The interview started a little early. We didn't learn too much but there was mostly more confirmation of things we already knew.
- First question was about if he was influenced by classic Samurai movies. He said that it was more just researching the time period and his/lots of others on the staff's love of Shounen manga that had more influence on the game.
- My question was next asking "Are we going to see Matsunaga Hisahide ever become a playable character? He has been an NPC twice already in the series." Kobayashi seemed shocked I even knew who Hisahide was, and thought I was Japanese :lol . Anyways he said that
unfortunately Hisahide did not show up in this game, but in the future he may and he made mention of him being in the anime.
Koba is apparently a big fan of Hisahide.
- Third question was about Dual Audio and they
basically blamed the Wii version for lack of DA saying it was a disc space issue, but they would love to have DA in a future title.
- They
reconfirmed no online play claiming Japanese players don't play games online much compared to the English markets. He said
"maybe next time" if the international version does well.
- They also
reconfirmed there will be no DLC for the game. So no audio DLC, no NPC -> PC characters DLC, etc... My guess with that being confirmed is that more than likely we will just get a SB3 Heroes in a year or so.
- When someone asked why Nobunaga was in the game when he was said to be dead to allow them to move the story forward and focus on the current stuff Koba was again shocked.
"We just released this info in Japan, how do you guys know this stuff?
You are right, he is dead, but he is kind of a Demon/Ogre King so guess what, he is back! It is actually in the story, we do explain why he comes back already." is what the translator girl said. For some reason I laughed at Demon Ogre King.
Next question was about why only 16 characters? Was the game rushed to meet a deadline?
Originally they were going to make 30+ characters but realized they didn't have enough time so they focused on the ones that we got.
When asked who he most identifies with Koba said he feels the characters are all weird and quirky but out of them all he most identifies with Masamune.
Koba and Yamamoto both love anime and were happy to see the series become an anime and introduce a larger audience of people to the series.
When asked on the differences between the Japanese and English version he said the only differences are the language/dub obvious and that
the JPN version defaults difficulty to easy while the ENG version defaults to normal. He also said on higher difficulties the enemies carry stronger weapons. The interview ended with him laughing and agreeing with the interviewer that US players are more hardcore than Japanese players.
Overall not much learned except for the default difficulty thing, the fact that it looks like Hisahide is not going to be in the game at all, possibility of online coop in the next game if SB:SH sells well and that it seems like the production team was rushed.
Here are a few more videos for SB:SH.
Look at the character / stage select screen. I like how they have the Individual Game Completion % shown for each character and how they show the map/boss/win/lose stipulations when picking a stage.
1 min Mitsunari vs Hondam video from the e3 floor demo.
Coop English E3 gameplay. Nothing special tho, Kanbei player spams the dropkick skill, Mitsunari player uses nothing but his S-string.