I'm pretty sure I had something before the MX440 but for the life of me I cannot remember what, so here we go...
The GeForce MX440 a pretty basic card even back in the day I believe but it was enough for me to play Counter Strike well and that's all I really wanted then.
Then came the legendary ATi 9800 Pro. This thing kept me going through vanilla WoW until I was really aching for an upgrade.
The HD 3850. Again, I was on a budget and this little beauty kept me going through my WoW phase. I still have it kicking around in the boy's PC coupled with a Athlon 64 X2 5000+ he plays Team Fortress on it.
Another budget card the HD 6850. Pretty good card considering the price, it's still in my desktop machine and will play most things reasonably well now.
And we come to my current card. The Sapphire 7870XT, it gave me a bit of hassle when I first got it due to an insufficient PSU which once replaced let this card sing. It's not the best or fastest card out there by a stretch but it serves me well and provides amazing performance for the price.
I'm not really an AMD fanatic, one of the things I usually factor into a build most is cost. I usually build on a budget and want to get the most out of my money which is where AMD cards shine.