blinding weed have these guys been smoking?Thrakier said:71%, graphics 4 out of 8. They are basically saying that MS:A looks worse than PR and MS1, almost like a PS2 game from time to time, just some nice explosion and rain effects. I just don't get how any reviewer can state something like that. MS:A is clearly one of the prettiest games I played so far, the graphics are breathtaking sometimes. The framerate is rocksolid.
Stackboy said:Picked up the game in Australia, love it.
If anyone wants to play online, my PSN ID is StackboyRoyale.
BeeDog said:I don't agree, the handling is much more forgiving than Pacific Rift (which I replayed directly after trying the MS3 demo). All vehicles are more grounded and stable regardless of the terrain. Case in point, drive a motorcycle and do some fenderbending with another vehicle. In MS3, you aren't destroyed immediately (like in PR). Also, bumping into smaller geometry won't activate moon physics here anymore.
glaurung said:What kind of blinding weed have these guys been smoking?
The game looks gorgeous, plus it runs with an insane frame rate at 1080p - how many other modern games can claim that?
Unless the reviewer based his review on someone's 240p internet stream. Wouldn't be the first time either.
It is just criminally unjust to say that the game looks bad. Sure, there are other things to nitpick, if you are so inclined, but the graphics? Come on.
Sorry about the rant.